(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) ["O Come All Ye Faithful"] ["O Come All Ye Faithful"] Father God, thank you for this day. Thank you for this opportunity to hear your words being preached. Please bless Pastor, bless this message. Open our hearts and our ears to your word. In the name of Jesus Christ we pray, amen. Amen. Alright, we're there in Judges chapter number seven and I'd like you to look down. Actually, before we get into Judges seven, flip one page over to Judges chapter number six and I'd like you to look down at verse number one. Judges chapter number six and verse number one. I want you to get a little bit of the context of the story before we get into it. Judges chapter number six and verse one. I want you to notice that the children of Israel were under the rule and oppression of the Midianites and their allies. In Judges chapter six and verse one the Bible says the children of Israel did evil in the sight of the Lord and the Lord delivered them into the hand of Midian seven years. Skip down to verse number four, notice what it says. Here's the oppression. And they, the Midianites, encamped against them, the children of Israel, and destroyed the increase of the earth. That's what the earth had brought forth. That's what they had brought, what they had had for food to be able to feed themselves and their family. It says, till I'll come unto Gaza and left, notice what it says, no sustenance. The word sustenance means nourishment. It means that they, that which sustains life. It says that they left no sustenance for Israel, neither sheep nor ox nor ass. So here you have the children of Midian coming and ruling over and oppressing the children of Israel, taking their crops, taking their animals, leaving them nothing to be able to feed themselves with. And I want you to notice that the children of Israel were also drastically outnumbered. Look at verse five. The Bible says, for they came up with their cattle and their tents, and they, that's Midian, came as grasshoppers for multitude, for both they and their camels were, notice what it says, without number. And they entered into a land to destroy it. Look down at verse number 33, same chapter, Judges chapter 6 verse 33. And all the Midianites, notice how many people, it's not just the Midianites, it's their allies as well. And all the Midianites and the Amalekites and the children of the east were gathered together and went over and pitched in the valley of Jezreel. Notice chapter 7 and verse number 12, just to, to get the idea of how these people were drastically outnumbered. They were not able to fight against them because of the fact that there was so many of them. There was the Midianites and the Amalekites and the children of the east, Judges chapter 7 verse 12. And the Midianites and the Amalekites and all the children of the east lay along in the valley, notice what it says, like grasshoppers for multitude and their camels were without number as the sand by the seaside for multitude. These were a lot of people. They would look down, every time they look out into the fields they would see just a huge crowd and usually when you see a crowd going far into the field they start looking small because there's so many of them. They look like grasshoppers, we can't even count them, there's so many of them. And here you have the children of Israel who were being oppressed, who were being ruled, but they were not able to fight them off because of the fact that they were drastically outnumbered. God raises up a man by the name of Gideon, if you go back to chapter 6 verse 34, why don't you notice the Bible says, by the spray of the Lord, Judges chapter 6 verse 34, but the spray of the Lord came upon Gideon and he blew a trumpet and Abazer was gathered after him. He sent messengers throughout all Manasseh who also was gathered after him. He sent messengers into Asher and unto Zebulun and unto Naphtali and they came up to meet them. This morning I'd like to preach a sermon and I'd like to speak to you on the subject of how to win when you're drastically outnumbered. How to win when you're drastically outnumbered. Because here we have the children of Israel, God raised up a man by the name of Gideon, but by any human logic, by any human understanding, we would look at it and say Gideon don't do it. Gideon don't go fight these people because they've got more people, they've got more resources, they've got more at their disposal. You are not ready, you are not prepared, you do not have what it takes, you do not have what is needed to be able to win this battle. Keep your place there in Judges chapter number 7, that's our text for this morning, but go with me to the book of Luke. In the New Testament you got Matthew, Mark, Luke, Luke chapter number 13 and I'd like you to look down at verse number 23. Here's what I want you to understand, today you and I are engaged in a spiritual warfare, today we are engaged in a battle against the world and against the devil, against the forces of evil, but you need to understand something, we as Bible believing Christians are drastically outnumbered. There is more of them in a human sense. Now with God, you know if God be for us who can stand against us, but there be more, there's more of them and in Luke chapter 13 and verse number 23 this becomes real apparent, Luke chapter 13 and verse 23 the Bible says, then said one unto him, Lord are there few that be saved? And he said unto them, strive to enter in at the straight gate. Why? For many I say unto you will seek to enter in and shall not be able. In Matthew Jesus said, enter ye in at the straight gate, for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leadeth to destruction and many there be which go in there at, because straight is the gate and narrows the way which leadeth unto life and few there be that find it. Here's what you need to understand, most people out there are not saved. I always think it's interesting how Christians will get saved and they just think everybody's saved till they start going soul winning. You start going soul winning, you start knocking on doors, you know you know you're kind of maturing as a soul winner. I know a soul winner is developing properly as a soul winner when after a few weeks of going soul winning they come back and they're like pastor you know what I realized? Most people that say they're Christian aren't saved and it's like yeah most are going to hell. There are few that are saved. The question are there few that be saved and the answer is yes and here's what I need you to understand. We are outnumbered. We are our resource. Satan and his forces have more resources than we have. They have more at their disposal. We're in a battle but listen even just not as a movement in spiritual warfare even just in your personal life when it comes to the Christian walk and walking in the spirit you need to understand that we're drastically outnumbered. What I'm just talking about walking in the spirit when the new man that was created in you when you got saved that new man has to get up and fight the old man every day but you know what he's not just fighting the old man he's also fighting the world because the world is helping the old man the world of society and our culture is helping the old man but you know what he's not just fighting the old man he's also fighting the devil. It's a three-on-one fight and I'm telling you in the Christian life and in the Bible there's this theme all throughout the Bible that God's people are always drastically outnumbered. I mean tell me of a story in the Bible where it says the children of Israel were as grasshoppers for multitude but the Philistines there was just a few. You never find that story. It's always less on the side of the Lord. It's always less standing for God. It's always few that are trying to accomplish anything for God but listen you and I have to win this battle. We must win it for the next generation. We must win it for our children. We must win it because it's right because it's proper that God would have an army that would win the battle but here's the question how do you win a battle when you're drastically outnumbered? How do you win a battle when you're out resourced? Out talented? They've got all the weapons and we've got nothing. I think we can find these answers in the Bible. Keep your place there in Luke chapter 13. We're going to come right back to the this story in the Bible but I'd like you to go back to Judges chapter number 7. I want to give you six thoughts this morning on the idea of how to win a battle when you're drastically outnumbered. The first thing I'd like you to notice in the story I'd like you to notice the purging that takes place. I'd like you to notice the purging that takes place. Judges chapter 7 and verse 1 the Bible says then Jerubabel which who is Gideon and all the people that were with him rose up and pitched beside the well of Herod. Keep in mind they're already outnumbered. There's already more of them. So that the host of the Midianites were on the north side of them by the hill of Moreh in the valley and the Lord said unto Gideon. Now keep in mind there's already a multitude they can't even number. He gathered this small little army. He gathered this small group of people. He gathered these individuals together. Later in the passage we find out there's 32,000 of them. They're already outnumbered. They're already out resourced. They're already can't win and here's what you need to understand. God makes it worse by purging the 32. Notice what it says verse 2. And the Lord said to Gideon the people that are with thee are too many. The people that are with thee are too many for me to give the Midianites into their hands lest Israel want themselves against me saying mine own hand that save me. Now therefore go to proclaim in the ears of the people saying whosoever. Now here's what he said whosoever is fearful and afraid. Let him return and depart early from Mount Gilead and the return of the people. Notice the return of the people 20 and 2,000 and there remain 10,000. They've got 32,000 people. They're already outnumbered. They're already out resourced. The odds are already stacked against them and God says no here's here's the problem Gideon. If you're going if you want to win a battle when you're already drastically outnumbered here's the bad news. The first thing we're gonna do is purge you. We're gonna get rid of even more of you. There's going to be even less of you. You know the first thing I want you to do Gideon is I want you to get up and say if you're scared and we see this in Deuteronomy there's something they were supposed to do before they go into battle anyway but he says I want you to get up and tell the people tell the people if you're scared if you're afraid go home and Gideon gets up and says hey listen guys if you're scared if you're afraid go home and 22,000 men said I'm glad you said that Gideon you have a good day Gideon. They grabbed their bags and they walked out and I'm sure Gideon thought what in the world? He said how are we gonna win the battle today when we're drastically outnumbered. Here's what you need to understand. God is going to have to purge those that he can use and he starts he starts you want to disqualify yourself from the battle you want to disqualify yourself from being mightily used of God you want to disqualify yourself from being able to accomplish great things for God it starts with this fear and being afraid. This week that was a common theme through all the sermons and it was kind of a little bit of bashing of the old IFB movement and I I felt like I kind of didn't get a chance to put in my two cents on the old IFB movement so let me go ahead and explain something to you the reason that the old IFB movement is dying the reason that the old IFB movement is not being used the reason that the old IFB movement is not leading the charge with soul winning not leading the charge with heart preaching not leading the charge in the in the fight against the perverts and the sodomites the reason that they're not being used of God it's one reason they're scared they're afraid they're not willing to stand up and preach why because God said if you're scared I can't use you go home they've got the buildings and they've got the bus routes and they've got the resources and they've got the colleges and they've got the young people but yet God says I'm not going to use you why because you're afraid because you're scared see there's a purging that must take place if we're going to win the battle when drastically outnumbered God says I want you even more drastically outnumbered everyone who's scared everyone who's afraid everyone who doesn't think it can be done go home 22,000 men go home Gideon says well at least we got 10,000 and God says we're not done yet look at verse 4 and the Lord said unto Gideon the people are yet too many I'm sure at this point getting thinking God I know you wrote a book called numbers but you understand how this works we need people to go fight we need people to go fight isn't it interesting how we try to take out a calculator and show God where he's wrong we try to take out a calculator that God do I don't understand maybe I realize you're the creator of the universe I realize the fact that I can even count is because you gave me a brain and you're the one that designed it but but uh what the people are yet too many bring them down into the water notice what it says and I will try I will try that would try there that would try is translated in other places in our King James Bible the same word that's translated try there is translated to purge away to refine to purify God says I'm going to purge and I'm going to refine and I'm going to purify them they of them for thee there and it shall be and then of whom I say unto thee this shall go with thee the same shall go with thee and of whomsoever I say unto thee this shall not go with thee the same shall not go so he brought down the people unto the water and the Lord said unto Gideon everyone that lapith of the water with his tongue as a dog lapith him shalt thou set by himself then he says this likewise everyone that boweth down upon his knee to drink now I've noticed there's some confusion with people on this passage so I want to make sure you understand he says if you lap water he says if you want he says everyone that lapith of the water with his tongue as a dog lapith put them on this side and everyone that boweth down upon his need to drink put them on this side and what God means by lapping down water like a dog lapith with his tongue it's defined in verse 6 notice what it says and the number of them that lapped notice what it says putting their hand to their mouth and here's what I understand a dog will often when he when he laps water he's using his tongue almost like like like a ladle is that what those things are called ladles I don't know anything about cooking or whatever and he he uses his tongue to kind of scoop up water and bring it up into his mouth that's how a tongue a dog laps water and this is what God is saying if a man goes and uses his hand in the same way that a dog would use his tongue to lap up water and bring it up he said I want you to put those guys on that side but then he says this if a guy puts notice verse 6 and the number of them that lot putting their hand to their mouth as a dog lapith were 300 men but all the rest of people here's what they did bow down upon their knees to drink water here's what happened though the 9,700 of them did this they were thirsty they were in boot camp they were running and they were doing push-ups and they were doing set up and then and and get inside hey guys we're gonna take a break let's go get some water and 9,700 of them get down on their knees and drink water and 300 of them 300 of them go like this and God said send the name thousand seven hundred home say what happened here's what happened these guys are not ready for battle these guys are gonna get attacked by surprise these guys they're drinking water but they're also watching they're drinking water but they're being vigilant let me tell you something you might not be scared but if you're not ready see it's not just the qualification to be courageous you also have to be ready you understand that there are some people out there that the Bible tells us they have zeal but not according to knowledge let me tell you what the pre-trippers are doing here's what they're doing when the tribulation happens and the Antichrist is gonna come up and go whack and they tell us they tell us you're paranoid you're paranoid every time that some missile takes off somewhere you think the tribulation is happening here's what we're doing look if you want to be used of God you got to be ready you want to preach the Bible you guys start reading Bible you want to go solo and you better start memorizing some verses see there's a qualification to be used of God one is don't be afraid one is get ready be vigilant be watchful watch out make sure you're not putting yourself in a position where you can be ambushed how do we get drastically used by God here's what God said I want to use people I want to use people the United States of America there's a group of Christians that I want to use but the first thing I've got to do is purge out those that are scared and the next thing I've got to do is purge out those that aren't ready those that aren't watching it's interesting because when you read the passages about end times doesn't Jesus say watch doesn't he say pay attention doesn't he say that day is not gonna come upon us as a thief in the night we won't be taken by surprise why don't you notice number one we see the purging that takes place number two there in Judges chapter 7 I like to look down in verse number nine we saw number one the purging I'd like you to notice number two for those of you taking notes the partnership the partnership and it came to pass the same night that the Lord sent him to him arise thee get thee down unto the host for I have delivered them into thine hand but here's what I love these verses because God says to get in I want you to go down on a special mission go down to the host of Gideon I want you to see what's going on down there and then in verse 10 he says this but if thou fear to go down I thought that was interesting because here's the thing here the bottom line is this the truth is this we're all scared Gideon was scared but the difference is that some of us act on our fear and some of us allow our fear to be turned into faith some of us allow our fear to rely on the Lord and also to rely on others notice what happens but if thou fear to go down go thou with Fuhrer who's Fuhrer thy servant down to the host here's what God says I want you go down Gideon but if you're afraid then take Fuhrer with you verse 11 and thou shalt hear what they shall what they say and afterwards shall thine hand be strengthened to go down into the host notice then went he down with Fuhrer you know what I wrote next in the margins of my Bible next to that verse I wrote this I guess he must have been afraid because God said if thou fear go down with Fuhrer and then we read then he went down with Fuhrer he was afraid to go down by himself God said it's okay I don't expect you to do this by yourself why don't you take Fuhrer with you he says okay he takes Fuhrer with him why don't you notice a partnership in this battle he had a Fuhrer Gideon had a Fuhrer and Fuhrer goes with him his servant unto the outside of the armed men that were in the host keep your place there in Judges go to first Samuel chapter number 14 you got judges Ruth first Samuel first Samuel chapter number 14 let me say this every Gideon needs a Fuhrer every Gideon needs a Fuhrer maybe you're here this morning you say I'm never gonna be a Gideon God has not given me that a talent or that aptitude of that desire maybe it's too late in my life I'm never gonna be a pastor Anderson I'm never gonna be a pastor Romero I'm never gonna be a pastor Perry I'm never gonna be a Joe major I'm just I that that that's not gonna happen I'm not gonna be that guy but listen to me just cuz you can't be a Gideon doesn't mean you can't be a Fuhrer because we can't do this as pastors and leaders we can't do this on our own we need help and sometimes we get scared and sometimes we need somebody to fellowship with and partnership with and say hey would you help me would you go down with me God's asking me to do something and I just don't know that I can do it on my own every Gideon needs a Fuhrer oh maybe you're here this morning you say I'm no Gideon but could you be a Fuhrer somebody needs to go home and become your pastor's best friend somebody needs to go home and just say hey pastor you know what I just want you to know if there's anybody that's for you it's me if you ever need somebody it's me I'm here for you I might make I preach for you and I'm not sure that I can help with all sorts of ministry things and I understand that there are some things that you just have to carry that burden on your own as a pastor as a pastor's wife but if there's anything I can do I'm no Gideon but I can be a Fuhrer. 1st Samuel 14 look at verse 6 notice what the Bible says here we find another story where the people of God are drastically outnumbered notice 1st Samuel 14 6 and Jonathan said to the young man that bears armor come and let us go over unto the garrison of these uncircumcised again it was two guys versus all of these Philistines I love what Jonathan says it may be that the Lord will work for us for there is no restraint to the Lord to save by many or by few right God can deliver the Midianites into your hand with with with 300 as much as he could with 32,000 you're still outnumbered over seven and his armor bearer and his Fuhrer said unto him this must have been so encouraging for Jonathan to have a follower who says this do all that is in thine heart turn thee behold notice what he says I am with thee I am with thee I am with thee according to thy heart you know that every leader needs a Fuhrer you know that every leader needs an armor bearer that says hey you want to go pick a fight with those guys I'm with thee God laid that on your heart you want to go over there on that continent you want to go do that mission for you want to go start that church over there you want to go fight that battle hey here you go here here's all I want you to know I'm with thee I'm following you a little bit over a year ago many of you know we had a huge protest here one of our sermons got picked up by the media and get went viral the media reports that there was 1,500 protesters outside of our church they were like grasshoppers for multitude we couldn't number them I don't know that there was 1,500 out there I doubt that there was 1,500 but I'm sure there was four five maybe six hundred people out there and on the night before the make the big protests I remember getting several texts from people and I'm not mad at people who did this but let me tell you something when you're getting ready fight big battle don't text somebody unless you're gonna say something positive I mean I got text messages from family saying we're quitting the church I got text messages from problem from family saying we're not we're not gonna come back and I knew there was gonna be people there but you know your mind starts playing games with you start thinking I wonder if anybody gonna show up they're saying there's gonna be 1,500 people out there I wonder there's gonna be 1,500 people out there it's gonna be me and my wife and my kids and we're gonna look like fools I remember I'm the type of guy I sleep pretty hard you know I I need like two alarm clocks and my wife to push me off the bed you know to get up I don't get up in the morning I got resurrected in the morning but I remember that that Sun the Sunday of that of that of that protest I remember I got up before the alarm clock went off I remember waking up and I just had all sorts of knots my stomach was turning I remember opening my eyes and the first thing I thought was what is gonna happen today but I remember how encouraged we were when we walked in to the bill I remember me and my wife and my children we came in through the side door we couldn't come in through the front door because all the protests and everything and we were escorted in through the side the back door remember walking in as I walked in I looked at the in the auditorium and there was people everywhere there was our church people and people from Arizona and people from Washington and people from all over that it came out to support and to help us and here's all I'm telling you sometimes a leader needs a Fuhrer sometimes a Jonathan needs an arm of air you say well you guys are just you get up there and you're preaching you seem so strong you seem to courage hey we all bleed like the same way you do we have fears and emotions just like you do the best thing that you could do for your leader if we're going to win this battle against the world and against the devil against the perverts and the sodomites you say we're drastically outnumbered I know but here's what we need we need to purge some people but some of you need to get up and stand up and say I'm no Gideon but I can be a Fuhrer I'll partner with you and I'll be with you and I won't leave you and I'm gonna we're gonna stick this thing out pastor how do you how do you win a battle when you're drastically outnumbered why don't you notice first the purging we saw secondly the partnership I can notice thirdly if you go back to judges seven I can notice the plan the plan judges chapter seven in verse 16 what's the game plan and he divided the 300 men into three companies and he put a trumpet not a sword not a shield not a spear and he put a trumpet in every man's hand and empty pictures and lamps within the pictures and you got to think that these guys are thinking themselves what is this you don't win battles with trumpets and empty pictures Gideon I don't know what military school you went to I don't think this is what they teach at West Point I don't think this would you get the Air Force Academy you you know we need bazookas you know we we need we need something better than a trumpet and a picture and a lamp but here's what I understand Gideon got this plan from God you know what's interesting about God he always gives us plans that don't make sense isn't that true I mean God says you want to be financially blessed yes God I like to be financially blessed first thing I hear you do give 10% your income to the church wait well God how does that make sense I'm broke I don't need to give I need somebody give me money and God says I know it doesn't make sense but here's the thing you want me to bless you financially you want me to help you financially you want me to make it so that your vine is not cursed so that what you produce is not go by the wayside give 10% of your income to the house of God you say well that doesn't make any sense and God said here's the Bible says trust in the Lord with all thine heart lean not until I don't understanding in all thy ways acknowledge him and he shall direct thy path the Bible says blessed is the man that trusted in the Lord and whose hope the Lord is and listen to me sometimes the plans of God just don't make sense here's another plan that doesn't make sense you take a child and you spank them and they'll actually love you more who has children has found that to be true I mean you take a child they're being they're being angry and they're being right there they're being bad and then you spank him and also in the attitude gets fixed and they want to just cuddle with you and be with you now logic says if I spank him they're gonna hate me but here's what happens parents you don't spank end up producing children who hate them when you spank your children and discipline them the way that the Bible says they end up loving and respecting you say that makes no sense I know but you just trust in the Lord it's like going into battle with a trumpet in a pitcher here's another way it makes sense preach hard and God will bless your church well wait a minute God if I preach hard people are gonna leave if I preach hard the church isn't gonna grow you think it's not our job to grow the church that's God's job the Lord added unto the church daily such as should be saved but he says you you preach hard and here's what happens here's what you understand you preach hard and people start getting sin out of their life and the less sin there is in the church the healthier it is and anything that's healthy will grow and the guys that get up and say no no I want to grow it so I don't want to offend people so I don't want to preach hard and then they've got a church filled with a bunch of people they're all sitting there fornicating they're getting drunk they're getting divorced and you say how does this work God here's the thing when God gives you a plan you just follow it you don't sit there and strategize you don't sit there and think it through and well get in let's get a second opinion no no God said God said I mean imagine Joshua when God comes to Joshua says we're gonna take Jericho praise the Lord God what would you like us to do just go walk around that city seven times and do what that's it so God doesn't make any sense often the plans of God don't make sense see the plans of God don't make sense and the world looks at it and says that's foolishness you know God has chosen the foolish things of this world to confound the wise like you to notice the fourth thing go back to Judges chapter 7 verse 12 we saw number one the purging we saw number two the partnership saw number three the plan notice judges 7 in verse 12 in the Midianites and the Amalekites and all the children of the East lay along in the valley like grasshoppers for multitude and their camels were without number as the sand by the sea side for multitude and when Gideon was come behold there was a man and told a dream unto his fellow and said behold I dream a dream and lo a cake of barley bread tumbled into the host Midian and came unto a tent and smote it and it fell and overturned that the tent lay along and his fellows answered and said this is nothing else save the sword of Gideon the son of Joash this is what God wanted Gideon to hear a man of Israel for into his hand how God had delivered Midian and all the host and it was so when Gideon heard the telling of the dream that the interpretation thereof and he worshipped them returned into the host of Israel and said arise for the Lord have delivered into your hands the host of the Midians let me say this about the plan do you realize that God has already given Gideon the victory they're already scared they're already afraid they're already having nightmares about Gideon and this barley coming down God has already delivered the victory all he needs is Gideon to step out my faith and let me tell you something God has already given us the victory we are already we have already overcome we have already won God just needs us to stick to the plan to follow through notice verse 16 he divided the 300 men into three companies and he put a trumpet into every man's hand with empty pictures and lamps within the picture and he said unto them now notice this we saw the purging in the partnership we saw the plan but I like to notice a pattern notice what Gideon says and he said unto them I love this that's why my favorite part of this story and he said unto them look on me and do likewise and behold when I come to the outside of the camp it shall be that look notice it as I do so shall ye do when I blow the with the trumpet and I had all that are with me then blow ye the trumpet also on every side of all the camp and say the sword of the Lord and of getting go to 1st Corinthians chapter 4 1st Corinthians chapter 4 Matthew Mark Luke John Acts Romans 1st Corinthians 1st Corinthians chapter number 4 1st Corinthians chapter 4 I want you notice the pattern 1st Corinthians chapter number 4 and verse number 16 1st Corinthians 4 16 1st Corinthians 4 16 says this wherefore 1st Corinthians chapter 4 and verse 16 wherefore I beseech you notice what Paul said wherefore I beseech you be ye followers of me well I don't believe that we should follow men I'm gonna go to some home church and just we're all gonna sit around on a couch and you know we're all the elders no no you understand that Paul said hey follow somebody he said he said be followers of me you know what he's saying he's saying look on me and do likewise as I do so shall ye do when I blow the trumpet you blow the trumpet he says wherefore I beseech you be ye followers of me go 1st Corinthians 11 in verse number 1 notice what he said 1st Corinthians 11 and verse 1 be ye followers of me so why are we just supposed to blindly follow a man no notice what he says be ye followers of me even as I also am of Christ well you understand the Bible has put the Bible says that God has put in leadership has put leadership in your house and in your church and in your in your job or whatever God gives us human leadership why so that we can follow them so that we can be patterned after them so that they can say look on me and do likewise as I do so shall ye do go to Philippians chapter 3 you're there in 1st Corinthians you're gonna go past 1st Corinthians Galatians Ephesians Philippians Philippians chapter 3 verse 17 1st 2nd Corinthians Galatians Ephesians Philippians Philippians chapter 3 and verse 17 Philippians 3 17 Philippians 3 17 says this brethren be ye followers of me and mark them which walk so as ye have notice for and and sample you see that he says God has given you human leadership for and and sample do you understand that God gave you a pastor God has ordained churches and pastors and one of the tasks of a pastor the Bible says that a pastor is to be in an example or an example excuse me I want you to notice what the Bible says he says that you are to be an example of the believers now here's what it doesn't say it doesn't say be an example to the believers like the pastor is supposed to be an example to the believers so the believers look at him and say wow what an example no no the Bible says that the pastor is to be an example of the believers so that way the believers in the congregation if they're wondering what am I supposed to be doing with my life how am I supposed to be doing church life and family life and finances they can look at the pastor and say oh that's it see the pad the qualifications of a pastor are there the reason they are so strict is because God says I want you to follow my plan to a key why because I want the followers to look at you and not see an example to them but an example of them or for them they are supposed to here's what he's saying you're supposed to look at your pastor and do likewise you're supposed to see what your pastor is doing how he raises his children how he has his marriage what he does with his finances how he goes so away and you look at him and then you do what he has told you to do doesn't the Bible say remember them which have the rule over you who have spoken unto you the Word of God whose faith follow considering the end of their conversation see the Bible says that you are supposed to look at your pastor and do likewise and listen to me I've met a lot of people this week and if you told me this because I've had people taught me this and I'm not trying to offend you and I'm not trying to hurt your feelings I'm just trying to help you out if you're in this boat and I appreciate your zeal and I appreciate your fervor but if you're in this boat where you're like well you know I'm going to this church and I'm trying to get the pastor to go soul winning with me there's something wrong with that picture it's not the follower telling the pastor do what I do follow me and do that likewise you're not supposed to be setting the example for him he's supposed to be setting the example for you now if you got a pastor who's a soul winner who breeds a Bible who prays who lives righteously hey praise the Lord for it you get sold out to him you tell him I'll be your Fuhrer and only you follow and not leave but if you're leading your pastor you may need to just get yourself into another church if you're trying to encourage your pastor you're giving him preaching tips you're explaining to him Romans 1 if you're trying to you know I'm discipling my pastor there's a problem there I'm teaching my pastor how to go so winning no no that's not how leadership works be followers of me even as I also am of Christ brethren be followers together of me and mark them which walk so as ye have for as an example see Gideon said look on me and do likewise as I do so shall you do you know what I tell very back to church look at me as I go so winning you do the same thing the way the way our marriage works you try to follow that example the way we raise our children and we're not perfect and we make mistakes and we're training them and we're helping but you know what we're trying to do the best we can and you ought to be trying to follow that example if we're going to win listen to me if we're going to win the battle when we're drastically outnumbered we cannot have we cannot have these young punks going around and thinking well I know better than the pastor dies I got a secret revelation and I spent 37 hours on YouTube and now I've got it all figured out no no you follow your pastor and you just submit yourself and say I may be a Gideon one day but today I'm a Fuhrer I may be a Jonathan one day but today I'm an armor bearer today I'm just gonna help Jonathan carry his weapons while he fights the battles how will we win how will we win when we're drastically outnumbered go back to judges chapter 7 we saw the purging we saw the partnership we saw the plan we saw the pattern I'd like you to notice number five this morning I'd like you notice the position judges after 7 in verse 19 notice what the Bible says so Gideon and the hundred men that were with him came unto the outside of the camp in the beginning of the middle watch and they had but newly set the watch and they blew the trumpets and break the pitchers that were in their hands and the three companies blew the trumpet and break the pitchers and held the lamps in their left hand and the trumpets in the right hands to blow with off and they cried the sword of the Lord notice the human leadership and of Gideon you know the home church people they just want to say the sword of the Lord where's your Gideon and of Gideon notice verse 21 and they notice these words notice this word stood notice they didn't advance they didn't fight they stood and they stood and they stood I want you to know their position they stood every man in his place right about the camp what happens and all the hosts ran and cried and fled and the 300 rule the trumpet and the Lord notice what says and the Lord said every man sword against his fellow they blew the trumpet they broke the pitcher they shouted the Lord the sword of the Lord and of Gideon and then they stood and watched the people fight themselves destroy themselves they watched the Lord win the battle it's kind of like the story pastor Romero was talking about when the queers from Fort Worth and the queers from Dallas were saying we're gonna come out and fight against you as a great multitude but then they started fighting each other that's what happened he was with Gideon they're watching this multitude just start fighting each other but I want you to notice the Bible says they stood they stood every man stood you know it's interesting doesn't the Bible say finally my brethren be strong in the Lord and the power is mine put on the whole armor of God that you may be able to stand against the walls of the devil before we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities and powers against the rulers of darkness of this world against spiritual witness in high places where for take unto you the whole armor of God that you may be able to withstand in the evil day and having done all to stand stand therefore it's interesting that God gives us this entire passage about all those armor that we're supposed to carry and put on and he says do this and do that and get ready for battle but then all he ever tells us to do is to stand he just says stand he just says stand why don't you know their position was they just stood they just stood people say why do you guys have to try to go fight the sodomites of these old IV why do you guys have to try to pick a fight with them I'm not picking a fight with them I'm standing where I've always done just because society changes and just because culture changes just because the old IV movement changes doesn't mean we're gonna change you say what do we do to win the battle when we're drastically outnumbered it's one word stand stand stand you say what do you do you say what do you want from these old IV here's all I want from them would they just stand could they just stand I'm not asking them to preach the service I'm not asking them to be on YouTube I'm not asking them to go viral and do the interview I'm just saying could they stand up and say hey here's the position here's where God said we stand here's where the Bible doesn't I will say remove not the old landmarks so how do you win a battle when you're drastically outnumbered you fix your position and stand you stand doesn't I will say therefore my beloved brethren be you steadfast unmovable always abounding in the work of the Lord for as much as you know that your labor is not in vain so how do you win how do you win here's how you win you stand you stand you stand see some of you need to go home and just stand you've got some kids are going wayward you're thinking of giving up you're thinking of calling quits you just stand right there I'm talking to the wife whose husband doesn't come to church and you think I'm just calling in the towel and saying you know what I'm done with it listen to me please please just stand just stand but I'm drastically outnumbered and everybody's against me and nobody's helping me just stand fix your position and stand judges chapter 7 like verse 23 is the last one so how do we win when you're drastically outnumbered we saw the purging we saw the partnership we saw the plan the pattern the position I want you to notice the third thing I can know the sixth thing excuse me I ignore this of pursuit judges 7 verse 23 and all the men of Israel gathered themselves together out of the Tali and out of Asher and out of Manasseh and pursued after the Midianites look at chapter 8 in verse 4 chapter 8 in verse 4 and Gideon came to Jordan and passed over he and the 300 men that were with him I want you to notice notice once you notice faint yet pursuing them faint yet for pursuing them we all get tired we all get to the place in our lives where we say is it even worth it I'm thinking just just letting it go is it worth the battle is it worth the fight is it worth the argument my family thinks I'm crazy my family thinks I'm gonna call I mean is it worth it I want to encourage you this morning you're here and you're faint to not stop pursuing Gideon was faint just how do you point about when you're dressed about number when you're faint you just keep going faint yet for suing Bible says be not deceived God is not much for what so ever man saw it that shall he also read he that saw it to the flat shell of the flesh read corruption he that's so to the spiritual spirit revive everlasting and let us not be weary in well-doing for in due season we shall reap if we faint not so how do you want about it when you're dressed about it here's how you want a battle you just keep pursuing even when you're faint you keep pursuing even when you're tired you keep pursuing even when it seems like you're going to lose even when it seems like nothing's gonna happen even when you'd rather take a nap even when you'd rather put in a throw in the towel listen to me they try to get us they try to get us to back up and back off and back down but listen to me you may be tired you may be faint but just keep say faint and keep pursuing keep going stay at it don't quit don't quit on God the Bible says this but we have this treasure in earthen vessels that the excellence in power may be of God and not of us I love what the Bible says it says we are troubled on every side yet not distressed perplexed but not in despair we are persecuted but not forsaken cast down but not destroyed you say what do you what do you do when you're battling and you're fighting and it just seems like the forces of evil are coming against you how do you continue and how do you go on here's how you do it you just keep at it you just keep going we see their pursuit go back to Judges chapter 7 look at verse 2 we're done right here it's okay about three matters what's the point of all this what what's the point of all of it the purging and the partnership the plan and the pattern the position and the pursuit why why would we fight why would we fight when we're drastically outnumbered it all comes down to one thing and we find it in verse 2 look at it will be done judges 7 verse 2 and the Lord sent him to get in remember when the story first started and the people that are with thee are too many for me to give to the Midianites into their hands why God why why do you want us to fight when we're drastically outnumbered here's why lest Israel vaunt themselves against me the word vaunt means to boast how are they gonna boast saying mine own hand has saved me when these protesters showed up a year ago they told us we're not leaving till you shut down we're not leaving till you close your doors and you know what they stuck around for like 12 weeks and 12 reasons sound like a long time but 12 weeks of Sunday morning Sunday night Wednesday night being heckled at having protesters out there we don't have 1,500 protesters all 12 weeks but we had you know we have 120 the first night on Wednesday 500 600 on the main day and then we have probably 30 20 30 protesters almost every service about 12 weeks after that we're the guys were talking about I remember the first the first Wednesday night that we walked out of church and there's nobody in the parking lot we're like wow I I'm just gonna go in my car I don't have to like you know try to get away from these people or you know or stop a five years or something like that they said they're gonna stop us they said you're weak they said we're gonna sue you they sued us say you don't have the resources you're not gonna make it say pastor miss you think you won that battle I don't see that you know what we're still doing what are you still doing we're still standing did you change your position no are you standing where you stood before we're sending exactly where we stood before we're winning the battle when we're outnumbered you say how do you do that why do you do that what's the point why go through all that here's why because when people watch the story when they see the testimony they don't look at this guy and say well obviously it's because of I mean look at look I understand you know they're not saying it's because he's so charming now I am charming but that's not what they're saying they're not saying it's because we'll look at how tall he is don't laugh they're not saying well look at our mate look you know they're saying they're saying God did that they're saying God was with them they're saying God won that man how do you win a battle when you're drastically outnumbered you do it by relying on God it's my head tonight what a prayer father we thank you for these stories in the Bible these examples you give us to encourage us to keep fighting you know what I understand that there are all sorts of churches represented here all sorts of ministries and different things great works of God that are being done all throughout the country and even the world and father I just pray that we would all be encouraged when we look at their numbers when we look at their resources when we look at the things that they are accomplishing help us not to be scared and to run off help us to just trust in the Lord stick to the plan and maintain our position in the name of Christ we pray amen