(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) something I haven't done in the past but I'm gonna try going forward with various videos and things that I say I'm gonna tell people they should move to our church it's not really something I've done before but let me let me explain something to you about Metro Manila or even in Angeles guess what you can find jobs here in fact there's a lot of people in our room maybe most people you're not originally from Metro Manila and you came here for one reason for work guess what's more important than work church and for people that man I wish I had a church in my area I mean look I understand it's not possible for everyone to move right now I get that I'm not trying to be overly extreme let me just help you out with something though when I decided to be trained for the ministry our family moved to Sacramento and guess what my career that I'd spent you know six seven years studying for and preparing it doesn't exist except in the really big cities in the u.s. and Sacramento is not that big of a city and so I basically just said I'm forsaking my career you say why do you get trained for the ministry you said but what if you didn't become a pastor I still have a great church