(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) When I was a child, I spoke as a child. I understood as a child. I thought as a child. When I became a man, I put away childish things. The Bible says that eventually you reach an age where you grow up and you put away childish things. When I was a kid, my favorite store to go to was Toys R Us. Why? Because there's all kinds of toys, all kinds of video games, all kinds of bouncing balls. The song of Toys R Us, it's like, I don't want to grow up, I'm a Toys R Us kid, there's a million toys that I could play with, but you know what, that's actually very unbiblical. That's okay for a six year old to think, or seven, or eight, or nine, but eventually, grow up! You're not a kid anymore. Yeah, it's sad when you see somebody who's middle-aged that's trying to act like a kid. You're going to stop lying and there's somebody who's like 50 years old and they've got their windows down listening to like, I don't know, like Grubz Upper or something, and they're like, with long hair or rock shirt on. It's like, you're 50 years old! You're acting like a kid! It's like, get over your mid-life crisis! Right? It's like, you're not a kid anymore! And it's like, eventually you grow up and act like an adult! It's fun for kids to play and have fun, but eventually you grow up and there's men and there's women that need to realize, just grow up! You're not a kid anymore! It's a different life!