(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) I remember when I was just a young person in college and the you know the worship leader as they called it at the church I was at because I was at a very non-denominational type Baptist Church. He's like check out this song and he's like he took Amazing Grace and he put it to the tune of the song the House of the Rising Sun. Does anybody know the song the House of the Rising Sun? God bless you I see that hand right? I'm sorry that's garbage. Amazing Grace is a great song not Amazing Grace set to the tune of some worldly drug addict that wrote the House of the Rising Sun because the melody itself also has meanings but it's a shock to the system because wait a minute wait a minute my old church I mean the music was you know very similar to the rock music I used to listen to now I come here and it's like that wasabi. I mean that wasabi Baptist Church their music right? Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord. The Bible is very clear in this and you know throughout the book of Psalms it's talking about praising God praising God praising God well how do you praise God? Well you praise him through the music you play and also with the words that are being said the songs that we sing should be praising God and not ourselves and they should be talking about the things of the Bible things that are true things that are correct it ought to teach doctrine so for example with our songs you have songs like nothing but the blood there's power in the blood are you washing the blood what does that teach the blood of Christ is required for salvation it reinforces what we believe but here's the thing if you sing a song that's that specific well John MacArthur's offended because whether you realize it or not John MacArthur says you do not need the blood according to him Jesus could have jumped off a cliff and that would have been good enough well I'm sorry that's not what the Word of God says when you sing songs that have words that have meaning it will isolate certain people from listening or think about the song holy holy holy doesn't that teach what we believe but what if your oneness Pentecostal what do you do God is one person blessed unity you just change the words they're not gonna like the song holy holy holy you say why because it rebukes their heresy and see when you sing songs that have real words what happens it offends a lot of people because they don't agree the songs we sing are not going to appeal to a Muslim right they're not going to appeal to a Hindu they're not going to appeal to a Buddhist but you know what song will appeal to a Hindu our God is an awesome God I mean hey I agree with that right some Hindu this worshiping Shiva I agree God's awesome so Muslim I agree God is awesome that's not the songs we sing in our church you say why because they teach and reinforce what we believe