(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) And you might be insulted by what I'm gonna say, but here's the truth. I believe husbands make a higher percentage of correct decisions than their wives. And it's not a matter of intelligence. It's called guys don't add emotion into decisions. They look at it completely logically. Does that mean your husband's always right? It does not mean he's always right. And he can be mad and say I'm sexist and whatever. I don't care. There's a reason why God put men in charge of making the decision. That does not make men smarter than wives. It does not make them better than wives. It makes the fact that God put them as the leaders in the home to make those decisions. Having emotion in your decisions, it can be a very good thing in raising kids. But here's the thing. Sometimes you just gotta make decisions and it doesn't matter what the emotions are. This is the best decision and this is not. Now I'm not saying it's like that with every single husband and every single wife, but regardless of whether or not you agree with what I said and regardless of whether or not you think I'm the biggest sexist in the world, it does not change the fact that husbands are the head and they make the decisions.