(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) man don't mind this all right it's a blessing to be here tonight at the Red Hop preaching conference I want to thank pastor Roger Jimenez and of course Verity Baptist Church for putting this together this conference holds a special special place in my heart just because a couple years ago I made some good decisions based off of the preaching for the men who come behind this pulpit and it really changed in my direction in life because of it so obviously we understand that the preaching is not in vain it's profitable but you just never know who's listening not just here but you know out and abroad and therefore the preaching obviously is important and I want to thank fwbc la I know some of their scattered here my la ian's and I didn't say illegal aliens right I know we're from LA and of course as pastor Roger Jimenez mentioned he holds a special place in my heart as well because he's a norteƱo and I'm a sureno and we both get along great so you don't see that very very often alright look down at your Bibles at Jeremiah chapter 23 and we'll get right into in verse 25 it says here I've heard what the prophet said that prophesy lies in my name saying I have dreamed I have dreamed how long shall this be in the heart of the people that prophesy lies yea they are prophets of the sea of their own heart which think to cause my people to forget my name by their dreams which they tell every man to his neighbor as their fathers have forgotten my name for bail the prophet that hath a dream let him tell the dream and he that hath my word let him speak my word faithfully what is the chaff to the wheat saith the Lord and tired of the sermon this evening is what is the chaff to the wheat what is the chaff to the wheat now when you read the book of Jeremiah and you study the book of Jeremiah you will quickly see that the book of Jeremiah is a good representation of today isn't it not when you observe Christians you observe pastors and churches it's kind of like looking into a mirror of some of the things that are taking place today in churches whether it's Baptist churches Christian churches whatever it may be you see a lot of things are very similar not only for the prophets that are speaking the word of God faithfully but also because of the false prophets who are not speaking the word of God faithfully who are lying right and the reason for that is because the Bible teaches us that you know there's no new and new thing under the Sun things that were said before things that are being said today false doctrines that were taught today they're being taught today are false doctrines that were taught in years past as well the Bible says for whatsoever things were written a four time were written for our learning that we through patience and comfort of the scriptures might have hope go with me if you would to John chapter 15 John chapter 15 I'm gonna read to you from 1st Corinthians chapter 10 and verse 11 it says here now all these things happen unto them for examples and they were written for our admonition upon whom the ends of the world are come so when we read the Bible obviously not just the book of Jeremiah you read from Genesis to Revelation everything is relevant to today is it not but specifically when we read this chapter in chapter 23 the modern-day application is so akin to what we see today with pastors so akin to the false false prophets and false pastors of today it's almost as if we're looking into an evaluation of today's churches we see a distinction between God's man and the devil's man we see a dichotomy of God's man Jeremiah and the false prophets and you'd be foolish to walk away from Jeremiah 23 and say well these people are the same person you know the false prophets and the God's man the real prophet they're just they're very similar there's not really a distinction between the two you see a vast distinction between the two they're very much different from one another you know throughout the centuries the distinction between these two people groups have been so obvious all you have to do is observe which group is loved the most and which group is hated the most and that's how you can tell who's the real prophet of God now look I'm not saying that you know the pastors who are preaching the Word of God are gonna be hated by everyone obviously we have pastors and we have people who we admire we love and there's a remnant of people who believe right and they love the man of God but far and wide the vast majority of the world will hate that man the vast majority of the world will hate the person who's preaching the Word of God and guess what the vast majority of the world will love the Joel Osteen's of this world I mean how many people have you talked to we're just like oh yeah I'm a Christian I love Joel Osteen I just he's so good yeah everyone the vast majority of them the Bible says in John 15 verse 18 don't let this discourage you because it says if the world hate you ye know that it hated me before I hated you you know what that means you're in good company amen if you were of the world the world would love his own but because you're not of the world but I have chosen you out of the world therefore the world hateth you so you know what when we see the slanders and the threatenings and all these things that people want to say against the men of God the prophets of God the Jeremiah's of today hey it's okay you know why because that means that we're in good company with the Lord Jesus Christ what is the chaff to the wheat well the chaff is often the preacher whom everyone loves and the wheat are those whom everyone hates you know there's a lot of independent fundamental Baptists out there but the reality is some of them are chaff and some of them are the wheat you know I hate it when people make comments and they lump us together with Catholics all you Chris you need your Christians and this Christian did you know these priests is like whoa hold on a second Catholics are not Christian well you know I'm talking about you know you and you don't believe in celebrating birthdays and anti blood transfusion well hold on a second that's a Jehovah's Witness we're not Jehovah's Witnesses I should correct myself we're the true Jehovah's Witnesses amen yeah but you guys in your street preaching I'm not Ray Comfort Ray Comfort is a wicked false prophet who uploads these fake soul-winning videos and just tries to just demean people in the streets and make them look stupid just so he can look good but they try to lump us in with those with those kind of people don't they we're not Mormons we're not Jehovah's Witnesses hey we're not victory outreach either victory outreach they're not Christians oh you know but they have Christian on their website and these people are wicked now look obviously there's people within the Jehovah's Witnesses that are misled obviously there's people who maybe were taught have parents who are Jehovah's Witnesses or Mormons you know who are misled but the vast majority of those the ones who are actually leading these groups they're wicked okay okay okay I'm not saying just Christians I'm not just saying you know uh you know just Christians just in general I'm just saying like you independent fundamental Baptists you guys are like a cult you guys teach weird stuff you guys have some strange teaching hey we're not from the ruckman crowd you're thinking oh you're thinking of Jean Kim yeah he's weird him in his hollow earth alien and all these strange doctrines his little you know oh I just you know who listens to that that's not us don't let me in with these weirdos just because they claim to be an independent fundamental Baptist doesn't mean that they are these are the ruckman nights the hyper dipsticks who need a washboard every time they teach the Word of God okay all right well you knew I have be you know you guys are like liberals and stuff like that no you're thinking of Josh Tice you're thinking of pastor polka dot and all the other soy boys these weakling pastors where you know they they tear their jeans before they come into church they shave off one side their wife shaves off one side of her head they sit on a bar stool they got the purple light they get their eyebrows done that's not us those are some flamboyant fags is what they are but they call themselves new IP but they're not they're the chaff the Jehovah's Witnesses they're the chaff victory outreach that's the chaff the hyper dipsticks that's the chaff we need to draw the line you know people often say well you guys are so critical no it's just that we're making a line is what we're doing we're showing the difference the distinction between that which is the chaff and that which is the wheat because we don't want people to get confused we don't want people to be misled we want them to know what is biblical Christianity and what is not drawing the line just shows you this is what God says to do that's that and that shows you what God tells you not to do there is a difference we have to explain what the chaff is to the weed there's a vast difference between our preaching and theirs the difference is so distinct in some in some cases it's like comparing a super soaker to ak-47 you compare the new IV you know the the the soy boys to the men the preaching is different you know it's like 99 cent Jack tacos sorry if I offended some of you out there who just had that last night after the red hot it's like comparing that to filet mignon it's like tofu to real meat it's like the chaff to the wheat go with me if you went to mark chapter 4 what is chaff well when you thresh wheat you loosen the edible part of grain from the husks and straw you separate it and that which is the chaff is that which is worthless that which is refused that which is rejected that which is reprobate that's what it is so when the Bible talks about the chaff to the wheat he's saying that which is valuable and that which is not that which is accepted and that which is rejected that which is of God and that which is of the devil God is drawing the line he's saying what is the chaff to the wheat and he gives some specific distinctions between the two now first of all what is great well grain is on the other hand is just something that's valuable and so there's something could be used for meal for food look at mark for verse 30 it says and he said where unto shall we like in the kingdom of God or with what comparison shall we compare it it is like a grain of mustard seed which when it is sown in the earth is less than all the seeds that be in the earth you know doesn't that sound like biblical Christianity right there because the mustard seed is the one that no one really pays attention to it's the less it's the least of then all the seeds that be in the earth look at the history books do you think you're gonna see a biblical Christian in the history book absolutely not why cuz they're the mustard seeds they're the smallest ones they're the ones that don't get recognized by the world but are recognized of God say when will we know who those people are well let's keep and continue reading verse 32 but when it is sown it groweth up and become a greater than all the herbs and shooteth out great branches so that the fowls of the air may lodge under the shadow of it you know in the in the resurrection we will see these greater herbs these greater trees right the seeds that were sown referring to the better resurrection that we're gonna get tonight I'm gonna take the threshing instrument of God's Word and thoroughly purge the floor and show you from Jeremiah 23 the difference between these two oh we already know this but you know we always got to get reminded of that which we have heard in times past should not lest we forget we always get a preach the same sermon just give it a different title a little different illustration because you know what we forget but you know what every generation needs people that draw the line to show you what's what that which is biblical and that which is not and let me say this is that in Jeremiah 23 we see a difference between these two but not based upon how they look it's based upon how they preach and obviously we understand that there's people out there who are saved that are mixed up in doctrine you know they believe in the pre-tribulation rapture or they're Zionists they love the Jews and you know they may they may not believe in the reprobate doctrine but they're saved people right and I'm not talking about them I'm talking about these the people who are in charge I'm talking about the people who are ardently preaching false doctrine they're the ones who claim to be the independent fundamental Baptist they're the ones who claim to be the true Christians but they're not even saved that's who I'm talking to wolves and sheep's clothing now go back to Jeremiah 23 if you would let's read the verse again look at verse 28 it says the prophet that hath a dream let him tell the dream and he that hath my word let him speak my word faithfully what is the chapter the wheat saith the Lord look at verse 29 is not my word like as a fire so what's the first thing that he says here well preaching from the wheat purges whereas preaching from the chaff dilutes let me say that again preaching from the wheat purges that's what fire does it purges whereas the preaching from the chaff dilutes is what it does you see real preaching is likened unto fire why because it comes from the Bible comes from the Word of God I mean it's called the red hot preaching conference it's not called the cold blue preaching conference that's at North Valley Baptist Church that's at Lancaster Baptist Church with the leader leadership conference cold blue real preaching is fire why is that well are you trying to say you're just trying to scold everyone no fire purges fire cleans up your life hard preaching fire preaching is not meant to scorch believers it's meant to purge them from their sin you see when we get saved we don't come batteries included right we come with baggage that's why it's important that when we get saved we get into a hellfire damnation leather lung Baptist Church under some hard preaching to help us clean up our lives and get that fire to clean us up get that fire in our light in our soul to clean us up from the bad habits the bad you know habits that we may have in our lives whatever it may be or the bad ideologies that we learned growing up especially if you got saved later on in life amen that's what preaching does whereas its counterpart the chaff preaching is watered down and they water down the content of God's Word to make it more digestible for you right hey I heard a sermon by the way you say well you're just saying that because we preach on the love of God I heard a sermon this morning about the love of God and it was good that was a biblical sermon on the love of God amen whereas I heard a lot of you know preaching on the love of God back in the day and most of it is just having to do with tolerance of wicked people tolerance of reprobates tolerance of people who should even be allowed to be in church that's not love red hot preaching is meant to clean us up fire preaching it's not my word like as a fire doesn't it burn you know the disciples on the road to Emmaus when they ran into Jesus they fellowship with him and when he left they said this that there his word was within their hearts as a burning fire shut up in his bar that's Jeremiah let me I can't remember the scripture right now then that our hearts burn within us why he opened to us the scriptures why he walked with us by the way and while he opened to us the scriptures thank you Holy Spirit it's fire amen diluted preaching doesn't help anybody I'm sorry let me let me correct that diluted preaching helps the pastor you know to keep the congregation there so they can keep paying the bills and be lazy and just kind of just kind of put it on cruise control you know that's not God's blessing that's the pastor's blessing go with me through it to 2nd Corinthians chapter 10 and verse number 8 oh no but you're you're preaching that's too mean though it's far too abrasive you shouldn't preach like that you're gonna you're gonna you know drive people you're gonna you're gonna scare people from Christ I see a lot of people here who have not been scared from Christ because when you preach fire and you show it from the Bible guess what people like that 2nd Corinthians 10 8 says for though I should boast someone more of our authority which the Lord hath given us for edification and not for your not for your destruction I should not be ashamed our goal is not to destroy our congregation it's not to destroy the people that are within our congregation it's to edify them but you know edification requires the fire of God's Word set my soul of fire Lord for thy holy word that's what we need and look if hard fire preaching bothers you it's because you probably have sin in your heart that's probably what it is if it bothers you if it feels like the pastor stepping on your toes if you feel like the pastor's talking about you well he probably is so what you probably inspired his sermon you did something in the service prior that said I'm gonna preach on that on Sunday he's preaching on me yeah he probably is I just did that last Sunday yeah it's probably why he's doing it so fix it correct it and then we can remain a happy family amen go back to Jeremiah 23 if you would you see fire preaching turns you from your evil ways right and if someone doesn't have fiery preaching look into the church if a church is just filled with sin filled with fornication there's drunkards there's people who smoke pot there's all kinds of looseness in that church just mark it down even though you haven't heard the preaching of God's Word from that pulpit mark it down there's no fire coming from that pulpit why is that look at verse 21 I have not sent these prophets yet they ran I have not spoken to them yet they prophesied don't we hear that God's called me verse 22 but if they had stood in my counsel and it caused my people to hear my words then they should have turned them from their evil way and from the evil of their doings he's saying look if these guys were really sent by me then they would have stood in my counsel they would have had the people harken into my words and guess what the byproduct of that is that people turn from their wicked ways but that's not the case here therefore I didn't send them you know how you know that a man of God has been sent to a people when the people start turning from their wicked ways due to the preaching go to Jeremiah 26 if you would hold your place there in Jeremiah 23 we need a generation of men to rise up to preach the Word of God to quench not the Spirit to despise not prophesying as the Bible says to prove all things hold fast that which is good to preach the Word begins to in season out of season to reprove rebuke and exhort with all long suffering and doctrine so you know what that means that the Bible tells us we're supposed to preach hard but so we're supposed to be patient says long suffering and doctrine why because people in the church are not all at the same spiritual level you know what that's not just the command for the pastor that's the command for the mature Christian within the congregation when you get impatient with some of the babes in Christ in your church hey be long suffering you know if they don't get the replacement theology right off the bat don't chew their head off because of it if they don't get the right reprobate doctrine right right off the bat don't just jump all over them love them disciple them the fire of God's Word will teach them it'll burn away all those false ideologies it'll burn away all the false doctrine but you know what speak the truth in love obviously right we need fire preaching because it purges it's like stripes to the inward parts of the books if it doesn't hurt it's probably because the preaching you've been listening to is making you callous and you can no longer feel look at Jeremiah 26 verse 2 thus saith the Lord stand in the court of the Lord's house and speak unto all the cities of Judah which come to worship in the Lord's house all the words that I command thee to speak unto them diminish not a word what is he saying say it all say it all can I use Leviticus say it all can I use like Deuteronomy all of it diminish not a word why because the words of the Lord are pure words amen you know and we need to make sure that we always draw that line they're real preaching from the wheat is fire it purges Christians it purges churches from sin you know people like well you know my pastor he preaches pretty hard you know James White he's a hard preacher heard that sermon on adultery fire they're like fire this is James White's preaching right here how do you mean blowing it already blow out that's James White's preaching right here this is new IFB preaching yeah Jane this is John MacArthur preaching right around let me get away from the kids your kids are gonna come home with no eyebrows this is John MacArthur this is pastor Anderson all right this is Jeff Durbin all right this is pastor Jimenez he's not here is he there you go yeah that's right this is Josh Tice it's queer little flamer this is brother me here one more there we go I can't I was gonna I was gonna do pastor Perry but it was gonna be bad it was just not gonna turn on at all but don't they say oh no my pastor's pretty he's he's a hard preacher hard this abyss burns it's just fire and then you come and then you hit him with some doctrine it's just like right oh no no he's fire oh no John MacArthur man he's fire come again real preaching is fire this is how you know it's real fire preaching when the pastor's preaching on sin and you're and he you see you feel like he's talking to you and your face it just gets red little beads of sweat start showing up on your forehead and you're mad at your wife because you think that she probably said something to the pastor right it's called the Holy Spirit it's called fire this is the difference here watered-down preaching helps no one it's watered-down it dilutes the contents of God's Word number two preaching from the wheat unifies believers around the truth preaching from the chaff drives people away from the truth but don't we hear about that don't we hear that today about us the way you guys preach and scream and slobber and foam out the mouth and stuff the language you guys use like the kjv language and stuff you know that's gonna drive people away that's really gonna drive people away you know you're gonna offend some people and you're gonna drive well first of all we're driving the right people who need to get away from us that's the it drives the wrong people away should I say the wicked people the reprobates those are the people who we should drive away but it actually unifies believers around the truth does it not oh no but you guys are just mean though your spirit you're just too zealous you're just too like biblical thank you by the way this is why the second generation this is why they're leaving the old IP and it's unfortunate you know there's two ways they're gonna go they're either gonna go to the to the liberal the Trendy's as Pastor McMurtry calls them right or they're gonna come our way but the reality is is that a lot of the second generation the younger people they're leaving the old IFP and not just the old IFP other churches as well by the droves they're driving their people away why because they're preaching like the chaff that's why look at Jeremiah 23 and verse number one nah it's your preaching that drives people away you're rude hey though I'd be rude in speech yet not in knowledge Jeremiah 23 verse 1 says woe be unto the pastors that destroy and scatter the sheep of my pasture say the Lord now he's not talking about Jeremiah now is he verse 2 therefore thus saith the Lord God of Israel against the pastors that feed my people ye have scattered my flock and driven them away and have not visited them behold I will visit upon you the evil of your doings saith the Lord you see he's not talking about Jeremiah and look read the book of Jeremiah most of his sermons are negative yet God comes and says that the other prophets they're the ones who are driving people away well you know yeah but if we become too negative we're gonna offend people you know they're gonna they're just they're just not gonna like it's just not logical brother Mahia yeah but we're not supposed to do that which is logical we do that which is biblical and if it's biblical then we figure out the methods do we do it is it logical is it feasible is it practical can we do it but if it's in the Bible we do it no you're gonna scatter the flock the way you preach you know the way you foam out the mouth the the language that you use no in fact people are gonna stick around because they know that you're real and they need the Word of God to be real to them they need the man of God to get up and slam the pulpit and yell and get mad to preach hard on sin to talk about divorce to talk about fornication to rip on the homos so that when they see that why I think this guy means business I think he believes what he's saying they're not just like falling asleep in church just like bored with the same sermon on Psalm 23 they're still stuck on verse number one for the last four weeks they want to hear it all they're the ones who are scattering the sheep away and most of it is because they have a double standard they preach one thing but do another they're called it's what you called hypocrisy they preach one thing and they do another and they're not a shame to show that before their people because they don't care they're acting like a bunch of hirelings is what they're doing they're acting like the chaff this is the difference between the chaff and the we go down to verse 16 thus saith the Lord of hosts hearken not into the words of the prophet that prophesy unto you that make you vain they speak a vision of their own heart and not out of the mouth of the Lord so this kind of preaching that they're doing it makes you vain makes you puffed up makes you empty preaching that makes you vain go to 2nd Timothy hold your place there Jeremiah Jeremiah 23 go to 2nd Timothy chapter 3 this is the the believe in yourself type sermons right this is the look I'm on four sermons on you know getting over anxiety and depression these things are good topics amen these are some of the issues that people struggle with but it gets to a point where it's just like they're just trying to get their people to survive the week survive just that Sunday but you know we need to get to a point where we're not just surviving we're thriving we're not just surviving we're thriving we're making plans to to become successful in life but they have this Oprah Oprah Winfrey you know type of ministry look at 2nd Timothy chapter 3 and verse number 1 it says this know also that in the last days perilous time shall come for men shall be lovers of their own selves this is that way this is what that vain preaching does covetous boasters proud blasphemers disobedient to parents unthankful unholy without natural affection truce breakers false accusers incontinent fierce despisers of those that are good traitors heady high-minded love is a pleasure more than lovers of God having a form of godliness but denying the power thereof from such turn away you say well how do you know that that's a byproduct of the preaching look at 2nd Timothy chapter 4 and look when I read 2nd Timothy chapter 3 I think Christian school I think Christian school and I'm not saying that everyone who comes out of a Christian school is a reprobate but I've met a lot of reprobates who come out of the Christian school because they get the truth so much and they're there because mom sent them because dad sent them and they get all this truth and they reject the gospel and what happens their heart becomes hardened they become reprobates they become lovers of their own selves but why is that look at 2nd Timothy chapter 4 verse 1 I charge thee therefore before God and the Lord Jesus Christ who shall judge the quick and the dead at his appearing in his kingdom preach the word be instant in season out of season reprove rebuke exhort with all long-suffering and doctrine for the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers having itching ears and they shall turn away their ears from the truth and shall be turned unto fables notice that also in chapter 3 it says that they have a form of godliness where do you think they learn it from being in church learning how to play church being in the Christian school learning how to look like a Christian but but eventually just denying the faith from search turn away the Bible tells us there go back to Jeremiah 23 you know what I hear a lot why people are just leaving these churches it's because their pastor has taken a strong stance strong stance on the King James no on soul winning no on right living no they're taking a strong stance and supporting the fault of the facts I was gonna say the FOMOs trying to blend both words together and you know that disgust people that disgust the members of those churches look what it says in verse 17 they say still unto them that despise me the Lord had said he shall have peace you know they want to who's that uh click what's his name the new guy the the dipstick who just got found out recently Charles Lawson thank you Charles Lawson with his red carpet bring them all in ministry right what is he saying to them ye shall have peace and they say unto everyone that walk it up after the imagination of his own heart no evil shall be upon you no evil shall come upon you homo we love you God loves you you know we're we're by faith alone we believe in faith alone and everything but you know what I know but with you it's you know you just got to stop becoming homo even though I believe it's my faith alone peace you know what that drives people away because they're ministry into people that despise God and it irks the hearts of those believers within those churches to say why would you allow that you I have children here I thought you loved us I thought you loved the children here I thought you loved the next generation and you're gonna bring in these filthy pedophiles these wicked people here even though you say that you love us you say peace upon them why and then what happens they're scattered but you know what you get a pastor Anderson you get a pastor Jimenez pastor Perry pastor McMurtry preaching on the sodomites I guarantee the people in those churches know that their pastor loves them because they're willing to put it all on the line to receive the most criticism persecutions and attacks for that because they love their people so in spite of the criticism in spite of the persecutions despite of the afflictions the threatenings and all the voicemails and emails they do it anyways because they love their people and therefore the people are not scattered in fact they unify around the truth point number three point number one you know preaching from the chav is diluted preaching from the wheat is fire right preaching from the chav drives people away preaching from the wheat actually unifies people around the truth number three preaching from the wheat is hard preaching from the chav is soft this is I'm telling you I'm drawing the line right here I'm just saying look this is this is the difference between the two well I know you know this is hard but of course it's hard but well why is it hard preaching though what does it mean to be well what is hard me means firm to the touch unyielding to pressure and penetrable look at Jeremiah 23 verse 29 is not my word like as a fire saith the Lord and like a hammer the breaketh the rock in pieces there's times that people come to the church and their hearts are hardened are they not they've been hurt you know they've been defrauded they've been delusion they've been discouraged and their heart sometimes gets hard you know what fixes that the hammer of God's Word and look I'm not saying look I'm talking about hard preaching that has content from the Bible itself you know I've heard some hard preaching with zero Bible right haven't you haven't you a bunch of ripping but it's just like no scripture or they go to one scripture you know and then the rest of it is just the pastor speaking no comparison of scriptures right true preaching is like a hammer that breaketh the rock and pieces it softens the heart of the people who have been hardened by the things of this world look at verse 30 says therefore behold I am against the prophets saith the Lord that steal my words everyone from his neighbor so what does this mean well here it's shown us that the false prophet because he's not saved has to get his Christian ease from someone else they have to get their biblical lingo and biblical truths from someone else in order to pass off as a sheep even though they're a wolf they have to steal the words from their neighbor they said what about the wheat well the wheat buys the truth and sells a not the wheat puts into work he pays the price to study the Word of God and he takes full advantage of the Holy Spirit that dwells within him to learn the Bible regardless of how many decades it may take to learn it that's the difference you know these like you know you have these hyper dipsticks like gene Kim robber breaker there's a movie about that out there somewhere about that and these guys they don't think more than referencing the Bible what do they do they reference Clarence Larkin they reference you know Peter Ruckman they reference all these hyper dipsticks throughout all the ages or whatever that have taught this false doctrine because they can't get anything from the Bible themselves they need to steal the words from their neighbors is what they need to do whereas you know the the the wheat labors the wheat rightly devised the Word of Truth they studied to show themselves approve them to God in order that their hammocks should be hard enough to penetrate to break in pieces the rock the Bible says go to Psalm 29 if you would I'm sorry stay right there let's keep reading here verse 31 it says behold I am against the prophets say it the Lord that use their tongues and say and say he saith behold I am against them that prophesied false dreams by the way verse 31 I hate when people do that well you know God says it's like where well I don't know exactly where but he's it's somewhere in there where he saith verse 32 behold I am against them to prophesy false dreams saith the Lord and do tell them and cause my people to err by their lies and by their lightness yet I sent them not nor commanded them be therefore they shall not profit this people at all saith the Lord these are the pastors that want to make it look like they preach hard on sin but it's actually a really light touch don't do it sin is bad don't do that and then when someone's just like and they're like but you know if you do it you know I understand lightness don't do it it's gonna destroy your life those of you who were sleeping just woke up did you not but it wasn't lightness that woke you up it was the hammer look at Psalm 29 in verse number 4 if you would Psalm 29 in verse number 4 you say well why do you guys preach so hard is because we won't we don't want people to destroy their lives we've seen what sin does to people oh you guys are just happy to just throw people out at their fornicators I'm not happy about that if we got to do it we got to do it but when I go home I'm heartbroken when I go home I got a lump in my throat cuz I'm gonna miss the brother I'm gonna miss that person and I know what's what's lying ahead for that person in the future I know they're gonna be destroyed by Satan that hurts but does that mean we don't use the hammer look at Psalm 29 verse 4 the voice of the Lord is powerful the voice of the Lord is full of majesty the voice of the Lord break at the cedars yay the Lord break at the cedars of Lebanon he maketh them also to skip like a calf Lebanon and Syrian like a young unicorn the voice of the Lord divided the flames of fire you know what the Word of God does you know what the hammer does it breaks those those dividing walls of false ideologies it breaks those dividing walls of discouragement and fear oh man I don't know if I can go out there and preach the gospel you hear a fiery sermon on soul winning and you know what does I can do it I believe I can do it I don't know if I should homeschool I'm just so scared of doing that and the fire the hammer of God's Word breaks that fear breaks that fear and it caused you to recognize you know maybe we can't do this you know I don't know if I can show up to church that you know Sunday morning Sunday night Wednesday night I mean that's that's a lot what am I gonna do the hammer of God's Word comes and it breaks that and it says you know what God will take care of us we can do it it tears down the partitions of walls of discouragement of fear and it uses God's Word to just diminish that and it allows you to see hey I guess I can do it I believe I can do it go back to Jeremiah 23 if you wouldn't preaching from the chaff is very soft preaching from the wheat it's very hard regardless of what you're talking about even if it's on the love of God it's hard even if it's on the grace of God it's hard and look I'm not talking about the decibels of your voice hard I'm talking about the fact that you're using the Word of God look at number verse 32 number four preaching from the wheat profits the people preaching from the chaff is worthless the Bible says in verse 32 behold I am against them to prophesy false dreams say it the Lord and do tell them and cause my people to err by their lies and by their likeness yet I sent them not nor commanded them therefore they shall not profit this people at all saith the Lord you know you work all week you save them money to put in your gas tank you buy a Bible you get all dressed up you do everything I bring Pastor Shelley talked about this and you come to church you want to profit from it and that's what the preaching of the wheat does it actually profits the people why because it's using the scriptures it's using the Word of God and it's profitable for doctrine for reproof for correction and instruction in righteousness chaff preaching is just worthless just doesn't do anything for you you hear the same thing over and over again you got Paul Chappell's Sunday school lesson on the grace of God 32 lessons repeating the same exact thing three different you know 32 different ways and by the animators just like we didn't even go that deep into that hey I'm thankful for the pastors in our movement they go deep on some subjects they go down deep and they don't come up dry they come up soaking wet they go deep on some subjects amen pastor a minute preach through the book of Leviticus not boring preaching through the book of Ezekiel not boring pastor Anderson preached to the book of Jeremiah preaching through the book of Exodus not boring oh that's like Old Testament you know most people when they come to church when they come to a new IP Church we haven't turned to the Old Testament book they'll be like flip over and they go hey there's words on this page and praise the Lord for that I'm thankful for the pastors in our movement that are not afraid to touch the books of the Old Testament because haven't you read the Bible you're just like man I wonder what this means in the Old Testament you know I wonder what a sermon or a series would be like on this book and once you hear it's like wow that was profitable that was profitable I'm gonna skip some things here cuz I'm out of time here's the last one go to Matthew 13 what is the shaft to the wheat and look there's people out there who still don't know the difference for some reason as you know he that is ignorant let him be ignorant still right but one day people will know the difference they may not know the difference now but one day they will know the difference why because the wheat will be gathered into the barns to shine forever whereas the chaff will be gathered into bundles to be burdened and at that point there's no question who's the chaff and who's the wheat look at Matthew 13 verse 24 says another parable putting forth unto them saying the kingdom of heaven is likened unto a man which sowed good seed in his field but while men slept his enemy came and so tears among the wheat and went his way but when the blade was sprung up and brought forth fruit then appeared the tears also so the servant of the householder came and said unto him sir this that does not thou sow good seed in thy field from whence then hath it tears he said unto them an enemy hath done this the servant said unto him would thou then that we go and gather them up but he said nay lest while ye gather up the tears ye root up also the wheat with them let them both grow together until the harvest and in the time of harvest I will say to the reapers gather ye together first the tears and bind them in bundles to burn them but gather the wheat into my barn and at that point we'll know who's who so how am I supposed to apply this sermon though brother me here you know I know the difference I know what the difference is I've heard sermons like this before how do I apply this to my life well this is how you apply it remember this that every generation needs to do their part and clarifying that line you know you may be parents you have children you make sure you make that distinction very clear to the next generation you're not going to be here forever once you're gone you're gone and whatever they learn from you they will carry for the rest of their lives clarify that line to them show them the distinction of that line well I just don't want to come off too radical too zealous what you do in moderation your children will do in excess if you're ignorant in moderation your children will be ignorant and excess we need to make sure that we teach the next generation where to draw the line that's how you apply it well I'm not married yet well good you have more time to learn how to draw so when the time comes you say son here's where we draw the line here's where the Bible draws the line and dad's not gonna be here dad's not always gonna be here so you need to learn this and get it ingrained in your heart and know the difference between the chaff and the wheat let's pray father we thank you so much for your word I'm thankful for the wheats in my life the man who preached to me and even the men in this room who have helped me Lord and they've helped me make that distinction they've helped me clarify that line so thankful for them God I pray that you'd help us as your people to think upon the next generation it's great to hear sermons like these but we need to listen to them through the filter of the next generation as well and recognize that they're the ones who come after us and they're gonna have a new battle to fight a new war and I pray God that you'd help us to do our due diligence to train them in the ways of the Lord and we thank you so much we love you praise things in Jesus name amen