(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Be very careful to make commitments in your life, especially if you make it to God. God, I promise, right? You're scared for your life. God, I promise if you help me in this situation, if you keep me safe, I will never miss a day of church ever again. I'm going to read the Bible one hour every day. I'm going to memorize the Bible one hour every day. I'm going to get somebody saved every single day the rest of my life. I would just say, I hope you're successful in that. But be very careful to make those vows, and here's what I'm saying. You don't have to make that vow for God to protect you. If you're right with God, God's probably going to protect you. If you're not right with God, probably a last-second vow is not going to spare your life either.