(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) But in Acts chapter 10 verse number 9 it says on the morrow as they went on their journey and drew nine of the city Peter went up on the housetop to pray about the sixth hour And he became very hungry and would have eaten but while they made ready He fell into a trance and saw the heaven opened and a certain vessel descending unto him As it had been a great sheet knit at the four corners and let down to the earth So peter has having this vision and he sees this sheet that's just coming down from heaven And the bible says we're in we're all Manner of four-footed beasts of the earth and of wild beasts and creeping things and fouls of the air And there came a voice to him rise peter kill and eat And notice what peter says he says not so lord for I have never eaten anything that is common or unclean 15 And in verse 15, it says and the voice spake unto him again the second time So god's saying look I gotta tell you again What god hath cleansed that call now not unclean So the bible says god says look i've cleansed this stuff Who knows levite khan? He's a he's kind of a famous hebrew rooter He's he's a hebrew roots teacher And you know what he said about peter. He says while peter was having a demonic influence On him. That's what he said about the bible He said the story in acts chapter 10 was peter under demonic influence So do these people believe the bible? Is the bible their final authority? No, so where does it come from? I'll tell you where it comes from youtube Study that show thyself approved unto god Is what the bible says But these people are watch youtube to show thyself approved unto yahweh or god You know every single time when I was in that movement Every single time a new family would come in whether they were former baptists former lutheran former pentecostal Every single time they'd come in the movement People would always ask him. Well, how'd you get here? Oh, I watched youtube You know the the dad of the family typically would always let the mom run the roost You Know and people are oh, you know, you're sexist brother powell. You're you're you know, that's that's like racism. No, that's how god set it up And you know what you can't serve two masters and there can't be two heads of the home There can't be two pastors. There can't be two head pastors here There's one man of god And the bible says that he's the under shepherd Jesus being the chief cornerstone the bible says obey them that have the rule over you who watch for your souls