(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Now let me just be very clear from a biblical standpoint. What does God think about abortion? Isaiah 7 verse 14 Isaiah 7 verse 14 Therefore the Lord himself shall give you a sign behold a virgin shall conceive and bear a son and shall call his name Immanuel Bible says a virgin shall conceive and bear a son. This is you know the word we know conception shall conceive Conception now, of course the big argument when does life begin at conception at Implantation somewhere down the line or when the baby comes out of the womb So the question is what does the Bible teach? Because what I'm saying is abortion is murder. Let me just prove to you from the Word of God go to Matthew 1 Remember a virgin shall conceive a virgin shall conceive Matthew 1 verse 23 Matthew 1 verse 23 Matthew 1 verse 23 behold a virgin shall be with child and shall bring forth a son See in Isaiah 7 a virgin shall conceive in Matthew 1 verse 23 a virgin shall be with child What is the Bible saying life begins at? conception Not at implantation a couple weeks later now Here's where that's important because most Christians would say they're against killing a baby inside the belly But what Christians accept in 2023 is forms of birth control that are murdering innocent children? Because on and look I know there's a lot of birth control pills out there I do not claim to be an expert but when you have things like the day after pill there They want to destroy the pregnancy and what they'll say is well We prevent it from taking place and then they'll give two options of how this takes place One is we make it so a woman is not fertile, but she will not ovulate she won't even Get pregnant and that usually will work But there's a backup mechanism and what it's called is it prevents implantation Now implantation occurs a few weeks after conception. I'm doctor Vaishali Joshi consultant obstetrician and gynecologist practicing at clown 9 Hospital Malat Mumbai The morning after pills work In different manners It first prevents The ovulation because of the high dose of progesterone hormone It also thins out the lining of the womb and it also prevents Environment in the uterus to a for implantation of an fertilized egg But Here's the thing. We don't believe that life begins at implantation two weeks later The Bible shows us life begins at conception when you're taking those birth control pills You are murdering innocent children and they're known as silent abortions because you're not aware of it taking place But these are facts if you don't believe me educate yourself I Mean study Learn this stuff these are facts and it is hypocritical for Christian to say well I would never get an abortion, but I'll take birth control pills that will prevent implantation You're being hypocritical and you're murdering innocent children inside of your womb