(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Now here's the thing, everybody already knows in this room there's no purgatory, right? You already know that after you die you're not crossing over. I'm assuming everybody already knew that, you already believe that. But some people would come to you and say, well, I don't believe in it, but what's wrong with going down to the graveyards with my relatives, because I don't want to offend them. I want to be able to get my Catholic relatives saved one day. Isn't that what people say? Well, I mean, you don't have to raise your hands, but I'm sure many people in this room, even though you didn't believe in it, you went down to the graveyards to try to appease your Catholic relatives. And I'm saying it's wrong to do that, it's a sin to do that, and you should not do that. There's actually something wrong with actually going. You say, well, what's wrong? Because you're giving your Catholic relatives the wrong perspective. You're making it harder to get them saved. You're not helping get them saved. You're basically showing them it's not that big of a deal, what we believe is not that different. That's what you're showing them. But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even of them that believe in his name, which were born not of blood, nor of the will of flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God. And the Bible says we become a son of God by believing on the name of Jesus. Now, here's the thing, the Catholic Church doesn't believe these verses. You say, what do you mean, Brother Stuckey? Doesn't the Catholic Church teach that everybody's a child of God? They don't teach that you have to be born again. They say everybody's a child of God. But see, the Bible says, hey, it's not of blood, so you don't just get born as a child of God. Doesn't matter what your parents believe, it's going to come down to what you believe. And the Bible's saying you've got to be born again. So here's the thing. What we believe and what the Catholic Church believes are polar opposites to one another. And when you go down to the graveyards, what you're saying is, hey, it's not that big of a difference. We both believe in Jesus. We both believe in the Trinity. We both believe in the Ten Commandments. It's like you're giving them the wrong perspective. And what you're honestly doing when you go down to the graveyards is you are making excuses to not preach to your Catholic relatives, and you know that to be true in your heart. You are putting it off and trying to justify it by saying, well, I'm keeping the relationship with them. Yeah, and you're not preaching the gospel to them because you're either too afraid or too lazy or because you don't know how to do it. You say, well, Stuckey, that's really rude and offensive. You made me really mad with what you just said. How dare you say I'm too scared? Well, prove me wrong.