(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) The Bible says and without controversy and so in other words Paul saying no doubt about it that's what without controversy means great is the mystery of godliness. God was manifest in the flesh and so what happened here's here's the difference between the two world religions most people are trying like the Tower of Babel to work their way up to God trying to be good enough to just get up there and you know latch on to the kingdom but God actually came down here that's the difference and actually you know no other religion believes that none they'll all say well God you know God is I mean there's one religion I'll give them that they say oh I'm God all of us are God you know like polytheistic but you know if we have it a beginning and an ending then we're not God so it just falls apart but God actually came down here he took on the form of a man the Bible says he was tempted in all points yet as we are like as we are yet without sin the Bible says he went to the cross willingly knowing what I mean greater love hath no man than this I tell I run into these Jehovah's Witnesses and they're like Jesus couldn't have been God and like no he had to have been and they say well why because greater love hath no man than this then that a man lay down his life for his friends I see people lay down their lives for each I've seen I've seen it I saw a motorcycler one time I was in Bancroft a guy laid down his life for a motorcycler pushed him out of the way as a semi was coming the other way and this guy was but in order for God to demonstrate his love wouldn't he have to lay down his own life if greater love had no men than this that a man lay down his life for his friends does that make sense God loves us more than anybody and God himself would have had to come and lay down his own life for his creation and that is why we have the element of hurt and suffering and that's why we can understand love false prophets they don't they don't want you to go soul winning I'm just gonna say that right now they want to make you feel good let me be honest soul-winning is not always fun I enjoy it sometimes but it is not always fun in fact yesterday I probably had the worst day ever thrown out of three apartments you know several doors slammed in my face one guy yelled at me they called the police you know but you know what that's not gonna stop me and it's not gonna stop any of us I know that if any of you were in that situation you'd do the same thing and in fact and in fact you'd probably keep going I stopped I have something okay this I need to take a but some of you would keep going Wayne Brandon would keep going Chuck would keep going Isaac would it brother Jason would keep going this man would keep going I know all of all of these people of God in here that are they're strong I'm not saying you others aren't strong but I'm saying that the ones that I know somewhat well you know you're strong and you're willing to go and I appreciate that and God but false prophets will say oh don't worry it's all predetermined folks if I believed it was predetermined I wouldn't be so serious about winning people to Christ it's not predetermined you know the Bible says that he's willing that none should perish but that all should come to repentance so bid them to come in