(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) As Christians, we need to get this in our heads that we are going to live our lives differently than the way the world lives our lives. How does the world live their lives? Life is all about money, money, money. I remember before I was saved when I was in college, you know, I was not saved and I was thinking in my head, what's the meaning of life? I was like, I'm going to graduate and I'm going to have this career and I'm going to go to work. Is that what life is all about? And I just felt this massive thing missing and I didn't know what it was. And then when I got saved, I realized my goal, what I'm here to do is get other people to go to heaven also. Now, I didn't know what that meant at the time. I didn't understand soul winning or what to say, but I realized, you know what? My life is not about me. My life is about God. And what I would say to all of us is, hey, let's get back to what the real meaning of life is because that's probably how you felt when you got saved. But sometimes life kind of just gets in the way, doesn't it? And all of a sudden the things that you know, the things that you realize, they just kind of get faded out because we get so focused on things of this life that mean nothing for all eternity.