(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) It sounds strange, but sometimes we can get so wrapped up to serving God that we forget about God. You say, what do you mean? What I mean is, what a tendency can be at big soul-winning events is people don't read the Bible or spend time with God, and then they do the soul-winning events. Because they're tired, you know, they're just like, alright, they wake up early. Well, for example, you know what, on church days you probably don't do the most Bible reading that you do. Because you're going to church, like we've got church and fellowship and all these things, and then you're going to get back tonight and it's like, wow, I didn't do my Bible reading. And I say this because I also speak from experience. I go on so many events, really exciting times, and then all of a sudden you realize, I didn't even spend any time with God. And what I'm saying is, do both.