(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) ["Pomp and Circumstance"] ["Pomp and Circumstance"] So what about to Luke 17 Luke chapter 17 If you need a Bible put your hand up and I'm not sure come I bring you a Bible Luke 17 If you need a Bible keep your hand up and I'm sure we'll come by Luke chapter number 17 We'll read the entire chapter as our custom Luke 17 beginning verse number one then said he unto the disciples it is impossible, but that offenses will come But woe unto him through whom they come It were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck And he cast into the sea and that he should offend one of these little ones Take heed to yourselves if thy brother trespass against thee rebuke him and if you repent forgive him It be trespassed against thee seven times in a day And seven times in a day turn again to thee saying I repent thou shalt forgive him And the apostle said unto the lord increase our faith And the lord said if he had faith as a grain of mustard seed You might say into the sickening tree be thou plucked up by the root and be thou planted in the sea and it should obey you But which of you having a servant plying or feeding cattle will say unto him by and by when he's come from the field Go and sit down to me Will not rather say unto him make ready wherewith I may sup and gird thyself and make and serve me Till I've eaten drunken and afterward thou shalt eat and drink Does he thank that servant because he did the things that were commanded him I tro not So likewise ye when he shall have done all those things which are commanded commanded you say we are unprofitable servants We have done that which was our duty to do And it came to pass as he went to Jerusalem that he passed through the midst of Samaria and Galilee And as he entered into a certain village there met him ten men that were lepers which stood afar off And he lifted up their voices and said jesus master have mercy on us and when he saw them he said unto them Go show yourselves into the priests And it came to pass that as they went they were cleansed And one of them when he saw that he was healed turned back with a loud voice glorified god And fell down on his face at his feet giving him. Thanks and he was a samaritan And jesus answering said were there not ten cleansed but where are the nine? They are not found that return to give glory to god save this stranger and he said unto him arise go thy way Thy faith hath made thee whole When he was demanded of the pharisees when the kingdom of god should come he answered them and said The kingdom of god cometh not with observation Neither shall they say lo here or lo there for behold the kingdom of god is within you And he said unto the disciples The days will come when he shall desire to see one of the days of the son of man and he shall not see it And they shall say to you see here or see there go not after them nor follow them Whereas the lightning that light that lighteneth out of the one part under heaven shineth unto the other part under heaven So shall also the son of man be in his day But first must he suffer many things and be rejected of this generation And as it was in the days of noe so shall it be also in the days of the son of man They did eat they drank they married wives They were given in marriage until the day that noe entered into the ark and the flood came and destroyed them all Likewise also as it was in the days of lot they did eat they drank they bought they sold they planted they builded But the same day that lot went out of sodom it rained fire and brimstone from heaven and destroyed them all Even thus shall it be in the day when the son of man is revealed in that day He which shall be upon the housetop and his stuff in the house. Let him not come down to take it away And he that is in the field let him likewise not return back Remember lot's wife Whosoever shall seek to save his life shall lose it And whosoever shall lose his life shall preserve it I tell you in that night. There shall be two men in one bed. The one shall be taken and the other shall be left Two women shall be grinding together the one shall be taken and the other left Two men shall be in the field the one shall be taken and the other left and they answered and sentenced him where lord? And he said unto them wheresoever the body is thither will the eagles be gathered together. Let's pray Heavenly father thank you for tonight. You gotta thank you for this conference as he give us a tender heart to your word As he please be the pastor shelly god strength the lord filling her spirit. We love you. Jesus and pray. Amen Amen I first want to say, uh, thank you to verde baptist church for uh hosting this conference and especially to pastor jimenez and his wife Uh for being so hospitable And it's a great honor and privilege to come here and be able to preach to all of you And I want to thank all those that came to hear pastor Anderson early to preach this evening so that I could have a big crowd to preach to so Let's dig into our text here. It says in verse number 12 it says And as he entered in a certain village talking about jesus christ, it says there met him ten men that were lepers Which stood afar off and they lifted up their voices and said jesus master have mercy on us And when he saw them he said unto them go show yourselves unto the priests and it came to pass that as they went They were cleansed and one of them when he saw that he was healed turned back and with a loud voice glorified god and fell down on his face at his feet giving him thanks and he was a samaritan and jesus answering said Were there not ten cleansed? But where are the nine they're not found the return to give glory to god save This stranger and we have a great story here of the lord Jesus christ and his mercy all those that call out to him and ask of that mercy notice He didn't turn a single one away He granted mercy unto all ten didn't he and they were all cleansed Uh, we could take this as a picture of salvation that whosoever shall call upon the name of the lord shall be saved And the bible makes it clear that god is of great mercy and he wants people to be saved But notice the emphasis of this is not the fact that ten people were saved But rather the emphasis is the fact there's only one Out of these ten that was willing to go back and actually give glory and honor to god There's only one that ended up what worshipping Jesus going back and serving him going and worshipping him and jesus asked this famous question. Where are the nine? Meaning where are they at? They should be giving me honor. They should be giving me glory They should be serving me. I mean, I just gave them great mercy. I just healed them. I just cleansed them Why are they not coming and glorifying? God and there's a lot of things we could take out of this story But one thing I really want to take out of this story is the fact that these nine people were all freeloaders And the title of the sermon this evening is freeloaders And there's a lot of freeloaders in christianity And even though they were all saved guess what they were a freeloader because they weren't willing to give anything back And they say what is a freeloader? That's not necessarily a word you find in the king james bible But the concept is very clear from the scriptures. I'll give you a definition from the dictionary It says a person who takes advantage of others generosity Without giving anything in return now, isn't that a great description of what these nine were like? They were willing to accept the free gift of cleansing They were willing to accept the free gift of being healed, but did they give anything back in return? No Now go if you would to john chapter number six john chapter number six I think one of the clearest examples we have of this that we see every day is soul winning I mean a lot of people accept the free gift of salvation at the door, won't they? But then here's the question. Where are they? Right? I mean, where do they go? Where are the nine or the 99 or the 900? I mean, where are these people? That don't end up they get saved they get that free gift But are they willing to go back and give glory to god? Are they willing to go and to serve god? Unfortunately in christianity you have a lot of people that are freeloaders today. They're only in it for themselves They're only selfish now, obviously There's nothing wrong with accepting free gifts. There's nothing wrong with accepting that salvation. There's nothing wrong with getting cleansed There's nothing wrong with receiving the mercy of god But what is wrong is not going back and giving glory to the person that gave that gift to you There's nothing wrong with accepting a gift The problem is you should then be thankful for the gift that you have received and I have three points this evening My first point about freeloaders is that they're selfish Not selfless. They're selfish not Selfless now in john chapter number six. We have another story here. Look at verse number five the bible reads When jesus then lifted up his eyes and saw a great company come unto him He saith unto philip whence shall we buy bread that these may eat and this he said to prove him for he himself knew What he would do philip answered him 200 penny worth of bread is not sufficient for them that every one of them May take a little one of his disciples andrew simon's peter brother saith unto him There is a lad here which have five barley loaves and two small fishes, but what are they among so many? And jesus said make the men sit down now There was much grass in the place So the men sat down and number about five thousand and jesus took the loaves and when he had given thanks He distributed to the disciples and the disciples to them that were set down And likewise of the fishes as much as they would and they were filled and he said unto his disciples gather up the fragments that remain That nothing be lost now another story here and it's really the exact same Storyline that I want to show from the previous passage We see that there was many people that were hungry And jesus christ feeds them with what with bread And what the miracle is is the fact that just even a small amount of bread a small amount of food is able to be distributed To all every single one which is a picture of the fact that jesus christ Even though there was one man that died he tasted death for every man and whosoever will Shall come so that means just even that one sacrifice he can multiply that to anybody and they can all Be satisfied I also like the fact that notice how they receive that food jesus gave it to the disciples And the disciples distribute it to the people you know what that is that's soul winning Jesus christ uses men to go out and to preach the gospel and to feed the hungry And to give drink unto those that are thirsty his sacrifice and again, there's nothing wrong with accepting free food I like free food. Okay. I've got I got a free lunch today from round table pizza And it was great. It was excellent. It was wonderful And there's nothing wrong with accepting that free gift But you know you should do you should be thankful for the gift that you received Now skip down and we're going to see that jesus christ. He crosses the water And a lot of people follow him. They want to hear more of his preaching as it would be assumed But it says in verse 25 and when they found him on the other side of the sea they said unto him rabbi When cameest thou hither? Jesus answered them said verily verily I say unto you ye seek me not because he saw the miracles But because he did eat of the loaves and were filled labor not for the meat which perisheth But for that meat which endureth unto everlasting life which the son of man shall give unto you for him hath god the father Sealed now that airtight proves what I just showed you from the illustration Jesus christ likened that eating of those loaves unto the sacrifice. He was going to give of his body, right? But notice that the freeloader He can't get enough can he I mean he got the first meal But then you know what he wants another meal and jesus christ is rebuking them by saying Oh, you're just wanting to get fed again, aren't you? You're just here to get the free food to just show up You're just a freeloader and look freeloaders can never have enough. Let me give you an example I used to go trick-or-treating when I was little all right I'll confess my fault and some people they're kind of lazy with the trick-or-treating And some of my neighbors would do this instead of actually like going through all the motions They would just get a big bowl of candy And they would just set it out on the front porch and they would put a note. Please take one Now now let me tell you what happens the first person takes all the candy Actually, they take all the candy, but the garbage candy Okay, and then the second kid comes and cleans up all the garbage candy like the pez stuff and whatever But look freeloaders they can never have enough they're going to take as much as you're going to give them And jesus christ was rebuking them because they didn't really care about the spiritual things They were just there to get some kind of a carnal satisfaction, which will never give you true satisfaction. Look at verse 28 Then said they unto him What shall we do that we might work the works of god? Jesus answered and said unto them this is the work of god that you believe on him whom he hath sent They said therefore in them what sign showest thou then that we may see and believe thee or What dost thou work? Now just think about the irony of this statement. He just fed them by some incredible miracle I mean, no one's ever seen this type of miracle And then they travel this great distance to get that same miracle of eating and then like what sign are you going to show me? It's like what sign do you want? I mean they can never have enough, right? And if they show them another sign They want another one and then you show them another sign and they'll want another one. Jesus christ didn't stop giving them signs Did he though he kept healing he did all kinds of miracles before their eyes yet. They did not believe on him why because the freeloader is never going to be satisfied and He's not willing to serve Because ultimately he's selfish notice that these people show up and say jesus put us to work Hey jesus, what can I do? He's going to tell him hey believe on me, right? He's giving them something to do Hey, how do we work the works of god notice whenever he gives them a response? They're like, okay Well show me another miracle. Maybe i'll do it It's kind of like those people they say hey come off the cross and then we'll believe on you They're just trying to make up another excuse because they're not really willing to serve They just want to get another free meal out of the lord. Jesus christ. They just want to be entertained They just want to see another miracle Well, why don't you just show us something cool again, you know, some people come to church just to see some real cool thing There's a freeloader. They're not really there for the lord. Jesus christ. They're not really there to serve him They're in it for themselves And look a lot of christians they don't do anything for god all they're in it is for themselves Some people come to church only for themselves. That is the wrong attitude. You are a free Loader you should not go to church thinking what am I going to get out of it? You should go to church to serve god to serve the lord. Jesus christ So many people are giving up on church and they say I don't get anything out of it You're supposed to go there to serve god It's not there for you. It's for you to serve and worship god and to minister and to be thankful for what he's done Unto you that's why I go to church I don't go to church to just see what all the things that I can get out of it I'm going there because of god Jesus christ purchased the church with his own blood therefore. I ought to love church because of jesus christ and jesus christ alone That should be my main and ultimate motivation Now go to proverbs chapter 30 proverbs chapter number 30. We're talking about freeloaders now. They're just never satisfied Let me give you a Proverb here that talks about people that can never be satisfied or things or creatures Proverbs chapter 30 look at verse 15 the bible reads the horse leech hath two daughters crying give give There are three things that are never satisfied. Yea four things say not it is enough The grave and the barren womb the earth that is not filled with water the fire that saith not it is enough The eye that mocketh at his father and despises to obey his mother the ravens of the valley shall pick it out and the young eagles Shall eat it now In proverbs chapter 30 gives us four different things here the last one the eye that mocketh at his father This is ridiculous, but children. Let me tell you this children are all freeloaders You say how do you know that just have children and then you'll realize they're all freeloaders, okay? They're just willing to just take and to take and to take you have to teach them not to be A freeloader because I mean a baby all it does is take okay It is just takes and it takes and it takes and you have to teach and to train your children to no longer Be a freeloader now i'm going to revisit that point just keep that in your mind But also before he gives us this list of four things he ties it to a creature Because god always uses carnal truths to expound spiritual truths. He always uses a carnal example That's true to expound some spiritual truth. That is also true and notice the creature that he uses here a horse leech You say what's a horse leech? Well? I got a dictionary definition. It says a large leech is a Haemopus marmamatus that infests the mouth and nasal passages Of horses now what these things these creatures they get into the mouth and the nose of a horse and they are a blood sucker All they do is they're a parasite. They're a predator They sit in that host and they just attach themselves and they just suck blood Out of those horses they're just a constant nuisance They're a freeloader And you know what they don't care about that horse Do they they don't care about what they're doing to the horse all they care about is what they're getting out of it And you know at our church we have people that came up with this phrase. They call these people energy vampires But they just want to suck the life out of you and it makes sense because the life is in the blood So you get these blood suckers and look there are blood suckers out there They are freeloaders and the only thing they want to do is just suck the life out of you They want to suck the energy out of you. They're just a leech there and guess what? They're never Satisfied and you know what? He's got two daughters that are crying too and he's got to feed them Look, he's never going to stop He's just going to keep eating and keep eating not considering the horse not considering what he's doing to the horse and not appreciative Of the horse, but this is not the attitude that we should have the attitude that we should have is one Of being selfless not selfish right go to philippians chapter 2 for a moment go to philippians chapter number 2 And let's look at verse number three The bible says let nothing be done through strife or vainglory, but in lowliness of mind let each esteem other Better than themselves the bible teaches that we as christians should actually in our own mind Not just interactions not just by our words But even our own thoughts what we actually believe in our heart is that other people are truly better than us This is the opposite of the freeloading leech This is the opposite of that horse leech that just want to suck the blood out of you. No Think about the lord. Jesus christ. What are you he didn't suck the blood. He let his blood be shed for you, didn't he? He shed his blood he sacrificed himself. He laid down his life what to give us life He was one who was not selfish. He was one who was Selfless now let's think about this in the christian context. Let's think about this church There's a lot of people that would be a freeloader today, you know, maybe at a I don't know conference Maybe they don't actually even go To a church maybe they live like 15 minutes away Maybe they live around the block, but they don't actually come to verity baptist church They don't actually go to any church But they just like to come and they like to see the miracle, don't they? They just like to see some cool thing. They don't give any financial they don't help any way at the church They don't do anything spiritual. This person is a freeloader You say i'm uncomfortable pastor. Shelly. Well, what you came to the red hot preaching conference and you live next door You should get plugged into verity baptist church If you live within an hour radius and you're not in a church you get into verity baptist church and stop being a freeloader Oh, I just can't wait for red hot. I can just show up for free And hear a lot of great preaching and get a free t-shirt. Look you're a freeloader Why would you do look there's people that do that It's called pastor anderson easter, okay People just come out of the woodwork just to get the free sermon just to see some cool thing Yet they don't want to serve god Guess what? You're a freeloader. You're a leech. Okay, you need to actually get plugged in to the church And you actually need to serve god with your life and you know what there's nothing wrong with coming to hear pastor anderson preach There's nothing wrong with visiting verity baptist church. There's nothing wrong with taking a free gift. What's wrong is not being thankful for it What's wrong is not serving god. What's wrong is not getting plugged into church and doing something with your life Don't be a freeloader be thankful for the gifts that you've given and don't have such a selfish attitude Why don't you be a selfless person? Why don't you get plugged into a church and do something for god? Here's another thing just free food in general Right some people just show up if I have a preaching sermon I say, you know what next week We're gonna have food free food I will always have more attendance It's guaranteed you have any event you say hey, there's gonna be free food People come out of the woodwork for that right who comes out of the woodwork the horse leech The horse leech is just ready. He's like, oh sweet horses are coming out. I'm gonna attach myself to that sucker Even though they're the sucker right? They're gonna suck all the blood out of the horse And you know what? There's nothing wrong with receiving free food. But again Don't be so selfish you should be thankful and you should be selfless Why don't you be the person that provides free food every once in a while? Why don't you be the person that actually ministers unto others? Here's another one that people love to do because we talked about the the food right but there's also spiritual food, isn't there? And that's way more important and you know what very baptist church pumps out so much free spiritual food on a weekly basis Sunday morning sunday evening wednesday night. There's even other events I mean, we're here on a friday night and you're getting some spiritual food tonight, but you know what? There's a lot of people they'll suck in all of the free spiritual food But you know what? They're not thankful for the meal that someone provided them They'll learn all this extra doctrine. They'll learn all this truth They'll gain all this benefit and all this information, but then you know what they do They become a freeloader and they're not thankful for that information that they got They only take it for their own selfish ambition their own selfish goals today and they're a they're a life sucker They're a horse leech and they're never Satisfied we ought not be this type of person and you know what happens that horse leech He sucks in all this free food and all this free spiritual food and all this free doctrine And you know what happens when you become full become prideful Fullness of bread right? Isn't that what the bible teaches? And when you become prideful, you know what happens you start, you know going down the dark road Go to first corinthians chapter number four you start becoming arrogant hottie You stop steaming other better than yourself. You think that you're some great thing And you say why that person think that they're so great Because they receive something for free Oh, i'm just such a great person. I you know, I got round table pizza even though it's free What how does that make me special? Hey, you know all this all the doctrines and all the things that I have someone else gave me Let me prove that to you look at first corinthians chapter four look at verse number six And these things brethren I have in a figure transferred to myself into apollo's for your sakes That you might learn in us not to think of men above that which is written That no one of you be puffed up for one against another for who maketh thee to differ from another And what hast thou that thou didst not receive now if thou didst receive it why does thou glory as if thou hadst not Received it the bible is saying everything you have you received. You know what my eyes I got from god My height my hair my body my wife my children my job my intelligence Every single thing I have is a gift All of it My eternal life is a gift Everything I have I have received and so I should therefore not get so haughty and arrogant about the things that i've received today You know what god's the one that gives us the power to make wealth You know rich people can get really arrogant can't they? They think oh i'm so great. Look at all this stuff that i've acquired. Look god's the one that gave it to you freeloader God could take it away, too You get this weird attitude where you think you're so special and everything you have you've earned Look god gives us all the stuff that we have. It's by his mercy and by his grace the things that we have today Now this is not a message to say that we shouldn't work hard. We should work hard But ultimately we have to realize the things that we have we've received And we don't want to be the freeloaders always taking we want to be people that give giving of ourselves Go to second samuel chapter number 15 second samuel chapter number 15 What's my first point? My first point is that freeloaders they're selfish not selfless They're selfish not selfless Look at second samuel chapter number 15 now in second samuel. We're talking about absolom and absolom's an interesting character in the bible Because absolom has all kinds of different attributes that we could focus on think about talk about But I believe that absolom is actually a good example of a freeloader now That's not his only problem. He has a lot of problems Okay, but I want to focus on the freeloading aspect of absolom Now when we think about absolom absolom is a weak leader Because absolom doesn't want to do anything himself. He wants to get other people to do it for him You know absolom sends his servants to kill amnon his brother He has a bone to pick with amnon for what he did to tamar And instead of doing anything himself, he gets his servants to kill him Absolom also he sends a Joab's field on fire, but he didn't do himself He sent his servants to send joab's field on fire so that joab would come to him and then he gets joab To get david to allow him to return and to see him and to stand before the king's face But the common denominator is constantly the fact that absolom is selfish He just wants things and he doesn't care who he uses who he takes advantage of he's a freeloader off all his servants He's a freeloader off of joab to get the things that he wants and look what it says in second cml chapter 15 verse 1 And it came to pass after this that absolom prepared him chariots and horses and 50 men to run before him Notice what the bible's saying 50 men to run before him You know what? That is not a leader The leader is the one leading the charge Absolom is just getting a bunch of people to run in front of him. Why because he's just a user He's just a user an abuser. He's just getting other people to do his dirty work And I think the reason why he does this is because well He's probably just the son of a king, right? He can get a bunch of people to just flatter him and vain and light and treacherous persons that want to come onto him And say oh, yeah, we'll run before you. You're absolom. I mean you're david's son And the bible talks about absolom was, you know, a very good looking man He you know, obviously he's going to have a lot of attributes that people could admire and look at at least carnally So he can attract a lot of carnal people to go and run before him But he's just going to use them and he's going to abuse them and really my second point of freeloaders Is this when they see something that they want? But they they're not able to get it for free they end up subverting The authority that's there so they can get it for free still Okay. Now what does the word subvert mean subvert means to undermine power or authority? To overthrow as a synonym or to dethrone now if you know the story is happening Absalom wants the kingdom to himself. He wants to dethrone. David his father and to take it now Let's get some context here. Let's look at verse number two. The bible says And absolom rose up early and stood beside the way of the gate and it was so that when any man had a controversy Came to the king for judgment then absalom called unto him and said of what city art thou? And he said thy servant is one of the tribes of israel and absalom said on him see thy matters are good and right But there is no man deputed of the king to hear thee absalom said moreover Oh that I were made judge in the land that every man which hath any suit or cause might come unto me And I would do him justice And it was so That when any man came nigh to him to do him obeisance, he put forth his hand and took him and kissed him It says in verse six and on this manner did absalom to all israel that came to the king for judgment So absalom stole the hearts of the men of israel Now, what are we reading in this story? Absalom? He's the son of the king He's already got a lot of privilege. I mean he's already high up on the the food chart, right? He's up there in the hierarchy. I mean, he's the son of david. He's got a lot of accolades He's got a lot of privileges and he's just been reinstituted He's got other people to help him. He's now can stand before the face of the king So he has the ability to still do uh, you know certain activities But you know what he he doesn't like the fact that david is still the judge David is the king. David is the one that ultimately gets all the glory and all the honor He that's the one thing he doesn't have yet and everything else he's had has been given to him for free You know absalom didn't pick who his dad would be did he? Absalom didn't pick all the things that he got he just gets to be the son of the king He gets to have all these accolades and in fact if he just waits He might even be king obviously we know from the story. Solomon's supposed to be the king but If he had been a righteous man, if he had been the man after god's own heart, maybe god would have chosen Absalom, but we know that absalom he's going to be a great person no matter what but he can't play second fiddle And he sees something that he wants so he has to subvert instead of support. David. He has to subvert david not Support him. He became so prideful. He wants to take the kingdom from David now here's the thing about absalom He's obviously riding on david's coattails, isn't he? I mean david's done a lot of great things david's Built this great kingdom. He's followed god's commandments. He killed goliath. He's you know restored israel He's done all these great things for the children of israel and absalom gets to ride on the coattails Of david and enjoy all the benefits of what his father has done unto him what david has done for him And let me say this about riding on someone's coattails. There's no problem We're all riding on other people's coattails We're all riding on the coattails of the preachers before us and the preachers before them and the preachers before them And guess what it goes all the way back to jesus christ and guess whose coattails we're riding in jesus christ coattails That's the coattails. We're ultimately riding and there's no problem with riding in someone's coattails But here's the thing some people can't stand it that they're riding in someone's coattails So instead of supporting the people that they're riding the coattails on they have to subvert the coattails that they've been riding They have to undermine the power and authority of all the things they receive all the hard work of david And notice when these people are coming are they coming to see absalom? Where are they coming to see david You know what that eats absolom up so much He can't stand it that they're going to see david Oh, I wish this was me. I wish they were coming to see me I just want them to come and you know follow me and I would give them judgment. I would you know, take care of them They're all good He doesn't really care about them though And we see with absolom he sees something that he wants And here's the thing about the freeloader aspect we have to understand. Okay? Is that absolom could have that Legitimately you don't have to do he'd have to wait And he'd have to work hard on his own and he'd have to earn it wouldn't he but he doesn't want to earn it He wants it for free because absolom is a freeloader. So, you know how freeloaders get things like this. They try to steal it They try to take it. They try to subvert it and they just want it for free Absolom does not want people to come and hear him judge because of how great he is He wants to steal the glory of david. He wants to just take it from david and that's what freeloaders do They see someone that has some honor and glory and they say I want that I like that but I don't want to actually earn that I would just like to just take it. I was just is that for sale? How do I get on in that deal? You know, you don't want to get rebuked like simon the sorcerer. Okay, he just wanted to steal it Didn't he just wanted to take it. He didn't want to earn it Okay, that's a different part of my that's not part of the sermon. Okay But he's a horse leech You know, there's horse leeches today too there's absolums today They just want to attach themselves to different men that have honor and glory people come to hear them But they can't stand that, you know people come to hear Pastor steven anderson, don't they? People come to hear pastor roger menes people come to hear other men, but I want to focus on those two Because I feel like there's a lot of horse leeches in this world today They just want to attach themselves to some man That's done a lot of great works in the past and they just want to steal the glory and the honor for themselves Don't they? And you know what? They are they're a freeloader. That's what they are Now i'm going to tie this back to my first Verse where it says, where are the nine? You know, we never got those guys names, did we? You know what? We got some names today, don't we? Why don't we just start naming some names of some horse leeches? How about someone like bill mcgregor This guy is a horse leech Our number one horse leech is bill mcgregor. All right This guy just wants to peddle his book that nobody cares about Literally, no one I bet his dad didn't even read it. Okay He wants to just create this pastor school and he wants to invite other men to come just so he can build this stupid pastor's school And just peddle his book and peddle his nonsense. He just wants to prop up his dad As a pseudo pastor, so what he can be a pastor again He can just sneak into the pulpit and just steal the glory and the honor for himself He's not interested in doing anything genuine. He just wants to steal an audience The guy's a horse leech. He's a freeloader is what he is and it's a shame in his folly And he got exposed eventually the horses that get this leech out of my nose, you know, and they just plucked them out How about another horse leech? Here's my second horse leech apshan yachton of new covenant baptist church That's right. Now there's these videos. I mean who ordained this guy? You know who picked Absalom to be the next king? No one I see Absalom riding on a horse. There's videos of you know, Ashan Yachton, some dude and a horse. Maybe the horse ordained him. I don't know He's such a feminine Queer bait person too And look if you're in this room and you're a man never You're a man never speak with an effeminate voice ever. It's gross. It's disgusting. You're a queer bait Queers sound effeminate just fyi and look people come up to me like hey pastor Shelly and I'm just thinking like You know, i've decided this one. I'm just gonna call it out So you better just like grunt or something when you come talking. Hey pastor Shelly, you know, how's it going? I don't want a bunch of queer baits in my church Or in any room that i'm in ever I'm, just not interested You know, I have to go every once in a while buy groceries or something and it's like littered with effeminate queers Okay, I don't want my church to be like that. I don't want someone to show up and be like, oh I thought this was a baptist church I didn't know this was a queer pride parade. I've got a bunch of feminine prancy, you know men up here. Oh, hey I read the bible That's gross you should call out someone being effeminate This guy's just effeminate He's just a horse leech just attaching himself pretending like he's ordained pretending like he has a church Pretending like he's like us why just so he can steal an audience again While we're talking about queer baits, what about tyler doka? With his little, you know cute jeans and cool haircut This guy's a horse leech just pretending Pretending to believe the gospel pretending to be a baptist I've never heard a baptist say you're going to go to the lake of fire and burn off your sins I've never heard a baptist preach the flat earth theory What what do you want to do? I just want to gain as much agenda as I possibly can it steals audience as much as I can so I can just pedal My flat earth nonsense. I can just pedal a bunch of silliness and foolishness and look these guys are Horse leeches they're freeloaders And their preachings lame All their preaching is just warmed over Loaves of bread from that feeding of five thousand, you know They they snuck a couple in their coat pocket that they heard from pastor anderson or pastor menes And it got a little moldy on the way home and it got you know, it's kind of weird and they put it in the microwave and they kind of nuked it a little bit and then they just kind of regurgitate it and serve it back up and you're like It it's kind of like what jesus gave us, but there's some weird stuff attached to it, you know It's just lame weak preaching and they start saying things wrong because they didn't even study the bible themselves They're not even reading the bible themselves It's weak. It's lame Lame preaching makes me think of another person adam fanon Go if you went to first samuel forward your bible for a moment first samuel chapter 4 Adam fanon has some of the worst preaching i've never heard preaching from that I ever liked man But what does he want to do he just wants to attach himself to other people He wants to show up to the red op preaching conference and preach garbage Because he's a horse leech And the only thing that's going to come out is horse leech doctrine Things that he kind of heard but he didn't quite get right and then he just regurgitates it and it's garbage And this guy was a freeloader. He was one of the biggest freeloaders i've ever seen Never so he's a full-time evangelist Paid full-time evangelist guess how many soul winning times he led at his church zero That's called freeloader. Yeah. How are you? What does an evangelist do? He only went he supposedly even showed up to only one soul winning time a week a full-time evangelist That's a freeloader That's all I have to hear hey, I got a full-time evangelist he does nothing else he's paid he's on staff How many soul winning times does he lead zero? All right freeloader I mean what imagine you say hey, what do you do for a living pastor? She's like i'm a pastor When do you preach? I don't Hey, there's a lot of pastors like that It's called satellite churches where they basically have a tv monitor on the wall And the campus the main campus pastor just preaches for them every week And he's just a glorified person just stands up there and never preaches It's lame You're not a pastor then How can you how can you be a pastor and you don't even preach? How can you be an evangelist and you don't even lead in the soul winning? That's a bad evangelist That sounds like Absalom who would get 50 men to run before him, didn't he? All right Let me say this also about this freeloader Whenever I was going to take over steadfast baptist church I texted this freeloader and I said hey give me all the financials that you have for the church receipts the tithing ledger Expenses just all the financial records all the financial documents. Uh, ramiro has that in dallas How is that possible? He's like, uh accounting wasn't my scope And I said who counted the offerings? Never answered again zero financial records for a church zero None For 18 months you have nothing zero freeloader subverting taking He's like judas. It's like hey, where's all that money we put in the purse. I don't know what happened Must have just fallen out. There's a hole in the bag And it just drops into my pocket. It's interesting how that works Talking about financial problems. How about his mentor? How about this freeloader donny ramiro? Freeloader just attaching himself to other people and using them despitefully using them for his own personal advantage His own personal glory the guy was a freeloader So subverting taking advantage of people telling them hey only only tithe in cash That's the best way to that's the best way to tithe In fact, I don't even think you should give a check just everything in cash. Just keep giving as much cash as possible Just cash cash cash cash I wonder why he wants cash You know one of the interesting things it is whenever I took over steadfast And I finally got on to the bank records You know, I noticed there was zero cash deposits for steadfast the last six months of him being the pastor there Zero cash deposits, how does that work? I Guess I guess all these people have been giving all this cash all of a sudden just stopped for whole six months Freeloader and you say well, you know, maybe he started out good Well, the first financial record started at the beginning of 2015 and guess what's on the first statement? casino ATM charges Freeloader just taking advantage of people Just a hypocrite one is just a complete just bloodsucker just sucking from the congregation Taking advantage of them ripping them off I'm surprised that all of us under leadership is wicked Oh, I'm surprised that Adam Fannin is wicked. Oh, I'm surprised all the other leadership. He's installed just happens to be wicked It's like the Bible's true or something that a wicked tree produces wicked fruit. Oh Don't like this You know talking about unqualified pastors, how about this guy Tim de Lello? Talk about a horse leech Talk about one is a freeloader. He's more like a fat loader if you ask me Taking advantage of people Going up to the soul winning conference just attaching himself like the horse leech that he is But he loves to run his fat lips on Facebook and attack people and constantly subvert people and he's just so Independent I can't support any movement. I can't support any other church. I'm just so independent I'm just the most independent person ever We know it's interesting when you're that independent. It sounds like you're selfish How can you show up at all these conferences show up with other people hang out with all these other people, but you're so Independent it sounds like you're a subvert or not a supporter Sounds like you don't want to help anybody else or give to anybody else or attach yourself to anybody else yet He does he just wants to suck the life out of them doesn't he and just run his fat mouth look as a pastor so-called Why would you sit there and upload videos of you eating M&Ms when you're morbidly obese and? Then to end the video eats the wrapper He's so hungry He said I don't like this you're killing him fat well Let's look at first Samuel chapter 4 verse 18 looks at what the God said about this person Eli Says it came to pass when he'd made mention of the ark of God That he fell from off the seat backward by the side of the gate and his neck break And he died for he was an old man and heavy God just decided hey, I'm just gonna throw this in here just to let you know Eli was fat Okay, and he wasn't just fat. He was heavy okay, and guess what Tim d'alello is heavy He is real heavy Okay, and this guy is just a fat loader. He's just in I have to eat the wrapper I'm so hungry with my M&Ms. It's ridiculous. You know he's attacking my church members He's running his mouth on Facebook and trying to attack people and you know my church members point out How wicked Adam Fannin is he has to go on Facebook and try to say oh? Well, I don't like you talking about him, so I took screenshots of everything you said and I sent it to Adam Fannin But I'm not a fan of his I don't support him because I support nobody remember Then you go look at his playlist of like videos every single video is a like of every Adam Fannin sermon Against us attacking us I point that out guess what he says oh, yeah, nothing Just likes to run his mouth, but then you calm on the carpet, and he just weasels himself away again Just trying to take advantage of other people You Know we think about Eli He didn't end up doing what correcting his sons That's what the point of the fact that he's pointed out as fat the Bible says that half nine Phineas make themselves fat Why taking advantage of other people you want to talk about some freeloaders half nine Phineas? Taking advantage of the offering taking advantage of the women let you know that they would lay with that assembled at the door I mean these guys were bastards okay half nine Phineas are bastards, and you say what's a bastard. It's someone. That's without chastisement they are without chastisement and at the end of the day How do you get that the dad wasn't disciplining? He didn't he didn't want to discipline his children, and that's what made him He didn't want to have self-discipline, so he doesn't want to discipline his children and when you don't discipline your children You know what they become freeloaders their whole life They don't want to actually take any correction any rebuke Let's talk about another person here's my seventh where are the nine Josh gander You say who's Josh gander well if you don't know it doesn't matter This guy is a freeloader This guy is just taking advantage of other people's hard work, and he's lying about it He went to an old IFP pastor, and he's trying to pretend like oh, I'm just setting up this church you know there's this church that's being set up, and I need to go preach for it and This old IFP pastor says well You know go do whatever you want And then he uploads a video saying that he was sent as an ordained person to go be over this church And you know what really happened. He just asked the pastor said hey We're moving and we're just gonna go to this church and the pastor just says well. God bless you Let's just let's just pray for them that they'll have a successful move then he gets up and lies to everybody and says oh I was ordained. I was sent out by this pastor Well, it's interesting when you actually talk to the pastor like I did and asked him about it And you know what he said I never did never sent him out Didn't have any I mean if someone comes up to me says hey pastor Shelley I'm thinking about just moving to this other church all let me pray for you. Holy pastor Shelley's sending me out as an evangelist oh Look that's that's a line And why would you do that because you want to freeload? You want to pretend like you're something that you're not and you want to take glory that you don't have and you want to subvert people Here's another freeloader number eight Michael Johnson the pastor of Temple Baptist Church freeloader He preached like a whole sermon attacking satellite church planting He said that everybody's doing is unbiblical. I'm like How do you read the book of Acts? I? Mean all these churches without pastors. I guess they screwed that one up Titus well you just Deconstruct all those satellites that we started out there because they don't have elders or wait Maybe you're Dane elders in every city's I'd appointed thee Maybe go to these churches that have been planted and are forming and our Dana pastor over them He preaches a whole sermon rebuking anybody that has a satellite church Oh Like I don't know pastor Stephen Anderson like pastor Roger minutes. I wonder who that was aimed at I wonder who's trying to attack on that one The freeloader just wanted to take and take how about just going to a free pastors retreat And then the whole time just spying and trying to report information to other people Taking advantage all the while just slyly behind the pastor Anderson's back lying about him and Slandering him and making up false reports against him just like who oh yeah Absalom hmm Why don't you just steal all they don't like the fact that they're going to hear David. I want them to hear me I Want to take that glory for myself? Here's my number nine. He works in tandem with Michael Johnson is Manly Perry Manly Perry is a freeloader I Went to his first service. You know he had preached at his first service Pastor Roger Jimenez and Pastor Stephen Anderson, you know he came up here to just try and rub elbows with Pastor Roger minutes to get what? She just gained from all the hard work of Pastor Anderson and Pastor Jimenez Just to take all that glory that they've worked hard for all that for what for selfish ambition You know what he did he called me in In July before I started pure words Baptist church He called me. I wasn't a pastor yet, but it was it was evident that I was going to be ordained people knew that It's already been an announcement. He calls me and Just I answer the phone immediately goes. How old are you I? Say 30 he's like good the Reason why what's going on? Oh? I'm preaching through numbers chapter number four and The Bible talks about the levi, it's how they had to be 30 years old And I think that's just an obvious proof that a pastor has to be at least 30 years old That's like a that's like a biblical requirement And I remember the conversation pretty vividly because it just it was so out of place It was so awkward. I said well. You know I've actually reading numbers recently if you go to numbers eight It says that some of the leviets were deigned at age 25 He goes well, that's obviously a five-year apprenticeship Obvious Okay, I Say yeah, but I don't think you can take the political priesthood and just slam it up with New Testament pastors I mean they have to be leviets. There's a lot of differences. How about the passage that says look no man despised by youth I Said I don't I think if God really wanted a hard limit age. He would have put that in the qualifications Why would he not put that in the qualifications? So I kind of you know He's a pastor. I'm not a pastor. I'm just trying to have a conversation with the man I was trying to be respectful. I was trying to be polite He says well, I think that's why Pastor Roger Menes and Pastor Stephen Anderson struggled so much at the beginning of their ministries Because when someone's so young and wet behind the ears nobody wants to come hear them preach Who calls up somebody that's about to go start a church and tries to talk crap on His sending pastor and just making up crap. You know why it's hard to build a church When you're young it's not because they were young is because nobody knew they were They would they went into an area where there's no one and they're trying to build a church from scratch Now let me say this I have tried to build a church from scratch. It is ridiculously hard It is super hard. It's called Faithful Word Baptist Church North all right. This is the first satellite church I knew of and I was just I wasn't even full-time I was just like one of three people involved in preaching and it was super hard Anybody that's gone sowing for five minutes realizes. It's hard because they say we're coming to church. I'll see you on Sunday I Remember there's a there's an apartment complex close to Pure Words Baptist Church And we've been just hitting it up because it's real receptive, and I got this guy saved He was real receptive, and you can tell he's lived a hard life all right And I said hey you got to come to church. I'll give you a ride. Oh, we're definitely coming We're showing up, and I was like cool. You know I'd love to have you can't wait He didn't show up. I'm not like surprised But next week because I'm just going to the same apartment complex. I just run into him He's just like walking by like hey, you're coming to church tonight, right? He's like. Oh, yeah, yeah, sorry We're definitely coming tonight. Can't wait to see you definitely going to be there Didn't show up the next week I Happened to walk by and I just I was like I'm going to say something to him again I was like hey coming to church is like yep definitely going to be there Didn't show up You know when I was there at faithful word north there was one Sunday morning And we had three guys from like our main church to show up They're just being a blessing just to kind of be there, and we had one visitor so five for the service all right It's kind of awkward And guess what the guy bailed through announcements. I I Just I'm just like all right. Hey welcome everybody. This is you know favorite word. He's just Gone, just be like and I'm thinking like well the bathrooms outside. Maybe he's going to the bathroom He wasn't going to Look if you think building a church is easy. You're dead wrong. You're lying. You're lying Yet you see two men go out And you know what they didn't have they didn't have the new I of B to go out there with them They didn't have this YouTube following to go out there and basically build them up a church They didn't just start their first service and have 50 people you know pastor Anderson did he used donuts To get four people to show up to his first service Just like Jesus he brings the free food and then the freeloader show up to the first service He says year two they had nine of the first service seven on the second year first service He said how do you know that why listen to his preaching? I realized that church planning is hard But you know what when you have pastor Anderson, and you have pastor Roger Menes come for your first service You have like a hundred and twenty people show up Because they wanted to hear Absalom you Said I don't know if I could trust that well listen to a sermon on numbers four He says it all in there. He doesn't like to name names because you know It's weak exactly. It's weak. I'll name names Hey, you want to call me and talk trash on my friends be afraid that I might repeat that Be afraid that I might tell people you know I've never told pastor minutes So I thought was a good opportunity to tell pastor minutes all about it. You're just lucky you got to hear it how about the fact that he likes to stand outside and Have church services outside and then call everyone that's having live stream services a compromiser So you're better because you're compromising less How does that even make sense? You just want to attack everybody that's having limited church services during covid that's having a smaller service and just Broadcasting online telling people to stay home. You're having them outside and telling everyone else. They're a compromiser. I Just want to steal the glory for myself apparently Now here's the thing He'll go out and have that that he'll go online and say oh we got it. You know grandstand. We got to talk about How we're going to stand up to the government. We're going to you know we're going to have these church services Who are you proving that to? the world You're not going to press the world with spiritual things my friend Why do I want to prove to the world that I'm going to serve God? Why do I have to go out and just y'all we're so spiritual? How about making up a false accusation against Pastor Anderson saying that he's ecumenical and Calvinist is supporting Calvinism? Promoting Calvinism and saying that's why he has to separate from him I would love to meet the person that in the last 12 months became a Calvinist because of Pastor Anderson I would love to meet that person I Mean he's going out. He's promoting. He has this big platform where millions of people are listening. Let's find all those Calvinists now Where are they I? Mean that's such a that's what I mean if he's in Calvinism. I mean that's scary, right? I don't want to you know partner up with Calvinists that are promoting Calvinism teaching Calvinism making Calvinists He's never made a Calvinist my friend. He's only made them a fundamental Baptist is what he's done That's a that's a lying false accusation Go to Proverbs chapter 6 go to Proverbs chapter number 6 You say I'm uncomfortable well then be uncomfortable. It's called the red hot preaching conference Proverbs chapter number 6 You know it makes me mad freeloaders I'm sick and tired of freeloaders I'm sick and tired of people attaching themselves to other great men who have done great works for God Just so they can steal an audience just so they can take people for themselves They just have to subvert it. They say you know what? People aren't going to come to hear me if I work hard on it because I'm not hard worker So I got to just steal it like Absalom. He didn't want to just wait and earn it himself I'll just try to take it for myself look at Proverbs chapter 6 verse 12 a Naughty person a wicked man walked up to the forward mouth. He winketh with his eyes He speaketh with his feet. He teaches with his fingers forwardness is in his heart He devised of mischief continually so a discord. I don't care what they say. Where's his feet going? What's he doing? How about standing up in front of this whole church and publicly lying about Pastor Anderson and me? Is that okay for a pastor to just get up and publicly lie? He tries to say that I was attacking him with false information saying that he was making a phone campaign against Pastor Anderson even though There was a pastor that told me directly He says you know what manly Perry called me and asked me if I could use he could use my name as someone that I Talked crap on Pastor Anderson. I told him no because he did So he's literally fishing for people to try and use in a sermon as if they say no then he gets them says I've never done it that would mean you knowingly lied and Imagine this imagine Hillary Clinton standing on trial for her all her murders And she says judge here is five people. I've not killed case closed I Mean look I found five people that says I didn't do it so therefore. I didn't kill them You're not going to be on trial for the people that you didn't do something bad, too What kind of defense is that? It's because you didn't have a defense because you lied and you knew you lied Proverbs chapter 13 flip over and Look if I lie about somebody I'll publicly apologize Even if even if what I said could even be kind of construed as wrong even it was a little bit in error Hey, I want to fix that we should be willing to correct ourselves and to humble ourselves and to say you know what I shouldn't Have done that I shouldn't have said that hey, I'm going to put out something and fix that and I'll do that You know what these people need to Apologize they need to fix things and you know what this is not an apology. Well if I've done something wrong, then I'm sorry If I've if I've done something wrong to you from the bottom of my heart, I'm sorry. Oh, it feels from the bottom man Proverbs chapter 13 look at verse 20 He that walketh with wise men shall be wise but a companion of fools Shall be destroyed You know what if I have Tim d'alello come preach for me. Don't hang out with me I Mean I want to be hanging out with fools I don't be hanging out with other you know people that are just subverting and attacking and it's interesting How everybody can join up as long as they hate pastor Anderson their buddies? As long as they pastor men as their buddies as long as they just hate one of they just like hey I know we have nothing in common, but let's just have a conference at Valiant Baptist Church Why because we just hate pastor Anderson because we just hate a godly man That's a bad reason to have friends and let me tell you what they're not your friends It's vain and light and treacherous persons. You know I can honestly say that the other pastors in this room. They are my friend I Know that they would help me if I ever need it because they do I need a lot of help all right I Was gonna say I'm gonna be honest and I asked for it a lot And you know pastor a minute has been a huge blessing to me You know my whole ministry. You know if I call him and I say hey, can you help me? He's just like sure What can I do? How can I help he pays for all of it? He takes care of everything? You guys probably didn't even know how much you're helping steadfast Baptist Church and pure words Baptist Church That's a real friend not someone that's gonna go around and make up false Accusations and lie about people and slander people, but I didn't bring it out in the open. Yeah, because lying slanderers don't They go behind your back. It's called a back biter. Well. I didn't back bite them in public I Didn't openly back bite, okay, it's like. What are you talking about? At least if I'm gonna call someone out everyone gets to hear it at the same time And You know what if you don't like my face if you don't like my name if you don't like my church if you want to Have nothing to do with me So be it You don't have to be friends with anybody you don't want to You know what that doesn't give you a reason to lie and slander against them and how can he stand up in his pulpit and say you know what I decided we're gonna have a vote and All the men are gonna vote if we should leave the new IFB How do you even do that? Do you like to submit like a questionnaire or something to some I mean? How do you turn that one in but I figured out this is how you leave the new IP you slander pastor Anderson? That's how you leave guess what I don't want to leave then That's a bad application. How can you even leave something you never join in the first place? Oh, I'm gonna leave Baptist. What is that? You know if you leave the new IP that means you don't believe what the new IP believes What if I said I'm gonna stop being a man, that's scary What does that even mean How can you have every man in your church vote to leave the new IFB and Then there's a Facebook group called the new IFB where they like to hang out and congregate and post videos How does that work? I'm gonna leave but be in a Facebook group called What's more new IFB than a Facebook group called the new IFB You say oh, they're gonna be offended when they hear this sermon. What are they doing here in this sermon? Since they left the new IFB Shouldn't affect them. Oh I want to I want to publicly vote that I'm leaving the new IFB But I want to I still want to get the free food though, right I? Still want to listen all the sermons because I'm not getting spiritually fed at home So I have to go out and find all the other doctrine and what kind of person takes the kingdom that David built and Uses it against him You know Absalom didn't go out and recruit his own men. He took David's men didn't he he took people That David had won over that David had taught that David Instructed that David had led and then what is absolutely tries to turn them against David doesn't All these people they got their whole life turned upside down by pastor Anderson's preaching by pastor him in his preaching By their documentaries by all these great things they've done for them They say hey, I become a fundamental Baptist because of pastor Anderson. I got saved because of pastor Anderson I got all the worldliness out of my life for pastor Anderson. I got into church because of pastor Anderson I go so any because of pastor Anderson All but now I can't I can't support him Where did that come from? Just what did David do in the story do we look what did that absence like oh remember this thing that David did He can't be there for you. Oh But I can be there for you. I can be your buddy. I'm closer than David is let me just give you a kiss Let me just hug you. Let me tell you how special you are Can't believe everything here my friend You say oh, I like the first half of your list pastor Shelley, but I didn't like the second half That's because you're a specter of persons If you like any of that list, but you didn't like all of it. It's because you're a specter of persons. That's why Because the list applies there. Hey if I just called out Jack tree burr and Paul chapel and whoever everybody's like But I caught your buddy Look a liar is a liar a slander is a slander in my book Point number one freeloaders are selfish point number two freeloaders subvert To take for free as well Go to Luke chapter 16. We'll get to my third point You know Paul said that he was thankful for being put into the ministry That's the type of attitude. We should all have you know I don't look at Steadfast Baptist Church Or pure words Baptist Church and think man look at all this hard work I've done. I think wow I'm thankful for being put into the ministry. I'm thankful I've been given a privilege and an honor to pastor these people and it's an honor and a privilege And you know what yeah, I'm riding on the coattails of a lot of people I'm riding on the coattails of pastor Anderson pastor Jimenez and guess what I'm riding on the pastor nickels Because he got them you know fired up and then his pastor and his pastor and the apostles and Jesus Christ I'm riding on all their coattails, and you know what there's nothing wrong with riding on coattails You know what's wrong? Being a freeloader about it Not being thankful about it not being appreciative of what has been given unto you the Apostle Paul was appreciative of being put into the ministry And you know what the Apostle Paul did not subvert those that went before him He tried to support those that went before him. That's that too. We should have we should try to support people hey Pastor Anderson's changed my entire life, and now I'm a great Christian. Well. I don't want you to subvert you away from that I want to support you in that I Want to help you like him more? Why not? What who am I? There's nothing special about me You know Joshua comes unto Moses hey these guys are preaching to Envious thou for my sake what God all the Lord's people were prophets. You know I wish every guy in my church preached better than me Then I don't have to preach as much Be great. I could just be like plug and play you know and obviously as a pastor. I got to preach I'm just saying hey if everybody's just a great preacher. Why just plug them in it's tough When you say I got to fill a pulpit, and you're kind of like Look I'm not just jealous of someone preaching better me. I hope they all preach better than me I Hope people like pastor Anderson more Next year not less Hope they like pastor men is more or not less and how can you come to read out preaching conference and not love very bad? this church I Hope that you appreciate it even more You know and we ought not get mad at people writing on coattails either though the flipside is true I'm when you think about the 11th hour hirers those guys that worked really hard They're really mad that those 11th hour guys are reaping the same benefits Like well we labored really hard look pastor Anderson and pastor minutes labor way harder than I ever will starting a church. It's not even close You know what they can be celebratory They can be excited that I also get to reap some of those same benefits even though I'm a latecomer even though I'm riding on other people's coattails You know what it's only going to be good if I'm thankful for it If I appreciate it if I'm not subverting I'm supporting Here's my last point what freeloaders do Luke chapter number 16 Let's look at verse number one you The Bible says and he said also unto his disciples There was a certain rich man Which had a steward and the same was accused unto him that he had wasted his goods my last point of a freeloader Not only selfish not only subvert they squander instead of being a steward they squander Instead of being a steward and this guy squandered the goods of his master He took all these goods in but then he just squandered them all didn't he he just wasted his goods You know what it gets worse for this guy Look at verse 2 And he called and he said unto him How is it that I hear this of thee given account of thy stewardship for thou mayest be no longer Steward then the steward said with himself. What shall I do for my lord taketh away from me the stewardship I cannot dig to beg I am ashamed I am resolved what to do that when I am put out of the stewardship they may receive me into their houses So he called every one of his Lord's debtors unto him and said unto the first how much oest thou unto my lord And he said a hundred measures of oil and he said to them take thy bill and sit down quickly and write 50 then said he to another and How much oest thou and he said a hundred measures of wheat and he said in him take thy bill and write four score and Lord commended the unjust steward because he had done wisely for the children of this world are in their generation wiser than the children of Light so notice what happens with this unjust steward. He's already squandered his master's goods He's already been a freeloader and taking advantage, but then when he's on his way out Guess what he does he freeload some more. He says you know what I'm gonna even steal even more of my master's money On the way out I'm just gonna rip him off even further so then I just get all these free goods and services from all these people That I squandered his goods from hey, I just you know and these are what people do they get a little bit Offended at pastor Anderson or pastor Jimenez and they can start to see that they're on their way out So you know what they do They just squander as much as they can on the way out They just try to take as much as they can on The way out and notice what they do they squander the good they waste the goods these are goods They had a value they had profit, but now he's turning them into something. That's not worth anything He just they just run them Go to Proverbs chapter 13 Proverbs chapter number 13 Go to Proverbs chapter number 13 and look at verse number 11 The Bible says wealth gotten by vanity shall be diminished, but he that gathereth by labor shall increase So the Bible says hey when you get a lot of wealth, but it was by vanity It wasn't by actually working hard. It was something. You just got for free. It's gonna be diminished You know I know this about myself that if I just get so arrogant and prideful And I try to detach myself from all the things that I've been given All the stuff that I have now is gonna be diminished If I just say you know what nuts to everything that everybody's ever given to me. I'm so wonderful come here Absalom preach You know what all the stuff I have now is gonna be diminished in the end all the wealth all that wealth of Bible wisdom that you've taken is gonna end up being diminished all the financial resources that you've stolen that you've taken is gonna be Diminished all the church resources that you have are gonna end up being diminished go to Proverbs 18 Proverbs 18 look at verse number 9 He also that is slothful in his work is brother to him That is a great waster now. I think every time I've heard this verse. I've thought about this verse I always think of the first part well if you're slothful, then that makes you wasteful You know what if you're wasteful That makes you like the slothful guy Notice a lot of people they say oh, I'm a hard worker. Yeah, but do you waste the things that you have? Now you're like a slothful person. You're a brother to him You're a brother to someone that just wastes things and just squanders things I mean when they're free can someone remember my water bottle is Which one is it? That doesn't matter they're all free here anyways Who would litter with all these water bottles up here someone should clean this up I Mean when things are free I mean who cares I mean I'm not paying the bill here I'll just keep taking just keep you taking another water Mean how many should I use just play a game with them, maybe? I'm like the slothful guy because I'm just a great waster. You know. It's interesting when you leave a church service This is what it looks like You know when I walk out of the church building it looks like this And I was like how does how do people do that so I tried to do it myself? I don't know it's weird It was awkward, but y'all seem to do it Isn't that interesting? Y'all are really good at it. I was trying to be like you guys just squandering all these things that are free You know oh, I get the DVD like my kid. They don't have any toys, so I'm just gonna use the red hot preaching DVDs Right just hand them a hand them a toy. It's the DVD no one's gonna use this I Mean or there's just trash everywhere right people just litter. You know it's nice. I mean you got all these nice hymnals here I Mean Pastor Jimenez said they're free I Mean if it's free now. It's like mine isn't it his sharpies are free too, huh? I? Mean it's mine, right I Hope no one's getting offended up here This is mine Isn't that real nice of Pastor Jimenez to just give me this nice hymnal I? Don't really like this song Or this one This one I don't know about this one we should probably add some notes to some of these I Mean this one makes me happy oh Let's just let our kids play with them right What are the kids do oh wait? What happened? Who needs this I? mean right I Mean I like to make paper airplanes That one kind of got ripped Here Johnny, oh you don't have anything do the church service here have some paper oh This one got ripped too. You know what? It's probably not gonna work out, so I got his scissors. This will help us we can get a clean sheet right I? Mean I did not pay for this hymnal. It was free, but it's now. It's mine I'm kind of like that that slothful guy, huh I? Kind of like making paper airplanes you know I Mean if you've ever taken something just wasted it have you That'd be a shame wouldn't it just making paper airplanes I mean it's out of hymnal paper. What could be better than that? You know what this hymnals kind of run here give me yours I Mean is it does anybody mind you know that one kind of got a little destroyed you know greens my favorite color I like drawing dogs of puppies How about you It's interesting how when everybody leaves you go and find him knows and they got all cool drawings in them I Didn't know who the artist was Who's the artist? You bunch of freeloaders, huh? Oh? I didn't pay for it I Mean they got free bibles, too Hey, let's just let Johnny play with it. Let's let Johnny you know I mean Adam Fannin probably goes to like I don't know first Timothy three He's probably thinking like don't need that one Hey, Johnny, just play with the Bible. It's a fun little toy Right, but they just like sweet. Oh, I like drawing pictures in the Bible, too Maybe they had like the man. I could draw the manna some bread I Think that's what it looked like what do you y'all illustrations in your bibles? y'all are missing out I Mean since everything's free. I thought you know pastor minutes. I just take his hole punch because you know you always need a good hole punch everything Everything's free. I mean this isn't bothering you at all is it But people just you know they don't care when it's free is it They don't care that the church paid for it See if I can use this thing here. We go. This is kind of fun You know it seems like people just come to church, and they just get like glitter, and they just decide to just throw it everywhere Say I don't know about that well you don't clean the church I Sounds really wasteful sounds really slothful. This is a holy Bible Hey, they're freaking over bars This is such a nice church You know I've never been to churches that are so generous as Verity Baptist Church you Find me another church that all the events are free and All the meals are free and all the CD preaching is free And you know what when you want to hear the Bible being preached. They don't say oh pay for Bible college they say hey, I'll just teach it to you for free and Baptize you for free and give you I'll even build a website to get you married for free I Mean he's trying hard here, and then you're like hey freaking all bars. I don't like that one Maybe I like this one People just taking huge plates of food just throwing them right in the trash I Didn't like that one. Do you want it? I'll just put it back in the box. Maybe somebody else will want it I Seem silly, but it's real How about this one you have a free soul wedding marathon you pay for all the food They come up to you. Where's the juice for my kids? At the store We got water in the chest right there. I like juice with my meals. I like cookies. Where's the milk? It's what people actually say you throw these events for free you give them all the food all the lodging For free and they just complain about it. They just want more. They're never satisfied. I can't just have the free water and food Where's the juice? You know I get two pillows when I sleep. You know where's my second pillow? Or you say hey, we're gonna have a free event The church is gonna pay for it you sign up and then you don't show up You know recently I had an event where I paid a hundred and twenty dollars and guess what you have to do with events you Have to pay in advance And you say all those free event six people don't show up so six $100 of the church money just vaporized on nothing. This is like a dollar and you were offended How about six hundred dollars? But you know what when things are free people don't care about them because they're free do they they're a bunch of freeloaders And you know what we shouldn't just take advantage of other people's Generosity, and you know what there's nothing wrong with being generous We shouldn't stop being willing to give but you know what we should be different We should be thankful for the things that people have given And it's you know if I run to him those maybe you'll save the rest of them for the year Guess what that was an ESV all right for all you diehards, okay? Go to Proverbs 19 just flip the page all right look at verse 26 Says he that wasted his father and chases away his mother is a son that causes shame and bringeth reproach Why would children? Have been given everything by their parents and then despise their parents And waste the things that their parents have given them, and you know the number one freeloaders in life is children So there's this phrase called. That's why we can't have nice things You know I because they're a bunch of freeloaders. They're selfish They just they try to manipulate to get things that they want they subvert and you know what they squander the goods Okay, they just waste things kids are very wasteful by nature you have to teach them and train them not to To be a freeloader not to waste the things and you know a lot of people They didn't really get that so now. They're a young old seeing me the young old seeing wow wow single young man You want to know who some of the biggest freeloaders are single young men? You go on a trip to Jamaica a missions trip and You have to be a leader over like ten young single men and you get in the car who can navigate Well, I didn't want to pay for the roaming package Well, I don't want to pay for the wrong package. I didn't want to pay the wrong package no one Why well I plan to spend zero dollars on this trip. That's what they literally told me I'm just trying to go for free someone bought my plane ticket. I heard y'all are buying the meals I mean, I'm just trying to show up You know the biggest freeloaders are young old single men young single men. It's just it's reality I Like being around people that are married nap kids because you know what they realize how to take care of themselves Not just themselves other people these single young men They're still needing someone to take care of them if you need people to take care of you. You're a freeloader and We need to teach and train people not to be the freeloaders go to second Samuel chapter 2 second Samuel chapter 2 I Don't know why they put all this plastic up here Second Samuel chapter 24 look at verse 24 What's the point of the sermon don't be a freeloader? Don't be selfish be selfless Don't just always take give Don't be one who subverts Support and don't be one who squanders be a good steward of the things that have been trusted to you You know don't take the invites and say you know what our table at home is a little wobbly this will kind of fix it But you know what take as many invites as you possibly can and steward them into people's hands that need them Take as many DVDs. Hey, there's nothing wrong with taking stuff but you know what when you take stuff be a good steward of the things that God has given you and Realize the wife that God gave you be a good steward of that wife Be a good steward of those children be a good steward of the doctrines in which you have learned Don't just be a freeloader, and you know what David had a right attitude. He was not a freeloader look at second Samuel chapter 24 verse 24 and The King said to Arana under Rana nay, but I will surely buy it of the at a price neither Will I offer burnt offerings in the Lord my God of that which does cost me? nothing David he counted the people It was wrong Satan provoked him. There's a big plague on the people He's trying to get right with God and notice when he tries to get right with God He says I'm not going to offer something for free It's going to have to cost me something Jesus Christ said count the cost and you know what it is all of it Just give it all the Lord Jesus Christ Just give it to God don't be a freeloader you say hey I feel like I'm kind of been reproached by this sermon well just stop being a freeloader and get plugged into Verdi Baptist Church and Don't think about hey say I'll buy two hymnals replace those other two Hey, I'll replace those water bottles. Hey. I'll I'm not going to just take I'll get them Hey, I'm not going to squander the goods. I'm going to give the goods good at first Corinthians 15 last place I'll have you turn this evening first Corinthians chapter 15 We got a bunch of freeloaders today, and let me say this We're not going to turn America upside down with the gospel with a bunch of freeloaders We're not going to make a huge impact for God by being a freeloader today The ones that God blesses are ones that give of themselves They're willing to sacrifice for others they esteem others better than themselves They're thankful for the things that God did for them. Here's my question Where are the nine who cares? They're a bunch of freeloaders And you know what God is not going to use the freeloaders today God is going to use the people that gave it all like Barnabas who sold all of his possessions and just laid them down Like the apostle Paul who forsook everything in his life. He counted it, but dung and he says you know what? I'm going to serve Christ with my life And you know what if you're in this room, and you say I'm a really big freeloader. God's not going to use you greatly God is going to use the person that lays down his life and is giving of everything that he has Look at first Corinthians 15 verse 10 By the grace of God I am what I am and his grace which was bestowed upon me was not in vain But I labored more abundantly than they all yet not I but the grace of God which was with me The apostle Paul was in the position he was because of God's grace but notice what he said his grace was not in vain a Lot of us are in this room by God's grace. We don't deserve it. We don't earned it I don't I don't deserve the position. I'm in I don't deserve the things that I have but you know what by God's grace I am what I am. I'm where I'm at because I'm where I'm at You know what I don't want to be said of me. Well. It's just all in vain though Hey, I got all these great things. I was taught all this great doctrine I was taught how to go soul winning, but I didn't go soul winning. I was in vain I Got to pastor a church, but I didn't really minister the church and support the church. I just try to take from it in vain The apostle Paul knows what he did he labored more abundantly than they all let us not be free loaders today Let us labor more abundantly than they all it's close in prayer. Thank you father so much for your word Thank you for your picture of your son coming and sacrificing himself not being a freeloader But giving of everything that he had unto us so that we could accept the free gift I thank you for all the gifts that you've given us you've given to Verity Baptist Church You've given to our churches and all of us in this room I pray that we would not take your grace and make it vain but rather we would labor more abundantly Than they all to give more honor and glory to your son and to Jesus name we pray Amen You Turn this on 162 Number one six two