(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) seat in front of you we're gonna sing holy holy holy if you don't have one of these raise up your hand and hopefully an usher can try and bring one to you if we don't have enough just try and share with your neighbor help them out they can take a look at it we fed you with pizza so hopefully you can endure pastor Amanda sermon tonight okay holy holy holy in your white handout again if you don't have one hopefully we have some extras we can pass around again we'll sing holy holy holy on the first holy holy holy lord god almighty early in the morning our song shall rise to down falling down before me Oh Oh Oh We have brother Joel coming for baptism this evening the joy of you trusted Christ as your Savior then I baptized in the name of the Father the Son and the Holy Ghost the service and we'll have our Bible reading at this time burn if you would the Matthew chapter number one Matthew chapter number one Matthew chapter number one all along in your Bible starting at verse number one the Bible read the book of the generation of Jesus Christ the son of David the son of Abraham Abraham begat Isaac and Isaac begat Jacob and Jacob begat Judas and his brethren and Judas begat Pherez and Zara Paimar and Pherez begat Esraam and Esraam begat Aram and Aram begat Amminadab and Amminadab begat Nason and Nason begat Salmon and Salmon begat Boaz of Rehkab and Boaz begat Obed of Ruth and Obed begat Jesse and Jesse begat David the king and David the king begat Solomon of Pherez that had been the wife of Uriah and Solomon begat Reboam and Reboam begat Abaya and Abaya begat Asa and Asa begat Josaphat and Josaphat begat Joram and Joram begat Ozias and Ozias begat Joatham and Joatham begat Akaz and Akaz begat Ezekiel and Ezekiel begat Manassas and Manassas begat Ammon and Ammon begat Josias and Josias begat Jeconias and his brethren about the time they were carried away to Babylon and after they were brought to Babylon Jeconias begat Silathiel and Silathiel begat Zerubbabel and Zerubbabel begat Abayad and Abayad begat Eliakim and Eliakim begat Azor and Azor begat Sadok and Sadok begat Akim and Akim begat Elias and Elias begat Eliezer and Eliezer begat Mathen and Mathen begat Jacob and Jacob begat Joseph the husband of Mary of whom was born Jesus who is called Christ so all the generations from Abraham to David are 14 generations and from David under the carrying away into Babylon are 14 generations and from the carrying away into Babylon under Christ are 14 generations now the birth of Jesus Christ was on this wise when as his mother Mary was espoused to Joseph before they came together she was found with child of the Holy Ghost then Joseph her husband being a just man and not willing to make her a public example was minded to put her away privately but while he thought on these things behold the angel of the Lord appeared unto him in a dream saying Joseph thou son of David fear not to take unto thee Mary thy wife for that which is conceived in her is of the Holy Ghost and she shall bring forth a son and thou shalt call his name Jesus for he shall save his people from their sins now all this was done that it might be fulfilled which was spoken of the board by the prophet saying behold a virgin shall be with child and shall break forth the son and they shall call his name Emmanuel which being interpreted is God with us then Joseph being raised from sleep did as the angel of the Lord had been in him and took unto him his wife and knew her not so she had brought forth her firstborn son and he called his name Jesus let's bow our head for let's bow our heads for a word of prayer father we thank you so much for the fire-breathing Baptist fellowship and for the opportunity that we have to gather together in your name and listen to some hard preaching we pray now that you would fill pastor Roger Jimenez with your spirit and enable him to preach your word boldly give him clarity of mind and also help us to pay attention to the message so we can listen and learn in Jesus name I pray amen amen all right well thank you very much for being here tonight I want to just begin first of all by saying thank you for all of you that are that are here and all of you that stayed even after the pizza you already got the pizza and you stayed and I appreciate you doing that thank you very much and I know many of you've traveled long ways and we're glad glad you're here I'm happy to be here great turnout tonight and I appreciate you coming out of course I want to say thank you to pastor Shelley and mrs. Shelley for their hospitality and I want to say thank you to steadfast Baptist Church for everything you do and everything you are and putting it on this event and everywhere I go whenever I show up the first question people usually ask me is did you bring your wife and people always want to meet my wife and I say no I didn't bring my wife to this trip and then the next question they'll ask is did you bring any puppets and I'll say no I didn't bring any puppets then they'll ask did you bring the puppy and I say no and they're like okay and then they walk off I I did bring our deacon brother Oliver and I know he's not much but he's all I got all right so if you'd like to meet him make sure you say hi to him and there's several from our church here from California and I appreciate them being here of course and you know I I want to just let steadfast Baptist Church know of course you're in our prayers you guys have been dealing with a lot this year going through a lot and you know I I want to say I appreciate it and I may be a little selfish in it obviously I'm praying for you but when you you think about the lawsuit you're dealing with this lawsuit you've got these protests you've got the financial fraud I mean and all of it in Texas you guys are making California look good so I I appreciate your your faithfulness with that tonight I'm preaching on a specific subject and the the the title of the sermon if you will is my body my choice I'm preaching on this subject or this idea of my body my choice and of course if you when you hear that your your mind should go to the issue of abortions and my body my choice is the mantra or the rallying call of the abortion crowd I wanted to speak on this I hear because of course this something that's been on the news a lot lately especially in Texas the state of Texas last month passed what's being referred to as a heartbeat law and they say it's one of the most restrictive abortion laws in the country as a result there have been protests in Austin and Washington DC really all over the country there was a protest in Sacramento California as a result of it as well and and it's something that people have been talking about but I'm not necessarily just preaching about abortions tonight the sermon tonight's gonna gonna have two parts to it first I do want to talk about abortions and deal with the subject of abortions but then I also want to talk about the COVID vaccine and and and the mandates so we'll kind of talk about abortions here for a little bit and then we'll we'll shift gears and talk a little bit about the mandates I want to talk about this phrase my body my choice because again this is a phrase that is being used by by by the abortion crowd they'll say the reason that we should be able to abort a child in the womb is because hey it's my body my choice that's what they'll say and of course we as by believing Christians reject that we do not believe that my body my choice is a valid argument for abortion so let me just begin by being clear with that my body my choice is not a valid reason to allow abortions now you may ask why and here's the thing as Bible believing Christians we should not only believe the Bible obviously that's the main thing we should also know not only what we believe but why we believe it why is it that we take these positions and if you ask the question my body my choice what why why is that not valid as an argument for the abortion crowd well it's not valid because abortion is murder my body my choice is not a valid reason because abortion is murder the Bible teaches that life begins at conception you're there in Matthew chapter 1 I'd like you to look down at verse number 18 notice what the Bible says Matthew 1 18 it says this now the birth of Jesus Christ and of course this is a passage that's often usually read during Christmas time but we'll see some application and truth here it says now the birth of Jesus Christ was on this wise when as his mother Mary was as follows to Joseph before they came together she was found notice these words with child of the here the Bible references the fact that Mary is expecting she's pregnant and the Bible calls it being with child look down at verse number 23 same chapter he says this behold a virgin shall be notice the words with child once you notice what the Bible calls pregnancy it doesn't call it a fetus it doesn't call it an embryo it doesn't call it a blob of tissue it calls it a child it says behold a virgin shall be with child and shall bring forth a son and they shall call his name Immanuel which being interpreted is God with us now go with me if you would just real quickly to the book of Isaiah Old Testament book of Isaiah Isaiah chapter number seven and many of you are familiar with these passages but I like us to look at them just kind of by way of introduction Isaiah chapter 7 if you start towards the end of the Old Testament you'll find those big major prophets Isaiah Jeremiah Lamentations Ezekiel Isaiah chapter number 7 and here's the question because you you show people that verse and we'll say look the Bible calls a a child a being a human in the womb calls it a child she's with child but the argument is this well when does it become a child does it become a child at six weeks does it become a child when you can hear the heartbeat does it become a child at three months six months does it become a child once it's birth when does it become a child well the Bible answers this for us because the Bible by the way has the answers to all of life's questions and what's interesting is that this this verse in Matthew 1 23 behold a virgin shall be with child and shall bring forth a son and they shall call his name Immanuel which being interpreted as God with us this is actually a quote from the book of Isaiah Isaiah chapter 7 verse 14 now in Isaiah the wording is a little different and it's not because there's a problem or a contradiction it's because the Bible our King James Bible is its own dictionary and oftentimes you know the Bible says that we should compare spiritual things with spiritual and oftentimes when you can take a quote from the Old Testament in the New Testament and compare them side by side when you see differences that's not contradictions it's God given us synonyms or given us some insight and allowing allowing the spiritual word of God to show us what he means so in Matthew 1 23 he said a virgin shall be with child well when did that begin did we begin once the the baby developed a heartbeat did it begin at six weeks or 12 weeks or six months when did it become a child Isaiah 7 14 therefore the Lord himself shall give you a sign now notice here comes a quote that it that we find in Matthew behold a virgin shall notice what it says conceive and bear a son and shall call his name Immanuel and Matthew it said behold a virgin shall be with child here it says behold a virgin shall conceive it's using the term with child and conceive synonymously why here's why because it becomes a child at conception it's not an embryo that turns into a child it's not a blob of tissue or a fetus that turns into a child at the moment of conception God looks down and says hey she's with child it's a human being see my body my choice is not a valid reason for abortion because abortion is murder these women they say well it's my body yeah but what about the body of the baby what it's my choice what about the choice of baby my body my choice my choice is is invalid as an argument for abortion because of the fact that abortion is murder abortion ends life why because in the womb it is a child in the womb it is a human in the womb it is a person why because life begins at conception not only does life begin at conception but let me say this life begins before the body is even formed go to Jeremiah chapter 1 if you wouldn't you're there in in in in Isaiah right after Isaiah you've got the book of Jeremiah Jeremiah chapter 1 and let me say this you know obviously thank God for any law that makes abortions a little harder and all of that but even the heartbeat law it's not enough it's not it's not that oh well once it has a heartbeat now it's alive no it had a heartbeat the moment there was cons excuse me it was alive it was a human the moment there was conception even if there was no heartbeat because not only does life begin at conception but life begins before the body itself is even formed Jeremiah 1 look at verse 5 notice what the Bible says here notice what God says down says to the prophet Jeremiah he says before I form thee notice before I form thee what does that mean before his body was formed before the heart was created before it began to be he said before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee before thou came his fourth out of the womb what does that mean before you were birthed he said I sanctified thee and ordained thee a prophet unto the nation see God looks down at Jeremiah says hey before I formed you I knew you I had a plan for you I had a purpose for you before you even in birth you said I had a plan and a purpose and by the way that's not just Jeremiah it's everybody every child in this room ought to know that God has a plan and God has a purpose for their life he says before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee before thou came his fourth out of the womb I sanctified thee go with me if you would to the book of Psalms Psalm 139 you're there in Jeremiah to go backwards you've got Isaiah song of Solomon Ecclesiastes Proverbs Psalm Psalm 139 while you turn there let me just read to you a little article about this law that was passed in Texas obviously those of you that are Texans you're familiar with this I'm sure it says Texas law sparks hundreds of US protests against abortion this article is written October 2nd which was just this last weekend so it's pretty pretty up-to-date it says women marched by the thousands on Saturday on the Supreme Court the Texas Capitol and cities across the United States to protest increasing state restrictions on abortion and advocate the maintaining for maintaining a constitutional right to the procedure obviously we're against this it says the 660 demonstrations I thought that was an interesting number there must have been six they didn't account for 660 demonstrations around the United States were largely sparked by a Texas law that bans abortion after about six weeks of pregnancy the measure which went into effect last month is the most restrictive in the country in the Texas capital of Austin hundreds gathered in sweltering heat to denounce the so-called heartbeat law signed by Governor Greg Abbott it bans abortion after cardiac activity is detected in the embryo usually around six weeks that is before most women know they are pregnant and earlier than 85 to 90 percent of all abortions that are carried out experts say the law requires an ordinary citizen to enforce the ban which makes no exceptions for rape or incense rewarding them at least 10,000 if they successfully sue anyone who helped provide an illegal abortion Washington protesters marched to the US Supreme Court two days before the court reconvenes for a session in which the justices will consider the Mississippi case that could enable them to overturn abortion rights established in the landmark 1973 Roe vs. Wade case and again I'm thankful for anything that is done to end or to try to slow down the abortion holocaust in in our country but we as by believing Christians number one we need to be clear and and we need to be careful we were having lunch this this afternoon with the pastors and you know they were talking about this law and and and and and you know giving some thoughts about it and things like that and you know as by believing Christians something that was brought up in the conversation is we need to be careful with these Republicans you know virtue signaling some some law that is it's it's not enough and again I'm thankful for anyone that does anything against abortions let me tell you something it's not it's not an embryo that it gets a heartbeat it's it's it's a human being from the moment it was conceived heartbeat or not body or not it's a human being and we as by believing Christians need to be clear about that need to communicate that need to express that need to understand what we believe the life begins at conception and life begins before the body is formed are you there in Psalm 139 look at verse 13 Psalm 139 in verse 13 for thou has possessed my reigns thou has covered me notice what he says the psalmist says thou has covered me in my mother's womb I will praise thee for I'm fearfully and wonderfully made marvelous are thy works and that my soul knows right well no service 15 my substance that's the biblical word my substance not fetus not embryo not blob of tissue my substance was not hit from me when I was made in secret and curiously wrought in the lowest parts of the earth notice verse 16 thine eyes did see my substance yet being notice this word on perfect now the word perfect in our King James Bible doesn't mean without error the way we would use it today the word perfect means complete or whole notice what he says he says my substance was not hit from me when I was made in secret and curiously lot in the lowest parts of the earth thine eyes did see my substance yet being on perfect he said even while my body was incomplete in thy book all my members were written which in continuance were fashioned he said while you were still fashioning which in continuance were fashioning while you were still fashioning my body he says when as yet there was none of them understand what that means he said before there was before I even had any body parts thine eyes did see my substance he said while my body was still on perfect while it was still being fashioned while it was still a being worked on he said my substance was not hid from thee thine eyes did see my substance what does that mean here's what it means before the body is complete while it's still in continuance being fashioned it is a human being why because life begins at conception which means life begins before the body is even formed which means that life begins the moment that there's conception not six weeks later when you hear a heartbeat my body my choice is not a valid reason for abortions why to allow abortions because abortion is murder but let me just say this not only is abortion murder my body my choice is not a valid reason for abortions because abortions are brutal I don't want to go into the details of an abortion but let me just read a little article here for you this comes from a website called abortion facts calm and it talks about a film and I'm just gonna read this for you and I'm gonna tell you I haven't watched this film and I don't I don't need to watch the film and I just think it illustrates something it says this the brutality of an abortion is graphically demonstrated and dr. Bernard Nathanson's classic film the silent scream the first widely circulated ultrasound of an actual abortion it shows a child serenely resting in her mother's womb suddenly the child is alarmed because of the intruding abortion device she moves as far away as she can trying desperately to save her life just before her body is torn to pieces and sucked out through the vacuum tube her tiny mouth opens in an unheard scream of terror after the abortion the doctor who performed it was invited to view the ultrasound he was so upset with what he saw that he left the room though he had performed over 10,000 abortions he never performed another one again abortions not only murder abortion is brutal and again these women say and these protesters say my body my choice what about the baby's body what about the baby's choice why don't we why don't we allow the baby hey how about we allow the baby to decide maybe the baby would like to make a decision on whether she'd be aborted or not hey how about we let the baby decide you know the baby has a body too what about the baby's body the baby's choice maybe the baby wants to abort the mom if you ever thought about that you know the Bible teaches the Bible teaches you should treat people the way you'd like to be treated now this is actually a law that God gives us when it comes to our relationships love the Lord thy God with all thine heart and and and it also says to love thy neighbor as thyself but this is also a principle that God used in his legal system of Old Testament Israel to provide justice go to the book of Exodus if you would Exodus chapter number 21 Genesis Exodus Exodus chapter 21 when you get there do me a favor and put a ribbon or a bookmark there because we're gonna leave it and we're gonna come back to it Exodus 21 but you know let me just say this what if the baby what if the baby wants to abort the mom how about we ram a device into the skull of the mom and and and vacuum out her brain see how she likes it then I don't think you should talk like that well that's what they're doing to these babies that's what they're doing to these innocent lives in the womb in the place that should be the safest for a child the womb of a mother we live in a country today that says you can go into that sacred womb and end the life under the argument my body my choice under the argument well I get to choose I'm the one that's gonna carry this child the Bible says that a just punishment is to have done to you what you have done to others now in the New Testament with with a little bit of a more positive spin it's funny to me the liberals they love the love thy neighbor as they self love thy neighbor as they self and I'm not mocking it there's a great principle but then the same people will mock the Old Testament when it says and I for an eye here's what they don't understand an eye for an eye is just the same principle treat people the way you'd like to be treated flipped in a negative side for the purposes of justice the Bible teaches and look I'm not saying that this needs to happen to people that I perform abortions or that I've had abortions obviously they you know I believe that our government should should start a law you know forget the heartbeat law how about just uphold the murder law and say abortion is murder and and anyone who performs abortion from here on out hey forget bringing a lawsuit for ten thousand dollars how about an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth that's actually what the criminal justice system should do because the Bible says that that's what justice is and again I'm not saying that we need to go back and do that to people that have performed abortions or done abortions obviously that's not the law in the land in which we live and let me say this if you're here tonight and you've had an abortion I'm not picking on you I'm not mad at you maybe you did that in your past you didn't know it was it was wrong or you before you were saved or whatever obviously God loves you God forgives you confess it to God as sin and move on with your life you'll see that baby in heaven I'm not here to pick on you but I am here to say hey my body my choice is invalid and and what the Bible says is that just punishment is to have done to you what you have done to others X now the verses I want you to look at our Exodus 21 verse 24 and 25 but just to give you the context though look at verse 22 because I think the context is very fitting Exodus 21 22 if men strive and hurt a woman with child here's a woman that's pregnant two guys are fighting they're kind of wrestling and they accidentally bump into or hurt a woman with child notice what it says so that her fruit depart she loses the child she loses the life of the child it says so that her fruit depart from her and yet no mischief follow what that means is it wasn't done on purpose it wasn't done maliciously it was an accident what we would call manslaughter they didn't set out to kill the baby but that's what happened there's still a punishment for it he shall surely be punished according as the woman's husband will lay upon him and he shall pay the judges pay as the judges determined notice verse 23 and if any mischief follow you can you can you can write right next to that planned parenthood abortion clinics this is that means they did it on purpose they're trying to end a pregnancy they're trying to take the life of a child in the womb and if any mischief follow then thou shalt give life for life eye for eye tooth for tooth hand for hand foot for foot burning for burning wound for wound strike for strike so that you guys are angry no no this is love how many kills a child somebody kills a child God says life for life you you said that they should stick a vacuum in their brain and suck their brains out burning for burning wound for wound strike for strike you want to end abortions make it a law that if you get an illegal abortion you'll get aborted see how quickly it goes away that's justice this is why you know when are you from time to time you hear about these abortion clinics getting blown up let me just say this let me just be clear because I don't need a 2016 I'm happy with you guys getting all the protests I don't need it anymore let me be clear I'm not saying that people should do this I'm not condoning it I'm not encouraging it and if you want to do it I would talk try to talk you out of it I'm not saying it's good okay all I'm saying all I'm saying I'm not saying it's good I'm not telling people to do it I'm just saying from time to time when you hear about an abortion clinic being blown up it doesn't make me sad if somebody asked me pastor miss what do you think about an abortion clinic being blown up I would say well you know that's like asking me what do you think about a place that murders babies getting blown up I think it's great I think the babies in the womb are a little safer tonight I'm not upset about I'm not gonna shut up deer over I don't I don't think it's a big deal why because abortion is murder now with that said let me say this there are some people that would have been better off afforded is there I don't think you should say that okay well how about Jesus said it had been good for that man if he had not been born talking about Judas I will says look there's some people would have been better they wouldn't have got if they would just would have died in the womb they would have never been born if you don't like that Jesus said that he said that about Judas but I can think of a few people applies to I mean I can think of some has a version already brought it up so you know how about here's what here's here's here's here's one Seth book out I mean Seth book outs mom is probably looking at him today and thinking to herself I should have aborted you when I had the chance and look don't don't get that upset about it because you know what he is gonna get aborted God's gonna board him Seth book out better look out gonna end up like Todd Ferguson and that is not a threat it's a prayer request it's a prayer request not a threat all right but there are some people you know Seth book out Ryan Gallagher Robert Tuttle I mean there's some people that you know I'm against abortions but I you know it might have been better if they were they were gone go to me to the book of Romans if you would in the New Testament Matthew Mark Luke John Acts Romans Romans chapter 14 we shift gears a little bit I don't know if you've been paying attention but I'm against abortions did you get that it's trying to be clear I don't believe that the argument my body my choice is a valid argument to allow abortion however I'd like to just point out to you the hypocrisy of the government in which we live in or in which we live under because the same government the same Joe Biden the same Kamala Harris the same you know Nancy Pelosi the same government that says my body my choice is a proper argument to take utensils and go into the womb of a mother and end a life that's a proper argument they're the same people that are now trying to mandate that we all get vaccinated and here's all I say to that is what happened to my body my choice I mean you guys have been telling us for years my body my choice my body my choice and I'm like no that's not no that's murder and then now they're trying to mandate these vaccines and we're like my body my choice I don't want to get vaccinated it's my body should it be my choice and here's what they say tell me if this is not just the height of hypocrisy they'll say well no my body my choice is not a valid argument for you to not get a vaccine because if you don't get a vaccine you could hurt people and and abortions don't hurt people you could kill someone and abortions don't kill someone we live in a hypocritical culture in society when people say my body my choice testifies killing an unborn child and then you say hey please don't vaccinate me with your weird Frankenstein DNA crap what happened in my body my choice and they're like no no you could hurt somebody somebody could die somebody is dying in fact like 5,000 of them every day let me just let me we're gonna shift gears here a little bit on this on this vaccine thing but let me just give a disclaimer I'm against the vaccine did you notice that I'm against the mandating the vaccines and I'll be just for sake of clarity I'm against the vaccine I'm not taking one my wife's not taking one my children aren't taking one we're against them with that let me just say this I'm not gonna stand up here and declare that you know you shouldn't take a vaccine and that you're sinning if you take a vaccine now let me just say this I'm a guest speaker so and many of you are from from this church and other churches and you know let me just say if you go to church and the pastor says something different than what I'm saying right now your your pastor he's right I'm wrong that's what a good church member does all right let me just say that I'm not I'm not standing up here saying pastor he met isn't standing up here and is telling you like you should be better not take the vaccine now I'm against them I'm about to give you some reasons why I'm against them but I'm not gonna stand up here and tell you that you know you shouldn't take them because here's what I believe I believe it's your choice I believe it's your body your choice and here's and here's the thing there's not a clear command in Scripture that says thou shalt not take a vaccine so I'm not gonna stand up here and tell you you know obviously there are principles we find in the Bible that kind of that we can take from that and see why you may not want to take a vaccine why you should want to take a stand against vaccines but but here's the real reason why I'm not gonna stand up here and tell you you know you're not right with God if you don't take a vaccine and this might totally be in my flesh and if it is I apologize I'm just a man and you know but here's the real reason why I'm not gonna do that is because I'm in no risk of getting vaccinated I'm the pastor of a church our church not only hires me full-time our church has three other full-time employees aside from myself plus a part-time employee plus a full-time evangelist our our church has all these employees I'm in charge now obviously God is in charge God is my boss I get that but God's not I'm not turning in I'm not clocking in you know and God's getting that obviously in a practical sense I'm my own boss and I'm really I'm at no risk that I don't have anybody telling me like you need to take the vaccine or we're gonna fire you I'm at no risk with that I will say this I'm constantly threatening our staff with that you're late one more time buddy I'll make you take the worm they take that vaccine and don't ask me for a real don't ask me for a religious exemption letter you know straighten up your act around here you know I do I do threaten them actively with I'm kidding of course but but here's the point I'm not gonna grandstand and stand up here and just beat my chest I'm not blessed God I'm not taking the vaccine when I'm not I'm at no risk it's like when the church remember when the churches got locked down in 2020 and then pastor Boyle in Florida and Michael Johnson and these guys you know they live in a state where the where the governor says hey we don't you don't need to shut down then they go on YouTube and they're like bless God we're never shutting down like those cowards nobody asked you to shut down you're you're at no risk you don't have any you're not risking anything you know what that's called it's called grandstanding it's called you know pounding your chest look how tough I am when you're at no risk and here's the truth about the vaccines I'm at no risk it'd be easy for me to just get up and say bless God I'll never take the vaccine you ought to be tough like I am look you have you're the one that has to make those those decisions and you're the ones gonna live with those consequences whatever decision you make if you choose to not take the vaccine and you get fired you gotta live with those consequences and if you choose to take the vaccine and it kills you you gotta live with those consequences you it's it's your choice and I'm not gonna grandstand here and tell you that you know you should be like me because I'm not gonna take the vaccine hey I by the grace of God I get to pastor Verity Baptist Church and I get to live in this bubble and I'm not at risk for that now I will tell you why I'm against them I'll tell you why I won't do it I'll tell you why I think it's bad but you know I'm not gonna I'm not gonna just make it sound like this is just this is what the Bible says and you're not right with God if you do it because here's the thing I do believe that in certain circumstances there there may be some some reasons why here's the point if there's a husband and wife that come to this church and they're there three to thrive their soul winners they love the Lord they're solid in their walk with God and and the husband's gonna lose his job because he doesn't want to take the vaccine but he takes us he has a conviction takes a stand against it and they've counted the cost they've made the choice they've made plans and they and they decide you know we're not we're gonna lose our job we're not gonna take the vaccine you know as a pastor I would I'm sure pastor Shelley would support them and say praise the Lord well we're gonna be praying for you and I agree with you or whatever but you know if I have some guy coming to my church we just got saved two weeks ago his wife doesn't like our church she's not on board he's trying to get her to come and he's coming to me and he's like pastor I don't want to take this vaccine but my job just said I've got to take it or I'm gonna get fired and if my wife says if I get fired she's gonna leave me and she's already thinks I'm crazy because I've been coming to church here and I can't get her I'm not gonna sit there and tell that guy but you better not take that vaccine bless God be like me I'm not I'm not in his situation he's got he's got to live with those consequences I'm not telling you the here's the point the point of the sermon is not to tell you like take it or don't take it what I am telling you is that you need to be fully persuaded in your own mind Matthew 14 and verse 5 notice what the Bible says see there are some things in the Bible there are some things that are very clear in the Bible and there are other things that God tells them I'm about to give you an example God says like hey just you got to make the choice there here's an example of that Romans 14 5 one man is steamed with one day above another another steamed with every day of life some people esteem one day above another another other people just think every day is the same no big deal you say which one's right well here's what the Bible says let every man be fully persuaded in his own mind you know you should think about it you should decide what you what the position is you want to take and then God says you make the choice look at verse 23 same chapter and he that doubted is damned if he eat here's another situation that he's bringing up he says because he is not a faith for whatsoever is not a faith is sin here's what I'm telling you you better be fully persuaded in your own mind and you better have faith as to whatever decision you're gonna make and look you've got to make that decision you're gonna live with those consequences I'm not here trying to convince you one way or another all I'm doing you say what's the point of this sermon all I'm trying to explain to you is that I think it's hypocritical of our government to mandate a vaccine upon the bodies of individuals when the same government says hey your body your choice you want to kill that baby go for it and then we say hey I don't want to take the vaccine it's my body and they're like no we own you we're gonna make you do it let me just talk to you just for a second about these vaccines go to Leviticus if you would Leviticus 13 you kept your place in Exodus right after Exodus you have the book of Leviticus Leviticus 13 right now there are three kovat 19 vaccine vaccines out there that are approved as an experiment by the FDA the first the first ones Pfizer another one is Moderna and then the third one is Johnson and Johnson here's all I'm saying is I do think my body my choice is a valid argument to not take the vaccine I think the government should say hey you know what it's your I thought we lived in the United States of America I thought I thought we lived you know supposedly in the land of freedom and liberty I think the government should say my my body my choice is a valid reason if they don't want to take the mandate if they don't want to take the vaccine they don't have to take it you know and we shouldn't force them and and and and you say well why is my body my choice a valid reason to not take the vaccine again you make the decision I'm not trying to persuade you either way but I am telling you this my body my choice is a valid reason for them to not mandate it you say why here's why because the kovat 19 vaccines are unclean the biggest 1346 knows what the Bible says all the days wherein the plague shall be in him he shall be defiled he is unclean he shall dwell alone without the camp shall his habitation be now we can look at a lot of verses I'm just gonna show you that one just as an example but you know the Bible says that when somebody has a plague or a sickness or disease you should stay away from it he shall dwell alone without the camp shall his habitation be God does not want us coming in contact if you know that somebody has a plague a disease or whatever look all on your own unconsciously without knowing it you're gonna come in contact with people that are sick and all that but if you know someone is sick God says don't you know put them away if they have a play they need to dwell alone and and even gives instructions to figure out if they're actually sick if they're not sick but the point is this God doesn't want us just being around people if you know they have a plague you know they have a disease you know they have sickness for that reason these vaccines are unclean because these vaccines the Johnson & Johnson for example contains a living cold virus packed with foreign DNA the cold virus infects the patient's cells and then places the DNA inside the nucleus of the patient's human cells to get them to start manufacturing the MR na for the SARS covid spike protein organ now look if God doesn't want you if God does not want you to be near someone that's sick if you know they have a plague he doesn't want you to be you think he wants you to take in that sickness that disease and injecting it into your body and the Johnson & Johnson has a living cold virus that they packed with foreign DNA look for that I'm just saying if they're gonna take my body my choice as an argument for abortions then my body my choice is an argument for I don't want you to inject me with some you know disease with some cold virus packed with foreign DNA and put that God wants me to stay away from people that are safe that's what the Bible says you said Oh Pastor Jimenez yeah that's the Johnson & Johnson but but what about the other ones that the Frankenstein ones you want to talk about those the Pfizer and the Moderna vaccines contain mmm RNA that causes you to create coronavirus body parts go to Psalm 139 real quickly you say well I create coronavirus body parts what are you talking about the Pfizer vaccine and the Moderna vaccine use synthetic mRNA that contains information about the corona viruses signature spike protein please please try to understand this the Pfizer and the Moderna use synthetic mRNA that contains information about the corona viruses signature spike protein the vaccines essentially work by inserting instructions into your cells that direct the body to produce a small amount of the corona viruses spike protein mRNA goes into your body goes into your cell and starts and inserts the instructions into your cells that directs your body to start creating the corona viruses spike protein now if you if God wants you to stay away from sickness he definitely doesn't want you to take the sickness and inject it into yourself but if he wants you to stay away from sickness he definitely doesn't want you to mutate your cells to begin to produce that same sickness that's what it's doing it's producing a piece of the corona virus inside of you so that so that your body will identify your immune system will identify begin to attack it it'll identify it as corona virus that you created it will attack it you'll create an immunity to it so that when and if you come in contact with the real thing it will be ready your body will be ready to fight off the coronavirus well you know what I'd rather just come in contact with the real thing in fact studies after studies after studies have proven that people that actually have corona virus and survive it that their immunity is better than the vaccine but they tell you they tell you oh you got corona virus yeah well you still gotta take the vaccine that makes no sense why do I take the vaccine because we want your body to identify the corona virus in your body and your immune system will attack it to develop an immunity wait a minute I got corona virus my immune system already identified it and created immunity for it and you want me to take I've already done that you know I got coronavirus when I think most of the new IFP got coronavirus at the infamous coronavirus conference in Sacramento you know and honestly the main reason I'm here at the at the fire breathing conference I'm here for my booster shot that's why I'm standing real close to you guys hey I'd rather have the God-given immunity you know the Bible says I will praise thee for I'm fearfully and wonderfully made marvelous or life works and that my soul knows right well you know what the Bible says it says so God created man in his own image and the image of God created him male and female created in them look let me tell you something the science of this world cannot do better than God God created me with an immune system God created you with an immune system God has given you everything you need and see we have we live in a world that wants to reject God and say even even God's creation is not good enough we got a Frankenstein it and tweak it and put all these mRNA synthetic DNA it's gonna change your cells cause you to create some weird thing in your body hey nuts to that God created us in his image God did it better God's way is always better say why should my body my choice be a valid argument to not take the vaccine here's why it should be a valid argument because the kovat 19 vaccines are unclean but here's another reason why it should be a valid argument is because the coronavirus vaccines are unethical let me just read this for you real quickly each of the three kovat 19 vaccines were developed using the cells of aborted children like we started in the sermon hey I'm against abortions the Johnson & Johnson vaccine had its confirmatory lab test on the cells taken from the eyes of a baby murdered by abortion in 1985 while Pfizer and Moderna Moderna's confirmatory lab tests were done on the kidney cells of a baby murdered by abortion in 1973 I'm not interested in a product that is using the corpse of a dead baby in order to keep us safe I pastor Thompson and I did a video on vaccines which got taken down and but he had a great quote in the video where he said you know when you're using these vaccines you're using murdered children to develop these vaccines it's no wonder these vaccines lead to a bunch of dead and and injured children can any man bring a clean thing out of an unclean no not one and here's all I'm saying look whether you want I'm not saying you want to take it you don't want to take it that's your choice let every man be fully persuaded to lose mine here's all I'm saying is we shouldn't be forced to take it and if my body my choice is a valid argument to kill a child then it should at least be a valid argument to not take the vaccine but it's hypocrisy at its worse when these when these liberals can sit there and rally and say my body my choice I can kill a child and then we say well okay well if you're gonna use that one how about my body my choice on the vaccine thing and I oh no you could injure somebody well your abortions are injuring people are killing people go to Matthew chapter 9 if you would just real quickly Matthew chapter 9 I had a church member that said to me I I think we just tell people that we're trans vaccinated I'm trans vaccinated I'm not vaccinated by identify as someone that's been vaccinated I mean shouldn't that be accepted by the way some of you you could use this one tell people you're trans fat I'm fat but I identify as someone that's skinny hey I use it all the time I'm a short person I identify someone as that's tall my preferred pronouns are tall dark and handsome hey what I'm saying is if these idiots can use these arguments and we laugh because it's ridiculous they take it serious a man chops off his stones and says I identify as a squirrel and the world's like a neutered squirrel and we say abortions are killing people they're killing babies and they're like you're in a cold you're a Neanderthal we're like vaccines are not healthy for you and like you're a flat-earther we live in a society that is crazy my friend let me just give you some thoughts just as I conclude first of all let's talk about the problem here's here's the problem if I'm not sick I don't need medical treatment Matthew chapter 9 in verse 12 the Bible says this but when Jesus heard that he said unto them they that are whole need not a physician but they that are sick look if I'm not sick I don't need medical treatment and if I am sick in the land of the free I should be allowed to choose my own medical treatment but let's just real quickly talk about that's the problem if I'm not sick I don't need medical treatment but let's just quickly talk about the agenda go to Revelation 13 Revelation 13 last book in the New Testament the Bible Revelation 13 let me just be clear about something we're gonna look at Revelation 13 which deals with the mark of the beast let me just be very clear I do not believe the vaccine is the mark of the beast it is not the mark of the beast I know some of you are really into you know it's like the mask the mark it's not the same thing I do not believe the code vaccine is the mark of the beast but I do believe that these mandates on vaccines these vaccine passports these laws that are coming out and people saying well you can't work here if you're not vaccine I do believe that that is conditioning us and preparing us to accept a culture that will bring forth the mark of the beast revelation 13 verse 16 and he causes all both small and great rich and poor free and bond to receive a mark on a vaccine a mark in their right hand or in their foreheads and that no man might buy or sell save he that had the mark or the name of the beast or the number of his name they are pushing I mean isn't it amazing how hard they are pushing the vaccines I mean they're telling people you're gonna you're gonna lose your job you don't get vaccinated you're not gonna be allowed to buy or sell they're not gonna allow you in the store if you're not vaccinated we're not gonna allow you to travel if you're not vaccinated I mean it's it's amazing there's a little Wendy's over by where our church building is and if you've ever been to our church building you know that we're in the ghetto I mean we're just in the ghetto there's just no other way there's no other way to say it and there's a little Wendy's just down the street from us and every once in a while you know I'll go through the drive-through I saw on the on the drive-through there's a sticker that says free frosty with your COVID vaccine shot you get your COVID vaccine shot you shows you got it free frosty I think myself like first I think myself why is there such a strong agenda to get people vaccinated that's the first question I ask myself the second question I ask myself is how ghetto do you have to be I mean a free frosty who seriously drives into that I said well I wasn't gonna get the vaccine but now you offered me a frosty I mean it's like good night but you know it just shows the strength of the agenda that they're trying to put you can't work here here's a frosty let's vaccinate you it's conditioning us just obey not only is there the problem I'm not sick I don't need medical treatment not only is there the agenda and again the vote of COVID vaccines not the mark the beast but it is conditioning us for the mark the beast there's also the motivation I'll just read this for you you don't have to turn there in fact you go to 1st Corinthians you would if you would 1st Corinthians chapter 6 while you turn there I'll read to you from 1st Timothy 6 10 the Bible says for the love of money is the root of all evil which while some coveted after they have heard from the faith and pierce themselves to do with many sorrows you know there's the motivation what's the motivation the love of money is the reason they're pushing it so hard now the devil's pushing it to condition people for the mark of the beast but why is the world wise Wendy's pushing it stinking Wendy with her agenda it's the love of money that's why they're put look it's interesting the Bible says for the love of money is the root of all evil and you would look at that and say really all evil just follow the money it's the root of all evil that's the motivation let me just say this as I finish 1st Corinthians chapter 6 if you would just for sake of clarity let me let me say this I've kind of been misleading you a little bit in the sermon not on purpose it's just that I've been using the phrase that the world uses my body my choice and I've been saying that that's not a valid argument for the abortions rights and that's the reason I'm using the phrase is to show you it's not valid you say why because it's murder and then we transition to saying but if they accept if they accept my body my choice as a valid argument for abortions then it's hypocritical that they don't accept my body my choice as an argument for not forcing us or not adhering to the mandates of the vaccine it's hypocritical but let me just say this my body my choice is actually wrong on both ends my body my choice is not something that should be used for abortions and it honestly is not even something that should be used for the mandates you say why well here's why it is God that created you I am fearfully and wonderfully made the Lord owns the earth and the fullness thereof he owns the earth and everything on it everyone in it it's all his and if you're saved you're doubly his you've been purchased you've been bought with the price we've been bought with the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ see here's the real argument first Corinthians 6 19 what know you not that your body is a temple the Holy Ghost which is in you what you have of God and you are not your own for you are bought with a price therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit which are God here's the truth it's not that I should be standing up and telling Joe Biden and the government and Gavin Newsom and everyone else that wants to vaccinate us saying hey you can't vaccinate me because it's my body by choice no no that's wrong here's the truth you can't vaccinate me not because it's my body it's his body it's his body it's his choice and if you don't like it take it up with him good luck with that why should they not murder children because it's not my body my choice God created them they belong to God the Bible says the kingdom of heaven is full with these children that have been murdered it's not my body my choice it's not your body your choice really God's body God's choice we should adhere to what God says those Bible believe in Christians look I don't know what's gonna happen I don't know how this thing's gonna end but I can tell you this we should always look at the Bible and ask ourselves well what does the Bible say what does God expect from us what would God want and at the end of the day we should always submit to this my body is owned by God it was purchased by God know you not at your body is temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you and ye are not your own ye are bought with a price it's not my body it's his body not my choice his choice by the way that doesn't just work for vaccines that works for whether you show up for soloing that that works for whether you show up to Sunday night church that that works for whether you take a job that causes you to skip out on Sunday morning church that actually works for every if you just lived your life this way every time you had to make a choice you said it's not really my body my choice it's his body his choice I wonder where he would want you on a Wednesday night I want you I wonder what he would want you to do on Monday morning does he want you to go on Facebook or open up a King James Bible and read it does he want you to to listen to talk radio or does he want you to get on your knees right before you go to work and pray and commune with him and talk with him it's not it's not if you're saved it's not your body it's not your choice it's his body his choice just bow our heads and have a word of prayer Heavenly Father Lord we thank you for your word thank you for these dear people we know they love you and they care for you we love you Lord I pray you'd help us to live our lives mindful of the fact that it is not my body and it is not my choice we are bought with a price help us to live our lives conscious of that truth thank you for this great church thank you for pastor Shelley and his family the great work and all the staff and the volunteers all the workers that and make and help this ministry do what it does what I pray that you would bless this place I pray that you would protect them against their enemies but I pray that you would allow them to win this lawsuit I pray that you would allow the the thieves that have stolen from them to be prosecuted and imprisoned I pray Lord that you would bless them and help them to continue to be a shining light in this area the matchless name of Christ we pray amen for the sermon pastor Jimenez and thank y'all for being here tonight let's go ahead and sing one more song before you head out but turning your handles to song 210 wonderful grace of Jesus and don't forget tomorrow morning is the spelling bee for all the kids and then after that's a singles event so highly encourage you to come for that and then a soul winning an afternoon and come on back for this the services on Sunday and if you still need to get baptized you can always get baptized if you repent you change your mind you want to get baptized on Sunday we'll fill it up for you okay song number 210 Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Great preaching this evening. I want to make a quick few announcements, and then we'll be dismissed so we had this event about two years ago and For our attendance two years ago on Wednesday. We'd had 202 this year we had 235 Thursday we had 242 and then we had 248 this year and then Friday we had 263 but we had 268 tonight I noticed there's still some peace out here so anybody that wants it it's first come first serve take whatever you want we want to get rid of all of it we set up those signup sheets for the spelling bee and singles event but most importantly you show up on this the spelling bee judges if you can just meet with me real quick over by my office right afterwards just for a few instructions and since you're some really great preaching and Pastor Jimenez made it really clear if you're still in town on Sunday I'll see you at church because it's not your choice it's his choice all right you are dismissed God bless have a good night you you yeah I like I played an a-natural to the a-flat I got nervous and now I'm breathing at all and I just could never every time it came up I just get it out