(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) you know and I just want to say this there's people that accuse us who's ever heard this term cheap grace I have oh you preach cheap grace let me tell you something the blood of Christ is not cheap the blood of Christ is not cheap how dare anybody say such a thing about the Lord oh you preach cheap grace he gave everything for me he gave everything for you oh you you teach that it's easy to be saved yeah cuz Jesus did the hard part when he cried out it is finished it was done it was done my sin was paid for they took his body down they buried it but that third day he rose again from the dead and that's a historical fact I'm so thankful I am so thankful in the blood of Christ it's not cheap you know people say oh you're cheapening the grace of Christ you're cheapening the blood of Christ by telling somebody that it's just believe and receive you're cheapening the blood of Christ by adding your works in and cheapening his grace and cheapening his sacrifice if Paul came to me and said Matt I want to offer you a million dollars I say no I'm gonna I'm just gonna have not I'll come up with the 999,000 and you can just give me the dollar what I've done is I've just cheapened your sacrifice I've cheapened your gift so when people say oh you preach cheap grace your church preach you all you young people and I love it when people say that because we're filled with young people here