(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Now, in these first three verses, what I notice here, the instructions that God gives to Moses, they are simple instructions. He does not make it complicated. He does not make it confusing. He makes it very simple what He wants Moses to do. This is the way God operates. This book is not a confusing book. The basics of how to live the Christian life, they're not complicated. The Bible says to read therein all the days of thy life. We're supposed to read the Bible every day. Who here would raise their hand and say, Brother Stuckey, I had no idea I was supposed to read the Bible every day. Now that you said it, I'm going to start doing it. Is there anyone who would raise their hand and say that? No, everybody in here knows they're supposed to read the Bible. Everybody in here knows they're supposed to pray. Everybody in here knows they're supposed to go to church. See, God's instructions, they're not complicated. Nobody is going to be a believer and read through the Bible cover to cover every year. After 20 years, they come to the conclusion, wow, I just realized we're supposed to spank our kids. I never realized that. No, because God made it simple. He made it easy to understand. It's very simple. It's not complicated where you have to be some sort of guru or go to Bible college to understand it. No, it is very simple in this book. God outlined it. If you're saved and you have the Holy Spirit inside of you, it's not going to be complicated.