(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Now it's important for us to understand what is jealousy because in today's world the word envy and jealousy They have been used basically interchangeably Envy is when you want something that belongs to somebody else So for example, if you have a nice house and I say you know what I want that house You're being covetous and you're envying someone for what they have and you do not have but here's the thing if somebody steals my house I'll be like get out of my house because I'm jealous over my house. It belongs to me So for example when you get married, you know It's not wrong for a husband or wife to be jealous over their spouse because you belong to each other and here's the thing It is not wrong for God to be jealous You know why because God demands our worship and we should not be worshipping false gods We should not be bowing down to false idols So for example in the Old Testament when they're bowing down to a golden calf, it's like hey, I brought you out of Egypt I rescued you I saved you and now you're worshipping their gods and they had you in bondage And yes, God is jealous about that why because we were meant and created to worship God and to please God