(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) See, the world would say that, you know, whoever's the boxing champion of the world, whoever's the champion, Tyson Fury, right? That's the big name or whatever, one of them. It's like, well, there's a man's man because look at how tall he is and strong and everything. That's a tough guy. That's a man's man. Well, that's a physical fight. But here's what I want you to understand. If you're serving God, you're in a spiritual fight. Your flesh is warring against you and fighting against you. And more important than winning a physical fight is winning the spiritual fight. You say, what are you saying? Here's what I'm saying. When you wake up and read the Bible in the morning, you won a battle right there. You fought against your flesh. When you go soul winning, you spend time in prayer. You resist the temptation. You won a spiritual battle. And so, yeah, that's called being a man, being tough, winning a battle. That is far more important than winning a physical fight.