(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) And here's what you have to understand. Islam does not rise and fall on one event like Christianity. Hinduism does not rise and fall on one event like Christianity. Buddhism does not rise and fall on one event like Christianity. But Christianity rises and falls on the resurrection of Jesus Christ. And if there is no resurrection, if Jesus never rose again, everything we do is in vain. Everything we do is pointless. Everything we do is a waste of time. Look, if it turned out he didn't rise again, you know what my advice to you would be? Live it up on earth. Do whatever makes you happy because serving God means nothing since it's all fake anyway. If everything was fake, you're throwing your life away right now. If it was all fake, we're the most miserable people on earth. See, here's the thing. Because we know the resurrection is a fact that it's true. Everything we do is worth it.