(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this to visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction and to keep himself unspotted from the world yes soul winning is important yes soul winning is the most important ministry a church can do but soul winning is not everything that a church should be doing and soul winning is not the only thing that a church should be doing so let's think of some examples how about the nursing home i'll read for you james 1 27 says pure religion and undefiled before god and the father is this to visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction and to keep himself unspotted from the world you know i guarantee you that jesus has pleasure when we go to those old folks who their family has you know ditched them in some home they don't have a lot of fellowship i guarantee you that god has pleasure when we go and actually spend time with those people and actually preach them the word of god teach them doctrines get them saved you know yes we we get them saved too but there's more than more than just soul winning going on at that nursing home you know there's friendships there's talking to people that need someone to talk to and not everything is about soul winning sometimes we get this this bad balance this false balance and sometimes in our movement we could apply this to our movement where people get so zealous for soul winning where they think it's the only thing that matters it's like oh why are you doing anything else other than soul winning how dare you spend time with your wife forsake your wife you know go soul winning 24 7 no there's other works that a church should be doing than soul winning and honestly if you're only doing soul winning you're not doing any other work that's wrong if you're forsaking all of your bible reading just so you could go soul winning all the time you're wrong you have a bad balance and if a church did nothing but soul win we just met monday through monday and every night we went soul winning we did nothing else that's not the best church that's not what god wants for us yes it's the most important work but god saw more in the church of ephesus than their soul winning because they weren't going soul winning we'll get to that later but he still said i know your work i know your labor