(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Hey, they're trying to justify being a pedophile. They are trying very hard to justify being, it used to be that people thought being a sodomite was bizarre and wicked and weird. Now they're justifying being a pedophile. And this is what they're saying. They're saying, hey, when you're a kid, you know, you're in elementary school or middle school, you know, you got a crush on someone, you know, you kind of find, you know, this young girl attractive. You know, you're both like 11 years old and you find her attractive. And they're like, you're just like the pedophile. The difference is, as the pedophile got older, they still found an 11 year old attractive. So it's just kind of a little minor disease they got. Because you also used to find an 11 year old attractive. That's what they're saying. I'm not making that up. That is literally what they're saying to say it's normal. Hey, everybody finds, you know, little kids attractive at one point in their life, it's just they never change. They become 80 years old, a Catholic priest, and they still find a six year old attractive. That is bizarre. That's wicked. But it's becoming common. And quite honestly, the average person here in the Philippines thinks we're stranger than them.