(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Here's the thing when it comes to the use in reference to soul winning. If you have a mouth that can speak words out of it, and you have feet that can walk, and God has blessed you with the health and ability. Because I understand not everyone's in the same situation. Obviously as you get older, health problems come. But if you have the ability to preach the gospel, use it. Don't just waste what God has given you. And I kind of mean this as a joke, but it's not really a joke. To me, the greatest life or health insurance you can have is making sure you're useful for God. Because if you're useful for God, God's going to be like, I need brother so and so. I need sister so and so. Because they're doing something for me. It's not like there's an endless amount of people serving God in this world. And so what I would say is, no matter who you are in this room, the talents and abilities that you've been given, use them. And don't waste them.