(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) And honestly, I believe all of these points apply not just to your spiritual life, but just great leaders in general, okay? I mean, you look at the presidents of our country, because the Bible talks about at the time kings go forth to battle, the kings were supposed to be leading the charge, okay? David was out there leading the charge. Our leaders today, they don't lead the charge. They're not very good leaders, okay? They're not leading the charge. They're terrible leaders. I mean, how many wars do you think we would fight in if Barack Obama had to be the first person at the front of battle? Or if George Bush had to be at the front of battle? I don't think we would be fighting too many wars, okay? But the kings do not go forth to battle in today's world, okay? And the sad thing is this, you know, I don't really care that much about the politics, whatever, but there's too many pastors that don't lead the charge. And there's too many independent Baptist pastors who say, we'll let them come here, we'll have this big fancy altar call, and I did my part, my hands are clean of this. Because they raised their hand and they said they're not saved, but they didn't come down to the altar, so, you know, I don't have to worry about talking to them. Where is that in the Bible? I mean, it's ridiculous that, and pastors today, they are not leading the charge, okay? It's one thing if the world doesn't follow this principle, but we need pastors to lead the charge.