(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Was gonna run up here still a little stiff Tossing those kids around for sure foundation got a little a little it was a little more work than I had planned yesterday Anthony went down pretty easy, but the other guys Other guys are a little bit more difficult Alright Romans chapter 7 Romans chapter 7 So Romans 7 is talking about our deliverance from the law and and what you know the law means to us as believers and The part of the chapter that I want to focus on in verses is verses 12 and 13 Where the Bible reads wherefore the law is holy in the commandment holy and just and good Was then that which is good made death unto me God forbid but sin that it might appear sin Working death in me by that which is good that sin by the commandment might become exceedingly Sinful so you see that the Bible is telling us here that the point of the law in the Bible is so that sin Becomes exceedingly sinful to us so it pops out at us So it's not like you know like those eye charts that you see that have the number in it that he's testing your color And it's kind of a pattern We don't want it to be like that the more you're in the Bible and where you're in a Bible preaching church Sin is gonna pop out of that page at you. Okay. This was demonstrated to me. Just a few weeks ago we were outside of our circle that we're normally in and Somebody came up to my eight-year-old son with a phone I think it was a country music video or something and they were kind of like hey look at this And he didn't even look at the phone. He heard that the sound coming from the phone He just said said no no no no he knew That sin was exceedingly sinful. It was exceedingly sinful to him so by the way. That's the power of a family integrated church I mean you think that it's just so we can all be together But you don't think that these kids the ones that are saved they have the same Holy Spirit that you do And they're understanding what is being preached from this pulpit so when things like that You know when they're you know when maybe when you're not looking I saw it from across the room And I got there as quick as I could But we need them to be able to have that discernment as well, and that's what the Bible will give us so tonight I just want to give you two areas where you know you should make sure that you're keeping sin exceedingly sinful in your life In Romans chapter 12 the Bible reads I beseech you therefore brethren by the mercies of God They present yourselves your body's a living sacrifice Holy acceptable unto God which is your reasonable service and be not conformed to this world But be transformed by the renewing of your mind you may prove. What is good and acceptable What what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God, so I want to give you two areas tonight The first area you want to talk about is something that Most of you probably deal with and that's dealing with unsaved family and keeping sin Exceedingly sinful when you're dealing with unsaved family. This is a huge problem for some people I mean it exists with most of us But we need to draw some lines and make sure that we're keeping that sin exceedingly sinful I'll give you two examples of places. I've drawn lines in my family and With dealing with unsaved family the first one is with alcohol Okay in Proverbs 23 31 the Bible reads look not upon the wine when it is red when it giveth its color in the cup When it moveth itself a right look my personal opinion is that alcohol is much more destructive than heroin That's my opinion You don't have to agree with it But I believe that it's so subtle and it's exists in so many different families and kids are being brought up seeing it and being Around you know you say you have you quit drinking you don't drink anymore. That's great, but you're not supposed to look at it Your kids are not supposed to look at it So what's happening when they see uncle Bobby with a beer is that sin is becoming less sinful to them? So you're preaching something to them. They're hearing it in church, and then they're seeing that nice guy. He's funny He's nice to them he buys them presents. Oh, but he's got a beer must not be that bad No, that's wrong. It needs to be exceedingly sinful So you need to draw some lines so the lines that we've drawn are you know hey if it's gonna be there? We're not gonna be there. You know in my house. It's easy. I control my house, but when I go somewhere else I can't really tell people how to act in their house, but people know if it's there I'm not there period that's it, so if you don't want me and my family around You're gonna have to make that square peg you know you fit in a square hole basically because you know we don't do the round peg Square hole thing so all right the second one that we've drawn lines with is you know sodomites We've drawn lines. You know it's gonna be an uncomfortable phone call I'm sorry, but it's going to be it seems like every single extended family or a lot of them now have them You know it's a growing problem obviously, but how am I supposed to preach the Bible and tell you know my kids that these people? Haters of God that they're dangerous that their child molesters and be like oh Except for you know unless they're related to us in some way No, we need to make that phone call if that person's there hey That's great that you want to hang out with that type of people, but we won't be there That's the bottom line okay look the bottom line with unsaved family These are just two examples. You know just enter any sin in the blank These are just two examples if you can't control the situation Don't be in the situation That's the bottom line all right the next the next one. I have is unsaved friends Okay, unsaved friends look Whether you got saved later in life, or you got saved you know Early on many of us have unsaved friends. You should try to get your unsaved friends saved You know same thing with family right, but we should try to get our unsaved friends, but as far as Unsaved friends and hanging out with them. You know you shouldn't have any that's the bottom line these should be your friends Your brothers and sisters in Christ look you think that oh those guys aren't that bad especially these two I've known him for 20 years or whatever. You know you know ask Jehoshaphat If being friends with Ahab was a big deal you ask him when you get to heaven You know he endured some chastisement in his life, but he destroyed four generations of his family When Jehu went on a rampage and was wiping out the house of Ahab he wiped out Jehoshaphat's grandchildren, too It cost Jehoshaphat four generations of his family because when you're hanging out with your unsaved friends Maybe they meet their children Maybe they marry one of those children like Jehoshaphat's son did And maybe they're you know your son's new mother-in-law is a Jezebel uh-oh Now we got trouble Okay, the Bible says you know come out from among them and be separate okay in Proverbs 27 17 The Bible says iron sharpened with iron so a man sharpened at the countenance of his friend. You know iron sharpens iron Everything else is non-profitable. It's gonna hurt your it's gonna hurt your family. It's gonna make sin less sinful to your children Look you say these are gonna be some uncomfortable phone calls You know these are gonna be I I can't say that to my dad or my mom or my uncle or whatever You know for the leaders in the room tonight. Just let me just say that you know you are responsible for the spiritual well-being of your children and their physical safety You know become a man Become a man and your children and your grandchildren will thank you for it. Okay. Let's pray Dear Lord we thank you for these men tonight. We thank you for all these people. Please bless the rest of this conference Bless the preachers tonight bless everyone's travels home. We thank you for this church and all the like-minded churches that Sent people here Lord and all the preachers What's the rest of the evening and the fellowship to come in Jesus name we pray amen?