(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) 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first the fight is on the chin soldier I'm sorry this is not do I have it on the right page okay for nine are you guys on 409 I'm on 409 okay let's do it again the fight is on this is not the right song okay what song do you have yeah what number is it yeah no okay let's do it again one more time on the first the fight is on the trumpet sound is ringing out the Christmas is far and near the Lord of hosts is marching on to victory the triumph of the Christ will soon appear the fight is on Oh Christian soldier and face-to-face in stern array with armor gleaning and color streaming the riding on engage today the fight is on but be not weary be strong and in his mind hold fast if God be for us his banner or us will sing the victor's song all right 409 I I have the right song and he's playing the right song and I'm thinking of a different song so don't try to do this on very little sleep all right but let's sing it out on the second the fight is on on the second verse the fight is on a row see soldiers brave and true Jehovah leads and victory will assure go buckle on the armor God has given you and in his strength forever will endure the fight is on Oh Christian soldier in stern array with armor gleaning and color streaming the right and wrong engage today the fight is on but be not weary be strong and in his mind hold fast if God be for us his banner or us will sing the victor's song Allah all right good on the last the fight is leading on to certain victory the miss Benson Eastern sky his glorious name in every land shall honored be the morn will break the dawn of peace is nigh the fight is on Oh Christian soldier with color steam and color streaming the right and wrong engage today the fight is on but be not weary be strong and in his mind hold fast if God be for us his banner or us their song at last amen all right well let's begin with a word of prayer this morning let's power heads Heavenly Father Lord we do thank you for today we thank you for everybody that's here these young people Lord we think for the great day that we had yesterday and the sermons that were preached Lord the sermons in the morning and the evening session and Lord we pray that you would bless today as well as we hear from your word and have another day of activities and fun we pray that you would use this time to speak to our hearts in Jesus name we pray amen all right well let's take our song books for the second song this morning we'll go to 413 413 stand up stand up for Jesus you soldiers of the cross 413 sing it out on the first stand up stand up for Jesus he soldiers of the cross lift high his royal banner it must not suffer loss from victory unto victory army shall he lead till every foe is vanquished and Christ is Lord indeed 413 on the second stand up stand up for Jesus call obey for to the mighty conflict in this his glorious day ye that our men now serve him against unnumbered foes rise with danger and strength to strength oppose stand up stand up for Jesus stand in his strength alone the arm of flesh will fail you he dare not trust your own put on the gospel armor and watching on to prayer where duty calls or danger be never wanting there amen all right well let's go ahead and take our bulletins we'll get some announcements real quickly this morning and we'll just kind of go through the schedule of today of course today is the second day of the next generation youth rally and we are glad that you guys are with us of course you're at the morning session right now and we've got some things scheduled for you today and of course we're gonna hear a sermon from the Word of God and then when we're done here this morning we're going to have lunch in the fellowship hall all right so you'll probably have some time to hang out and then we'll meet in the fellowship hall at noon and we'll have lunch there and then after lunch we're gonna have games in the fellowship hall so more competitions for the teams specifically we're gonna have two games one is called catch the spear and we're actually gonna play that in the ring all right so we'll have several kids go up in the wrestling ring and we'll play catch the spear and then the second game is gonna be a group game and everyone's gonna be involved and it's gonna be jeopardy but it's gonna be jeopardy on teams so it'll be one team versus the other team and we'll have a good time with that around 2 p.m. we're gonna finish the games and that's gonna give you about an hour to get to the bowling alley all right in the bowling alley the address is there for you and it's gonna be a fun time so you'll have about an hour to get to the bowling alley here we are scheduled to bowl from 3 to 5 p.m. and brother Shaw is going to be the one that brother Shaw you want to raise your hands everybody kind of knows brother Shaw's he's gonna let you know what lane you're on all right so the teams have been divided so that every Lane has five kids on it and it's going to be one team versus another team in lanes one and two one team versus other team lanes three and four and so on so when you bowl the games as you win the games every game is going to be worth 3,000 points you're gonna play more than one game so every game you play the team that wins gets 3,000 points and every strike is 500 points and every spare is 250 points so even if your team loses the game but you had a few strikes you can still make some points during the game now we we rented the entire bowling alley is 16 lanes 12 of those lanes are already just taken up by the teams so that gives us four lanes that are open and we're going to allow the parents of the teams of the delegates to be able to play in those four lanes obviously we're not well there's not enough room for all of the parents to play so if you brought your own bowling ball then you are automatically allowed to bowl all right because you obviously take this very seriously so we want to make sure we let you bowl and then also you know for the rest of it I don't know just kind of esteem each other better than yourselves and we'll figure it out but maybe we'll have a wrestling match to see who can bowl but what we'll figure it out at the bowling alley of course want to make sure the kids get in their time for bowling and then when bowling is done bowling we're scheduled to be done at 5 p.m. and then dinner is at 6 p.m. so and you're gonna be in Citrus Heights which is I don't like 20 minutes from here so you just gotta you it's right off the freeway so it's not too far but you're just gonna want to think about that and figure out how to do that we will have the church van available to give rides to the bowling alley and then the church van will also be coming back from the bowling alley and brother Shaw will be driving the church van as well but just realize that we're gonna be done at 5 and then dinner is at 6 p.m. in the fellowship hall Chick-fil-a sandwiches for dinner tonight so make sure you're there for that and then of course at 7 p.m. we have the evening service after the evening service we have the wrestling show and a cookie fellowship as well tonight at the evening service we're gonna be raffling off the scooter we're gonna be raffling off all sorts of different things for the evening service tonight so just some real quick announcements for the adults don't forget that we do have the mother-baby rooms available for your convenience all of the rooms have comfortable seating it they've got monitors set up so you can watch the service and listen to it so if you have a child has been distracting during the service if you need some privacy we would encourage you to use those rooms as needed for the teens please make sure you're not hanging out in the mother-baby rooms or the daddy rooms they're just for mothers and and babies and of course the daddy room for fathers and babies if you need to be baptized please let us know and just talk to one of the guys in the blue shirts and we can get you situated for baptism tonight and then of course if you have a cell phone please make sure you have it on silent or turn it off so that it's not a distraction during the service and I think that's it for all of the announcements and now please welcome the winner of last night's wrestling match Dwight Kidd hey hey hey wait wait stop the music stop the music hey Dwight Kidd Pastor Jimenez I have an announcement to make wait wait Moses before you make your announcement I think I know what you're gonna say and I think it might be better if the kids heard it from me I have a confession to make can we cue the dramatic music I need it to be a little more dramatic that sounds good last night during the wrestling show many of you noticed something about me that you'd never noticed before and you noticed that I had a tattoo on my forearm I realize you can't see it now but you'll probably see it again tonight and I just thought it'd be better if I just came clean and let you know that it is true I have a checkered past many of you know that I was in the military and well you know how that goes so I just want this to be a lesson to all of the young people don't ever get a tattoo because God may punish you and make you a wrestler thank you okay that is not what I was gonna say oh really but thank you pastor I appreciate it never mind that never mind yeah okay I'll forget about it but anyway of my announcement I wanted to announce that I actually stayed up into the wee hours of the night last night reviewing the wrestling footage how late did you stay up till 10 15 calm down calm down well anyway while I was staying up you know doing my official referee duty where's our manager hey thanks for those cookies I appreciate it yeah but anyway while I was staying up doing my official referee duties I was reviewing the footage and I actually realized something and this might come as a shock to everyone I know it's gonna be a huge surprise but no matter how sly or subtle you think your deceptions are Dwight kid I'm the referee and I'm gonna bring it to life Dwight kid cheated it's true Dwight kid and now the referee knows what everyone who was watching the match last night already knew yeah and pretty much the entire world already knew that you are a cheater this reminds me of a verse the Bible says be sure your sin will find you out yeah you know thank you pastor this all it's actually reminds me of a verse as well cheaters never prosper that's not a verse in the Bible I'm pretty sure it is I'm pretty sure it is but I'll let slide your pastor well anyway it reminds me of another verse God works in mysterious ways that's not a verse in the Bible baby okay okay well my last one let go you know just let go and let God please stop okay okay well anyways Dwight kid since you cheated I have no choice but to disqualify you as the winner of last night's match and praise the Lord menace as the winner he cheated too how did he cheat well I don't think anybody saw this but we were wrestling late last night into the wee hours of the night how long do you stay up to 15 anyways well we were wrestling last night when pastor men saw that he prevailed not against me a man showed up and he touched the hollow of my thigh my thigh was out of joint okay Jacob no no he's Jacob I'm Josh okay well you know anyway since there's so many accusations of cheating I have no choice but to announce a rematch tonight after the evening service there would be a no holds barred street rules anything goes you can't cheat because you're encouraged to cheat championship match I've also brought a contract that you guys can step up onto this podium and sign so go ahead and do that right now so why do we have to sign a contract it's not really more of a contract as it is a release of liability waiver that way you can't sue the church just in case one of you gets hit by a steel banana or a metal chair or you know one of you gets thrown into that table specifically but yeah yeah it's really so why about liability waiver okay that sounds good yeah so go ahead go ahead start signing do you know how to use a pen well anyways after you're done signing pretty much all that's left is for you guys to shake on it there's no lint on the paper paper is gonna go on eBay for $50,000 someday okay okay well shake on it please all right let's do it but by the way pastor good luck cuz you're gonna need it do you know for sure if you died today if you're on your way to heaven cuz tonight you're gonna find out are you okay do you need help I don't need help I have money well white kid be able to break the rules to win again when there are rules to break will pastor Jimenez be able to run out again and come back as a thinner taller younger wrestling athlete find out tonight at the last evening service of the next generation youth rally okay where is that voice coming from I don't know kind of sounds like the voice of God that's really weird the voice of God sounds like Deacon Oliver all right well I'm sorry you guys had to witness that let's take our song books and go to page number 175 page number 175 and we're gonna sing it's just like his great love 175 sing it out on the first friend I have called Jesus whose love is strong and true and never fails how air to strike no matter what I do I've seen against this love of his but when I know to confess single my guilt to him the sin clouds rolled away it's just like Jesus to roll the clouds away it's just like Jesus to keep me day by day it's just like Jesus all along the way it's just like his great love 175 singing out on the second sometimes the clouds of trouble be dim the sky above I cannot see my Savior's face I doubt his wondrous love but he from heaven mercy see my despair in pity burst the clouds between and shows me is there it's just like Jesus to roll the clouds away it's just like Jesus to keep me day by day it's just like Jesus all along the way it's just like his great love when or take me and break upon my head when life seems worse than useless and I were better then I take my grief to Jesus then nor do I go in vain for every hope he gives that cheers like sunshine after rain it's just like Jesus to roll the clouds away it's just like Jesus to keep me day by day it's just like Jesus all along the way it's just like his great love good singing out on the last oh I could sing forever of Jesus love divine of all his care and tenderness for this poor life of mine his love is in an overall waves obey when Jesus whispers peace be still and rolls the clouds away it's just like Jesus to roll the clouds away it's just like Jesus to keep me day by day it's just like Jesus all along the way it's just like his great love amen all right well at this time we're going to have our deacon brother Oliver Gonzalez he's gonna preach for us and remember young people we have questions after the sermon about the sermon so make sure you're paying attention you'll be able to earn some raffle tickets for tonight's raffle man please open your eyes to Exodus 24 Exodus chapter 24 if you need about put your hand up and enough you can buy bring you a Bible Exodus chapter 24 if you need about keep your head up on the shore come by Exodus 24 we will read the entire chapter as a custom Exodus 24 being the first number one and he said it to Moses come up unto the Lord thou and Aaron made happen by whom and 70 of the elders of Israel and worship ye afar off and Moses alone shall come near the Lord but they shall not come nigh neither shall the people go up with him and Moses came and told the people all the words of the Lord and all the judgments and all the people answered with what with one voice and said all the words which the Lord hath said will we do and Moses wrote all the words of the Lord and rose up early in the morning and built it an altar under the hill and 12 pillars according to the 12 tribes of Israel and he sent young men of the children of Israel which offered to burn offerings and sacrifice peace offerings of oxen unto the Lord and Moses took half of the blood and put it in basins at half of the blood that he sprinkled on the altar and he took the book of the Covenant and read in the audience of the people and they said all that the Lord had said will we do and be obedient and Moses took the blood and sprinkled it on the people and said behold the blood of the Covenant which the Lord hath made with you concerning all these words then went up Moses and Aaron made happen by whom and 70 of the elders of Israel and they saw the God of Israel and there was under his feet as it were paved work of a sapphire stone and as it were the body of heaven in his clearness and upon the nobles of the children visual he laid not his hand also they saw God and did eat and drink and the Lord said unto Moses come up to me into the mount and be there and I'll give thee tables of stone and a law and commandments which I have written that thou mayest teach them and Moses rose up and his minister Joshua and Moses went up into the mount of God and he said unto the elders tear ye here for us until he come again unto you and behold Aaron and her are with you if any man have any matters to do let him come unto them and Moses went up into the mount and a cloud covered the mount and the glory of the Lord abode upon Mount Sinai and the cloud covered at six days and the seventh day he called unto Moses out of the midst of the cloud and the sight of the glory of the Lord was like devouring fire on the top of the mount in the eyes of the children of Israel and Moses went into the midst of the cloud and got him up into the mount and Moses was in the mount forty days and forty nights that's great heavenly father thank you for this morning God I thank you for this youth rally God and I thank you for all the teens that are present here Lord and I say please do a work for us today as you've done yesterday as well and I say meet with us this morning God Lord we love you in Jesus name pray amen so there in Exodus 24 we see of course one of the greatest men to ever walk the face of the earth we see Moses leading the children of Israel through the wilderness to go to the Promised Land and we see Moses doing what he's leading his generation see Moses was the leader of that generation but in Exodus 24 we see someone else who at the time you and I can consider the next generation and that person in this story is Joshua Exodus 24 look at verse number 12 again the Bible says and the Lord sent in to Moses who we have God calling Moses to go up into Mount Sinai to receive the oracles of God it says the Lord sent in to Moses come up to me into the mount and be there and I will give thee tables of stone and a law and commandments which I have written that thou mayest teach them and Moses rose up verse 13 notice and his minister Joshua we have the Lord God calling the leader of that generation the leader Moses he's saying come up to the mount and then we see we see what we see his minister Joshua see at this time Joshua was the next generation just like you the generation that was to come after Moses in this morning I want to talk about this man Joshua and the heart of Joshua and it is the heart that is needed for the next generation see if you think about this youth rally you know we have activities we have games we have things to excite you so you can have some fun but all that you have to remember teens all that is geared around the preaching of the Word of God and all that's here is to do it so the Word of God can penetrate your heart so that the preaching of the Word of God can go into your heart and they can do a work in your life and here we see the heart of the next generation and there's three things about this man Joshua I want to show you and it is a heart that you ought to have as the next generation you see what is a heart for the next generation number one a heart for the next generation is a heart to serve verse number 12 again and the Lord sent it to Moses come up to me into the mount and be there and I will give thee tables of stone and Allah and commandments which I have written that thou mayest teach them see Moses at the time he was the one leading the charge he was the one preaching the Word of God he was the one leading the people doing the great works but what do we see verse 13 and Moses rose up to do his thing notice and his minister Joshua you see what is the heart that is needed for the next generation a heart that is needed is a heart to serve here we have Joshua doing what just ministering unto Moses you know what is it minister a minister is someone who attends to the needs of someone else it's looking after or taking good care of taking care of them it's being a servant unto and before Joshua became the great leader of that next generation you know what got him there it was the fact that he had the heart of a servant and you know you ought to strive team you know decide in your heart that you would have a heart to serve other people the heart of a servant ask God to give you a servant's heart he placed her in Exodus 24 but go to Matthew or go to Philippians 2 Philippians chapter 2 you see what is a heart for the next generation a heart for the next generation is a heart to serve you go to Philippians chapter 2 and while you go there in Matthew 20 verse 28 the Lord Jesus Christ said this he says even as the Son of Man came not to be ministered unto you see what is what is the purpose of our Savior coming to this earth that he come for himself to glorify himself to live for self it's all about me me me no he said the purpose the Son of Man came not to be ministered unto you he didn't come here for himself to please himself to do whatever he wanted to do to live a selfish life no it says but he said but to minister notice and to give his life a ransom for many you see our Savior came to this earth not for the sole purpose of living for self and like we've heard we've heard the preaching throughout the conference that we live in a world that is focused on self it's all about me what can I get how can you serve me mommy give me this daddy give me this I want this we complain because we don't get what we want but we see the purpose of the Savior he came here not not to live for self no it's to live for others and you gotta have a heart young teen to live your life for the purpose of other people Philippians 2 like verse number seven notice the heart of the Savior it says but made himself notice of no reputation and look at what our teens worried about today we're worried about they're worried about their reputation right how they look how they're perceived but you know think about just human history you know who who in history has had the biggest impact outside of the Lord Jesus Christ God in the flesh came to this earth he had he has the best reputation of all but notice when he came to this earth it says he made himself of no reputation notice and took upon him how the form of a servant and was made like into likeness it's the likeness of men you see what is the heart that it is needed for the next generation and it is a heart to serve and as a teen look you ought to have a heart to minister to other people and this must be a theme because you know yesterday at the park this is this is the main point of Pastoring Menace that you don't want to live a life that is all self-absorbed that it's all about you and you're gonna live a life that's miserable if you do that but when you choose to live for others to minister unto others to help others look that will bring you purpose in your life you know something our pastor always says is that when you live for self at the end of the day all you will have is yourself and nobody wants to live like that where it's all about me look that you gotta just decide you know what I'm not gonna worry about my reputation I want to make myself of no reputation I'm gonna steam others better than myself be a minister unto other people and look there's areas that you can serve as a team look if you're a teenager look you're strong you have strength in your youth you're strong look you gotta use that strength for the service of God and realize look if you go to church you gotta just serve in church find somewhere where you can serve and be a blessing to your pastor to your church look join join the ministry join the choir join the orchestra join the cleaning crew join the prison ministry whatever they have like anyone can serve you see what's greatness look greatness in the kingdom of God is when you serve other people the greatest are those who are the servants so decide as a team look if you want to live life of purpose and look all this is to do what the whole youth rally is so that we can penetrate your heart and look in your heart just decide to have a servant's heart and look we call ourselves Christian and praise the Lord for it let's be like Christ and make ourselves of no reputation where our life is actually not just to please ourselves and to live for ourselves look our life is for other people so we got to just find an area in your life to serve see a heart for the next generation is a heart to serve and a heart to serve ministers to other people but not just that a heart to serve cares for other people look team you gotta just take the time to give your care to give your affection to the right people to the right things look there is a battle today teenager to win your heart there is a battle to win your heart but the devil wants to take your heart unto himself so he can destroy your heart and he puts things in front of you that you can lust after that you can go after but all that is meant to destroy you look all that's in the world it's it's just the the lust of the world it's all filth to God I just realized that there's a battle for your heart to decide you know what I'm gonna have a heart to serve others I'm gonna care give my affection to other people go to numbers 11 food numbers chapter 11 and we see the heart of a servant Joshua a man who was willing to do what to minister unto Moses but not just that we see Joshua actually caring for other people cuz look you can serve but your heart cannot be in it but you see Joshua Joshua's heart he cared for Moses he cared for other people numbers 11 look first number 27 and in numbers 11 we have the Lord taking the spirit that was upon Moses and resting it upon 70 of the elders of the children of Israel but notice the story in numbers 11 verse 27 it says and there ran a young man and told Moses and said El dad and me dad do prophesy in the camp you know that you think about that well that's a good thing you know they're preaching the Word of God that's a good thing but notice in verse 28 the heart of Joshua and Joshua the son of none notice the servants of Moses it says notice one of his young men you know I don't know how many young men Moses had to minister unto him but you know what Joshua just one Joshua was just one who had the right heart who was a minister he was a servant but notice what this young man Joshua tells his tells Moses answered and said notice my Lord Moses forbid them and Moses said unto him envious now for my sake would God had all Lord's people or prophets and that the Lord would put his spirit upon them here we have you know Joshua kind of getting a little bit upset they're saying look Moses look these people they're preaching the Word of God you know you got to just stop them forbid the Moses because they're doing your job you know at the time you know Joshua was a little overly zealous at the time but you know what I appreciate the heart of Joshua you know in this story we see that Joshua earnestly cared for Moses he had his affection he appreciated him and yeah he was overly zealous but you know what it shows is that Joshua he actually cared and he wanted to help Moses he was there his heart was with Moses willing to help him to minister unto him and look when you live for others teenager look you got to give the right people your affection you know and I can appreciate this you know when somebody attacks you know your parents that should make you upset it should bother you when people want to attack your parents whether it's criticizing them and look teenager don't you'll be the one criticizing your parents and think about how heartbreaking would that be your parents who love you who raised you who paid for you to be here who bought your food who bought your clothes who bought everything you have it's it's amazing to me how teenagers you know they get to this certain age in their life when they think somehow everything's just owed to them you get that like did you buy your own food you know it's like did you clothe yourself did you raise yourself did you buy your own cell phone as you get your shoes whatever you have look all of it your parents work hard for you you got to give them your affection you got to give them your love and even see the heart of Joshua you know and I appreciate this in Joshua the fact that you know what yeah he might have been overly zealous but you know what his heart I believe was in the right place he cared for him you know even last night with a wrestling match you know past three minutes was doing his thing in there right and you know my three-year-old daughter she was devastated my three-year-old thought that her pastor was getting hurt in that ring and the tears were coming down and she was just devastated she just couldn't she couldn't bear to watch you know I thought to myself I thought to myself you know praise the Lord that you know what she has a heart for her pastor that she's that she's upset that somebody's hurting him but you know what look teenager look you ought to give your affection to the right people look teenager your parents ought to know that you're there for them that you love them you know that you know dear dear parents know teenager that you have that they have your heart you know your parents do everything for you look you got a show them appreciation and as we heard yesterday look tell them thank you tell them I love you tell them I appreciate that and show them how by being there to serve them because look what is a child you know when a baby's born they don't take care of themselves they need the milk they need mom and dad to do everything for them but look when you get to those 13 14 50 look you want to start being an adult you want to start getting some respect look transition from being a baby a child who needs constant care to being someone who can take care of themselves and then serve other people so just decide in your heart teenager to be a servant Ephesians 4 32 the Bible says and be kind one to another it says tender hearted you know tender hearted means that your heart breaks and so like your heart ought to break for your parents teenager who've done everything for you look your your church should have your heart you got to earnestly care for your church and be and you know what your church family is hurting look you should hurt too when they're rejoicing hey let's rejoice with them just be there give them your heart and look we live in a day where people are just unappreciative living for self second Timothy 3 1 the Bible says this know also that in the last days perilous time shall come for men shall be lovers of their own selves and like this describes the look at the world this describes the world that we live in living for the just lovers of their own selves they take pictures but who is it of it's just of themselves let me see how I look the selfie the I that's all me me me just living for self look teenager that ought not to be the testimony of a Christian it says men shall be lovers of their own selves covetous boasters proud blasphemers disobedient to parents it says unthankful it's really that how those two things go hand in hand disobedient to parents and unthankful look teenager look realize that your parents your pastor your pastor's like people around you they've invested in you they've helped you look you got to give the right people your affection and realize that there's a devil out there who wants to take your heart and give it to the world and give it to the lust of the flesh the lust of the eyes and the pride of life and those things will destroy your life but we see Joshua doing what caring for Moses upset about the fact that Moses might be might be getting hurt we see the heart of his servants go back to go if you were to exit a 17 you see what is a heart needed for the next generation a heart for the next generation is a heart to serve not only that but number two a heart for the next generation is a heart to fight a heart for the next generation is a heart to fight look teenager you ought to get some fight in you and decide you know what I'm I'm ready and willing to fight and look people people naturally have this in them you say how do you know because like people just get mad for whatever thing it's like they're always just angry you can't look at somebody for like two seconds without them saying with you know what are you looking at like why you mugging me you know it's like you can't you can't just like talk to people because they were just angry everyone's just ready for a fight but you know what you ought to get some fight in you to Christian and realize look that the Christian life is a fight exit of 17 look at verse number 8 it says then came Amalek notice and fought with Israel in Rephidim and what's amazing is that you know this is the first time that we see Joshua's name ever mentioned in the Bible it says then came Amalek notice and fought and just get this in your head teenager the life is a fight the Christian life is a fight and look there's a fight right now going on for your attention trying to wake you up so you can pay attention open your eyes and just it's funny how like yeah life is fun and easy and it's all fun and games when mommy and daddy are picking the bills it's all fun and easy when mommy and daddy are providing the food it's all fun and easy one we have pastor and pastors while doing everything for you serving you hand and foot but you know what if you if you if it's like teenager if you want to be an adult and you and go pay it go pay your mortgage and let's see how hard life gets raise a child for the Lord and we say let's see how hard life gets I look realize like all this is to prepare you for the fight because look there is a fight the Bible says in Psalm 144 one blessed be the Lord my God which teaches my hands to war and my fingers to fight you know on Sunday night you know pastor preach a sermon called the next generation and in that sermon he said we must prepare the next generation to fight you see what what are we doing yet we're having a great time with the games and have a great time getting the jump houses you know go bowling have fun but look realize that the preaching of the Word of God comes from a man of God who's fought the battles who's been there for you they're trying to prepare you they're trying to train you why because look life is hard and the Christian life is a fight and it's gonna come in verse number nine and Moses said unto Joshua notice again the first time he's mentioned in the Bible and Moses said unto Joshua choose us out men he said go out he said fight with Amalek you know I don't know why Moses chose Joshua it says that Joshua was just one of his young men Joshua could have mostly could have chosen anyone but I wonder if it's because he saw some zeal in Joshua he saw some fight he saw a young man ready and willing to fight for the Lord he said fight with Amalek tomorrow I will stand on the top of the hill with the rod of God in my hand so Joshua did as Moses had said to him and fought with Amalek and Moses Aaron and her went up to the top of the hill and like Chris teenager you got to just decide today decide I'm gonna fight for the faith decide look I'm gonna fight for lost souls because look there's there's a battle there's a war going on people are dying and going to hell people are constantly attacking our churches there's a fight against Christianity you may not see it but look but it's out there and just get the mindset look I'm ready for a fight look there's a fight for your purity the devil wants to corrupt your mind you gotta just learn to flee fornication and decide today I'm gonna be pure it's the day that I'm married walk up to the altars of virgin why cuz like there's a fight to destroy your life and just decide you know what I'm willing to get in the fight go if you want to Jude one if you're Jude chapter number one in verse 76 12 the Bible says fight the good fight of faith it says fight sounds like a command look fight the good fight of faith you go to Jude fight the good fight of faith Lee hold on eternal life with weren't without also called and has professed a good profession before many witnesses second 74 7 the bow says Paul said I have fought a good fight I have finished my course I have kept the faith I look realize this look Joshua at this time he was that next generation and here we have Moses leading the people God's giving him the faith and Moses job is to teach them teach that next generation prepare them for the battle and look that's what we're doing we the faith that has been given unto us we are giving it unto you and it is your job to continue that fight Jude 1 verse 3 the Bible says in verse 3 beloved when I gave all diligence to write unto you of the common salvation it was needful for me to write unto you and exhort you they should earnestly contend for the faith which was notice once delivered unto the Saints you know that faith you see these great men of God you see pastor Pemanos pastor Anderson pastor Brzezinski preaching the Word of God but look that faith it didn't just come from them that faith was delivered unto them it was given unto them and they have chosen to it to take up the battle to take the Word of God preach the Word of God fight for your purity fight for your minds fight for your heart fight for the faith fight for lost souls look that's what we're doing we're delivering unto you the face that you can take up that battle for us as well because look one day Moses won't be there Joshua one day your parents aren't gonna be there one day then the next generation will have to rise afterwards and it has to the battles have to be fought so decide to earnestly contend for the faith go back to Exodus 17 Exodus chapter 17 you see what is the heart for the next generation it's a heart to fight and you see look I'm just I'm just one teenager what can I do well look Joshua was just one servant he was just one young man one servant just deciding to have what to have some heart in his life that was a fight in him Exodus 17 notice again verse some notes for summer 13 Exodus 17 verse 13 and Joshua this competent Amalek and his people with the edge of the sword and the Lord sent it to Moses write this for memorial in a book notice and rehearse it in the ears of Joshua like after the battle was over you know God says you know what I don't want you to forget this fight I want you to write what happened write it in a book and then do it and rehearse it remind Joshua of the fight you see why because look because the fight is coming again and realize like teenager the battles that have been fought in the past against the filth against the sodomites look against whatever the word the devil has thrown at you at us look that fight is coming again but look guess what Moses won't be there and God wants to make sure that you know what remind Joshua of the battles that have happened why because like the battles will come to you and look you ought to be ready look the Bible says you got to be sober you gotta be vigilant why because the devil has a roaring lion walketh about seeking whom he may devour and one thing if you watch animal shows one thing you know about lions is that they always seek the weak they seek those who are falling behind they're seeking the babies they want the easy pickings and look right now teenager you may not realize it but look you may not see the fight why because like you have a mom and a dad who are fighting for you you may not see the fight because look you have a pastor and a pastor's wife you have people who are older than you who are fighting those battles for you but one day they won't be there and she had to just decide in your mind in your heart you don't I'm gonna learn to fight I'm gonna prepare I'm gonna read the Word of God I'm gonna pray I'm gonna make sure that I'm right with God I'm gonna fight for lost souls and just prepare yourself to be that next generation to carry on that torch to fight that good fight of faith you see what is a heart for the next generation it is a heart to serve to live for others what is a heart for the next generation it is a heart to fight and lastly what is a heart for the next generation it is a heart for God go to Exodus 33 go to Exodus chapter 33 you gotta have a heart for God teenager and you know in this in Exodus 33 you know when you read about Joshua you there's a lot of exciting things about Joshua to talk about I mean you could talk about the walls of Jericho you could talk about all the battles with the book of Joshua there's a lot to talk about Joshua but in here in this in this passage you know this one short phrase that really sticks out to me the most about Joshua who at this time is that next generation he's not yet leading the charge but in Exodus 33 look at what it says in verse number eight it says that it came to pass when Moses went out into the tabernacle that all the people rose up and said every man at his tent door notice and looked after Moses until he was gone into the tabernacle you have all the people just when Moses go is in they're just watching Moses verse 9 and it came to pass as Moses entered into the tabernacle the cloudy pillar descended and stood at the door of the tabernacle and the Lord talked with Moses and all the people saw the cloudy pillar stand at the tabernacle door and all the people rose up and worshipped every man in his tent door and look at verse number 11 it says and the Lord spake it to Moses face to face as a man speaketh unto his friend you know I don't know about you but I would have loved to have been Moses and you know to be there just to be someone who who God can say to you say to me look he's speaking to you as if it's face to face as a man speaketh unto his friend and look we can have that today in the Word of God when he could read the Word of God and God can penetrate your heart if you want to just allow him to I just pray to God see God just please speak to my heart let the Word of God penetrate and let it change your life but notice what it says it says in the Lord speaking to Moses face to face as a man speaketh unto his friend and he turned again into the camp and notice his phrase that God just has to throw in about Joshua it says but his servant Joshua the son of none a young man departed not out of the tabernacle and it's amazing but you know all the people are the people are mentioned what's everyone doing they're just at their tent door just watching Moses go in and go out and you know this passage to me really shows the heart of Joshua and it shows that Joshua had a heart for God you see Joshua doing what Moses goes in he's talking to God he walks out the people go back into their tents but what does Joshua do Joshua just stands there Joshua says you know what where shall I go God is here God is talking to Moses and we see the heart of Joshua just I want to be where God is and like teenagers you gotta just decide to have this heart for God to say you know what in my life I'm gonna be where God wants me to be and look I believe Joshua loved God's people I mean he's fighting for them he might die against the Amalekites he's putting his neck on the line I'm sure he loved Moses but you know when it comes to a heart for God you gotta just decide you know what God is gonna have the preeminence of my life that you know what wherever God is that's where I'm gonna be look get this mindset look if people come and go in your life just decide in your mind in your heart look I want to be where God wants me to be I want to be in the will of God and just have a heart for God because if there's one thing that God wants from you teenager it's your heart he wants you to love him he wants you to have a passion for him and decide you know what I'm just not gonna depart out of God and we see Joshua just not willing to go anywhere wherever God is you know what that's where I'm gonna be dude on me six-five the law says and thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thine hearts and with all thy soul with all thy might you know a prayer for the next generation ought to be you know what we pray that this next generation has a heart for God that that God will look down at his people and say you know what these people they have my heart and if God has your heart Christian yet you look you'll live for other people if God has your heart look you'll you'll you'll do whatever God wants you to do you'll be able to fight those battles to help serve others to win lost souls but just decide to have a heart for God you see what is a heart that is needed for the next generation it is a heart for God go if you were to Joshua 24th with Joshua 24 so number one a heart for the next generation is a heart to serve number two a heart for the next generation is a heart to fight and lastly a heart for the generation is a heart for God you're going to Joshua 24 but in numbers 27 I want to read this for you in numbers 27 here we have God just choosing Joshua to be the successor to be that next leader you're in Joshua 24 but in numbers 27 verse 18 the bow says and the Lord said unto Moses take thee Joshua the son of men the son of none it says a man in whom is the spirit and lay thy hand upon him you see God chose Joshua to be that next generation leader you see why was it I think it's cuz he had a heart to serve because he had a heart to fight and God knew you know what this person has my heart see his heart was ready for what God had for him in life and look teenager you have the rest of your life ahead of you and the reality is you look you can have all these plans in your mind but look you have no idea what your life's gonna look like in ten years and look you gotta just decide you know what I'm gonna prepare myself today by how by serving other people getting involved giving you the right people your affection by getting in the right fight choosing to fight for the Christian life choosing to fight for lost souls fight for your purity fight for yourselves fight for each other fight for your brethren and decide you know what God's gonna have my heart and in Joshua 24 we see the end of the life of Joshua but I want to point the set because here we have Joshua already at the end of his ministry he's about to pass away get off the scene and he's speaking to the next generation famous passage of verse 15 Joshua speaking to the generation that is to come after him and if it seemed evil unto you to serve the Lord he said he asked this question he says choose you this day whom you will serve you know if Joshua's here today he'd ask you the same thing teenager hey you know what make a choice and like you have to just make a choice in your mind or your heart it says choose you this day whom you will serve whether the gods which your father served that were on the other side of the flood or the gods of the Amrites in whose land you dwell he said but as for me and my house we will serve the Lord that is a question you got to just ask yourself answer for yourself make that choice and choose in this youth rally you know what I'm gonna serve I'm gonna love the Lord I'm gonna serve others I'm gonna fight the good fight of faith make that choice Christian teenager and like you don't know what God has for you but you gotta prepare yourself today for that next generation let's close in prayer Heavenly Father thank you for this morning God I thank you for your work and for all the teenagers that are here I pray that you be with them Lord as they grow up to to serve you to live for you and to be able to one day take up the baton and fight that good fight of faith through God Lord I thank you for this conference and if everyone that's here we love you in Jesus name pray amen amen all right well great sermon you can Oliver thank you very much okay let's go ahead and ask some questions I am NOT going to go based off who gets their hand up first because it seems like some of you have some really good skills with that all right so I'm just gonna ask questions and try to just give other people a chance even if your hand-eye coordination is not the greatest all right so here's the first question this question is gonna go to Spartacus all right so if somebody in Spartacus knows this question who was the next generation for Moses go ahead Joshua got it all right you want to give okay let's give him a ticket there all right all right this question is for Atilius what was the first thing the first point mentioned in the sermon that is needed from the next generation a heart to serve go ahead all right I gave you the answer good night you're smart give her a ticket okay I'm not having a good day at least I didn't go through a table okay let's ask this team who took upon him the form of a servant Jesus all right the Lord Jesus Christ got it all right what question am I on I'll try not to give you the answer this time what was the second point mentioned in the sermon that is needed a heart to fight all right go for it good all right what was the third thing mentioned go ahead a heart for God all right praise the Lord I think that's it so we got one of the twins I still after a decade still don't know which one's which so okay all right well that's it for the tickets one thing for the questions one thing we are going to do we want to make sure tonight we're gonna raffle off so we do want everyone to be to have their name at least one time in the raffle so when we're done with the service this morning make sure everybody all the teenagers just the teens not the adults just the teens see brother Shaw and so that everybody gets at least one ticket so we want you to at least have one one a chance to win something from the raffle tonight so just see brother Shaw raise your hand after the morning session here and we'll make sure that everyone gets at least one ticket to put into the the raffle bowl and I'm not sure what the raffle bowl it's right here so make sure everybody write your name legibly write your name legibly and put it into the raffle bowl there the container so that we can get you some things raffled off tonight okay so it is 11 we're gonna go ahead and sing a song to dismiss the service and then after that we're gonna have lunch at noon so let's go ahead and go to page number 355 page number 355 what a friend we have in Jesus let's go ahead and sing it out on the first 355 what a friend we have in Jesus all our sins and griefs to bear what a privilege to carry everything to God in prayer oh what peace we often forfeit oh what needless pain we bear oh because we do not carry everything to God in prayer 355 sing it out on the second have we trials and temptations is there trouble anywhere we should never be discouraged take it to the Lord in prayer can we find a friend so faithful who will all our sorrows share says knows our every weakness take it to the Lord in prayer oh we we can have the laden cumbered with a load of care Savior still our refuge take it to the Lord in prayer do thy friends despise forsake thee take it to the Lord in prayer in his arms you'll take and shield thee will find us all is there amen all right good singing so we're gonna go ahead and dismiss with the word of prayer like I said it's 11 so you'll have some time to just hang out and of course if you want to go get coffee or whatever you're welcome to do that lunch is at noon we might start a little early depending on how the ladies are doing in the fellowship home but we will will announce that if we do that but we're scheduled to have lunch at noon in the fellowship hall games at one and then bulla thon at 3 p.m. let's go ahead and bow our heads and have a word of prayer and we'll be dismissed this morning Heavenly Father Lord we do thank you for this youth conference Lord and we thank you for the great sermon this morning and Lord I do pray that these young people would consider the things that were said to them Lord and what every adult in this room wants is for these kids to serve you for them to give their hearts to you for them to grow up and to raise up as the next generation to carry on the faith and the fight Lord we pray that you would help these kids to get that help ministered to their hearts that the Holy Spirit would convince them of that Lord and that we might be able to rise up a great generation that would have served you with their lives we love you in the matchless name of Christ we pray amen all right God bless you you are dismissed lunch at noon you you