(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) See, here's the 40-day challenge, or I guess a 31-day challenge, that if you spend the next 31 days with God, meaning you set aside distractions and you read the Bible every single day and you've never done it before, after 31 days, you're just going to be different than you were before those 31 days. I promise you that. You're going to start reading the Bible, or you're going to start quoting the Bible like you've never quoted it before. You're going to have stories come to your mind that you're going to want to talk about, like, man, there's this story in the New Testament. This is exciting! You never noticed it before. And you're going to bring that excitement to your relatives, and they're going to be like, eh. They're not going to find the same excitement in it. You're going to bring it to your co-workers like, man, you know that story? You know, Jesus, and they're like, eh. They don't care. Now, unfortunately, I mean, just because you're excited doesn't mean everybody's going to be excited about the Word of God.