(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) You know, they have a 40 hour a week schedule. A 40 hour a week schedule. You know, it's like, you're borrowing 20 bucks here, 100 bucks here, and it's like, and you get off at what time? And you work how many hours a day? And then at that point I'm just sitting back like, you know what? I don't know, but I guess you're special because last time I read the Bible Exodus 29 says this, six days should thou labor. And Christ said, aren't there 12 hours in that day? And I don't know, but it says six days should thou labor, and do all thy work. It doesn't say five days, it says six days. And Exodus 20, 11 says this, for in six days the Lord made heaven and the earth and the sea and all that in the midst, and rested the seventh day, wherefore the Lord blessed the seventh day and hallowed it. Look, if God works six days, who the heck are you to just stick along with five days? I mean, you should be ashamed of taking money from people that are working 12 hour days. 16 hour days, because you refuse to work that part-time job. And it's not like they need to work two jobs, they don't. It's like you're already working 40, get a part-time job doing two more days. And what makes me laugh is they stick around the church bed until like 11 at night, I'm thinking you're borrowing money, why aren't you out there working until 11 at night? What in the world? So when you see these people right here in James, I don't think it's talking about them. Because the reason they're broke is because they're wicked, it's that simple. They refuse, and I wish that these people would stop being wicked and start working a little harder and quit going around asking for money. Because you clearly got the time to put in the hours, why don't you work the 12 hour days? You're borrowing money from people that do, but they refuse to do so. So it just makes me laugh because you know what, people that are just broke as a joke, you know, I'm talking to them, but that's because they're not putting in a full effort. And they're always telling people, man, if you're as broke as I am, and then I'll just kind of like think, okay, well, they're probably working a lot of hours, you know, if you're like, man, you must be working with art. Then it turns out that the job is very easy. Not just that, their job doesn't take all day. And sure enough, that's why you're not being able to pay your bills. You know, because you're not doing what God told you to do. And they want to be preachers and they can barely pay their bills. You know, but some people may be thinking, oh, you know what, how do you know they're not just going through hard times? You know, how do you know that they're wicked or whatever? Because you know what, the Bible says six days, if you're not packing it, work six days. And I haven't seen it. And it's not like it was like for a month or two months, it's like a year or so. But they're just still with the same job, nothing changes, and they just continue to borrow money. I don't know what's going on with that. But those are not the people in James 2. The people in James 2 are the ones that are working hard, they're doing everything they can, you see them, they're lacking the little, you have some, you come in and you give them out of compassion. Those are the difference. People that are able to show that, hey, I'm working two jobs, I'm just tight right now, if you like coming in and just want to be a blessing to them. But the ones that come to you and you give them the benefit of the doubt and you turn out like, hey man, you might want to obey that commandment that says six days without labor, and you'll be surprised how everybody that works six days somehow is able to pay for all their stuff. And the ones that can't is only once or twice that they come around and then you see them helping other people. And you know what's even funnier? This is the funnier part. That I've been at my church for about eight years and I've had probably about four men come up to me and borrow money from me, but you know what? Every single year we have single ladies and you know how many single ladies have ever gotten up and asked for money? None, none. And you've got men that are able, they're stronger than them. How is it that the single ladies come to church and they don't borrow money from no one? And in fact, they're giving out money. Because then it comes around and people figure out, hey, borrow from such and such. A woman, what in the world? This dude has the guts to go up to a woman and ask for money? What's up with that? You would want to say, hey, these guys are trying hard, but I've never seen a woman that comes in and single working a job ever go and ask anybody for money. It always tends to be the single men. Or the ones that are married, but you can see that they're not trying hard. They want it easy, they don't want to try too hard, but you know what? James 2 makes it clear, we should help people, but I want to just kind of separate the difference between the ones that are not trying and the ones that are trying. Let's come to the ones that are trying and the other ones that need to get right with God and work a little harder, amen.