(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Think about a lot of Hollywood actresses or singers that are very famous, very attractive by the world's standards. And then you hear the words that are coming out of their mouth. Pro-abortion, pro-LGBT. All of a sudden it's like, actually that person's not really that attractive. Any time you were to look at them you could not separate their attitude from their physical beauty. Taylor Swift is just like the great example to think of. She was like the conservative young girl and it's like, oh, look at how sweet and innocent and godly this young girl is. And then ten years later it's like, whoa. Hardcore pro-LGBT, right, you know, very much dresses like a harlot. It's just like, and all of a sudden it's like, well, I don't really care what the outward beauty is. It's like you cannot separate the attitude from their looks.