(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Billy Graham in the modern day. Now, let me just spend a couple minutes quickly talking about Billy Graham because look I'm not a fan of Billy Graham at all And I want you to realize if you are a fan of him Which maybe some people in here are I want you to go on YouTube sometime and watch an interview with Larry King Where Billy Graham says you do not have to believe in the name of Jesus to go to heaven He very clearly says you do not have to believe in Jesus God is calling people out of the Hindu world in the Muslim world And he's like people that have never heard the name of Jesus Can be saved He said you do not he clearly says in there you do not have to believe in Jesus and once you realize Billy Graham also did not believe in a literal help You can see quotes where he does not believe in a literal help and guess what Billy Graham was very very close friends with the Pope Pope John Paul He was very I mean going going on Google and look at the pictures man. He's so happy to take a picture with the Pope It's like look I have no interest in taking a picture of the Pope, okay Billy Graham was a Baptist preacher by name, but he always preached a work salvation And when you listen to him back in the nineteen You know I don't know 30s 40s whenever he started He was preaching a work salvation at the very beginning in the 40s or 50s whenever he started you can pull up old clips And you can hear him preach a work salvation But this is what would take place at Billy Graham crusades with thousands of people They basically invite these big crowds and from all these denominations this Ecumenical thing this inner denominational tons of people come one of the big people that played music for Billy Graham was Johnny Cash Okay so he had these big name musical people playing music and What he would do is you'd come down to the front with the altar call and it actually started the first people that came down With altar calls at these altar calls were actually people that worked for Billy Graham They were pretending to get saved here to try to make people emotional and it look this is a fact And if you've ever talked to someone who's been at a Billy Graham crusade, this is what took place Okay, and if you were a Catholic that walked down the aisle, this is what they would tell you the workers and Billy Graham It's like all right. Well straight to have you what's your denomination? You're Catholic. Here's a Catholic priest over here. You can talk to That is what took place actually and this is not my opinion. This is a fact and if anybody looks this up This is true Billy Graham did not believe in a literal hell. It was this big ecumenical thing If you're a Lutheran, here's the Lutheran if you're a Presbyterian, here's the Presbyterian if you're a Pentecostal Here's a guy speaking in tongues over here in the corner. Just go follow him. That is what they did With Billy Graham, he always believed to work salvation and he taught you do not have to believe in Jesus to go to heaven You can check that out with Larry King. Okay, very very clearly. Okay, and you can go on and on about Billy Graham I don't want you for sake of time, but I want you to realize when somebody is loved by the world They're probably a false prophet and Billy Graham is loved by the world and look all the Baptist churches They love Billy Graham around here, right? Yeah, I encourage you if that's you check out what I'm saying Go go and see if he was good friends with the Pope and you're gonna find out. Wow He I mean he actually made a statement one time and I'm not gonna perfectly quote this But he said something like he said Pope John Paul He thought was the greatest man of the 20th century and look I was on YouTube And I heard him at a Bill Clinton thing talking about Bill Clinton and this is what Billy Graham told Bill Clinton You know, I believe that if you had chosen a different career path I think you could have become one of the great evangelists of our time Bill Clinton. I Watched that with my own eyes Bill Clinton. It's like are you are you kidding me? It's like Look at Matthew 9, okay