(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) I don't want to get too deep into this, but June is pride month, you know, and pride, you know, they're holding up all these pride flags, you know, it's amazing, David said the proud have digged a pit for me, which is not after thy law. So these proud people are digging a pit, they're trying to bring other people in, they're trying to recruit children, and they're dangerous people, and they're very evil and we are to hate the evil way. We are not to be like them. We are not to be like the evolutionists, like the Mormon or the atheist or the Jew, we're supposed to be separated, and we're supposed to be humble, hey, when you knock that door and tell somebody about the Lord, you need to keep a humble spirit about you. It's very easy, like, look folks, I know it's easy to say, I have the truth, and you need to listen, and I've got it figured out, you know, and you know what, we do have it figured out, we got salvation, amen, we have Jesus Christ, he's the way the truth and the life, once saved, always saved, we've got the fundamentals of the faith, but it's no excuse to get haughty and arrogant, even John the Baptist says he must increase and I must decrease, we need to decrease and not be haughty.