(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Let's just go back to James and I'll read from 1st John 5-7, For there are three that bear record in heaven, there's the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost, and these three are one. That say that one is pretending to be all three, one does all three, it says that these three bear witness, these three are one. Now I was going soul winning and my soul winning partner was me and him, we were with this teenager, and I was wearing this black jacket and I had some BDUs on, some military khaki pants on, and we were just going soul winning, I believe it was on a Wednesday night, and I had these glasses on but it was still daylight, and this teenager is just like, man, you kind of remind me, you know, of Arnold Schwarzenegger from Terminator 2 Judgement Day. I'm not sure if that even comes close, I get it, my hair is a little bit darker, I'm like, okay, whatever. But I'm thinking, how do you even know about Terminator 2 Judgement Day? How do you even know about that? You know, you're like, what, 15? And they're like, oh, it's one of my favorite movies. I'm like, this movie is like 27 years old. How the heck do you even know about this movie? But I'm bringing it up for one reason, because I figured if a teenager knows what I'm talking about, you guys are laughing, you guys probably know what I'm talking about as well. So Terminator 2 is simply this, this is the God that these one is believing. They believe that their God is like the T-1000. Raise your hand if you know what the T-1000 is. Right? It's just one Terminator that morphs into one individual, another individual, and another individual, but yet it's just one Terminator. Who knows what I'm talking about? Is that the God of the Bible? A guy that for this situation morphs into this individual, this situation morphs into this individual, this situation morphs into an individual to accomplish certain missions. Is that the God that we serve? Absolutely not.