(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Amen. Well, thank you for having me here. It's great to be here. Appreciate pastor Shelly for all the great hospitality Thanks, everybody. We got a full house tonight. That's great. Amen and Got my pastor here. Where's he at pastor? He means I heard him say amen over there. So It looks like this pulpit shrank since the last time I was here. I don't know what's going on Pastors of pastors happy about that See that we have some protesters outside Looks like they're on the side of the wicked, right? But tonight the sermon let's look at Mark chapter 9 verse 42 Mark chapter 9 verse 42 Bible says and whosoever shall offend one of these little ones that believe in me is better for him That a millstone were hanged about his neck and he were cast into the sea. Let's have a word of prayer Heavenly Father We thank you Lord so much for all these people who come on a Wednesday night into a conference like this Lord the fire-breathing Baptist Fellowship and the Lord I pray that you'd help each and every pastor that gets up After me and preaches the Word of God Lord. I pray that you just fill them with the fiery spirit Lord Lord tonight Would you fill me with the fiery spirit and help me to convey your word Lord? Help me to get across the message you put on my heart tonight and Jesus name we pray. Amen So the title of my sermon tonight is pervert protecting pastors pervert protecting Pastors and so that's about as illiterate as it's gonna get pastor Jimenez But I wanted to get some three peas at least into this the sermon title, but pervert protecting pastors What am I talking about? Well, I'm gonna read you a couple headlines really quickly here before I get into the message headline number one homosexual plague creates pedophile epidemic within Boy Scouts of America That's a headline and a sad headline that I read today. I think pastor major Posted that and it's sad what's happened with the Boy Scouts of America and To where there's just hundreds of pedophiles that they're protecting and and not giving up the names of all these So they could help these victims come forward and so they could they can get these people out of the Boy Scouts And the Boy Scouts basically turned into the fairy scouts in case anybody didn't notice that I would never put my kids in Boy Scouts and I never did put them in there because I already knew back then that there was some problems So headline number two silence billionaire pedophile ring operator Jeffrey Epstein found dead in Cell suicide is claimed. All right, everybody It's been seeing those all those funny memes and stuff like that But you know really it's not it's not funny in the fact that that he did some very wicked things He was a wicked person and it's not like we're sad that he Supposedly killed himself but the cover-up that's behind it the cover-up with the Boy Scouts of America And you know, even unsaved people generally hate pedophiles I mean, we know that you'll see like these news articles and I'll say hang them kill them shoot them You know and they're with us on that account But for some reason law enforcement and this justice system the so-called justice system that we live under Doesn't feel that way they want to give them chance after chance after chance to just offend and offend and offend right and so But but that being said, you know people do hate pedophiles, but there's but would you expect you know? I would expect unsaved people to you know, not expose pedophiles wouldn't you I mean We don't expect it You know I'm saying but what I'm saying is that if anybody was gonna do it It would be unsaved people or reprobate type people right not not all unsaved people reprobates I would expect Catholic priests and false prophets and other various unsaved so-called Christian denominations You see a lot of cover-ups of pedophiles and those types of churches, but you know who I don't expect to cover up child Sexual predators, you know who I don't expect to do that. I don't expect the independent fundamental Baptist Pastors to be covering these types of things up And so that's why I'm preaching about it because there's a bunch of pervert Protecting pastors, and I'm not talking about the ones that are unsaved So-called and these other church. I'm talking about independent fundamental Baptist preachers that just want to cover up and just you know You know shove it under the under the you know into the corner Nobody can see it kick people out if they try to bring it up I want to ask right now if there's just a show of hands who's been in a Baptist Church Where some sort of sexual misconduct has been covered up anybody in here Nobody's been in a church. Is everybody here from steadfast or they've never been to another Baptist Church. Okay, maybe you just don't know And that's and that's part of what I'm preaching about is that some people just don't even know some of them are so protected that they don't even tell other people in the church that they have one in there and That's what's really scary and I've gone to two churches where I know that that's happened. So So in pastor Stacey Shifflet's book wolves among the lambs he does a great job of exposing men that abused him one man abused him when he was a teenage boy and Another one tried to he hired him on as like an assistant pastor and then like slowly groomed him over six months and then tried to make a move on him when they were supposed to be praying for like Revival and all this stuff and then he just propositions in some homosexual deal But what I like, you know, if you ever read that book, it's a page-turner I mean, it's a great book if you know what I'm talking about pastor Stacey Shifflet's Book where he's the one that like blew the lid off of Cameron Cameron Gia Vannelli and for his things He he that's a great book. I mean I read it all the way here on the plane I was just like wow, this is fantastic and I and I actually read it in a southern accent for some reason I don't know why I do that, but but I do but You know what? I liked about pastor Shifflet's book is he details what happened to him, which is it's hard to read and It's really hard to read and it's hard to to to think that someone would go through that but you know what he did That was really good. The first thing he did is he walked into his parents bedroom and he told them the truth And it was probably very embarrassing for him to do that But his dad got up and said get your stuff and get out of here. They called the police The guy was fired and he was some cut, you know He was kicked out of the Bible College that he was going to I think it was I can't remember the name anyway, so But apparently this guy had already had problems at the Bible College he was at that he was at before and so they knew about his problems that he had homosexual tendencies and That's the thing is that these pastors think that they could just save everybody they want to just give grace Beyond what the Lord Jesus Christ is trying to give You know because what Christ said in mark 942 he said whosoever shall offend one of these little ones now We're talking about little children here that believe in me It's better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck and he were cast into the sea But yet people Baptist preachers will say oh we got to give him some grace. Let's let him hide out in our church You know, he's not gonna do it again. That's garbage man. That stuff needs to stop and thank God You're in a church here today where I know that will never get covered up And so churches like ours, we don't really have to worry about it So I'm kind of preaching to the choir a little bit tonight But here's the thing that we got to preach about this stuff. So it doesn't happen in these types of churches ever So I went to I Went to a church called amazing grace Baptist Church There wasn't a lot of really amazing grace going on there But the pastor's name was Dean Clarkson the reason why I'm calling his name is because this is this is what has to stop We have to stop protecting people. We have to stop protecting pastors that would cover stuff up like this And so after leaving his church, I found out That through one of the deacons wives, of course, you know, they never gossip, but I'm glad that we that we heard the gossip on this We attended that church and we found out later that there was five Convicted sex offenders in that church the whole time. We were there So, you know that we had a junior church program and everybody's been to like an old IFB type church, you know They had the bus program and all that stuff So, I don't know if they found out through the background checks that these guys were perverts But one thing I do know is that they weren't allowed to go downstairs during the bus You know the junior church time and all that stuff that's that's all good and fine. But what about the kids? Whose parents bring them to that church? It's not like we never went upstairs with our kids and so they weren't allowed to go downstairs and be part of the ministry stuff But nobody knew who they were That's the problem. We can't sweep things under the rug. Everything has to be done out in the open we can't just cover things up and The problem is is that the Baptists today are starting to look a lot like the Catholic churches and the fact they want to Cover up all this abuse that's going on. I mean West Coast Baptist College didn't even was it now Golden Calf Baptist College. That's the one where Gia Vannelli was the president They wanted to cover it up until they couldn't cover it up anymore. That's just that's just not right That's not what the Bible teaches Jesus wants us to to do our ministry out in the open Right. He wants us to preach things from the housetops. What's put in the ears in secret? We got to preach that on the housetops So, you know these guys they they supposedly didn't allow these men to partake in the children's ministries Nor were allowed to go downstairs during the service services But I'll tell you one one time I remember this very vividly because it was just super crazy to me that this same preacher allowed a transvestite to come into our church during the services and Roam around and eventually he found his way downstairs to where the kids were and nobody stopped him and They lost track of him. We were having a potluck. I get fifth Sunday potluck that day So people were more concerned about the food apparently than they were about this tranny walking around the halls of the church So we're all outside looking for him all the deacons in the in the ushers and stuff like that And we couldn't find the guy anywhere. I mean the guy the transvestite guy You can call him a guy but anyway so the where the pastor finally found him He was baptizing himself naked in the baptistry up in the church service area and at that point He finally got mad and kicked him out You know, you'd think you'd get mad and kick him out the moment. He walked into the church door looking like a freak These guys out here are protesting. Oh, we're like the Christian Taliban, you know, the Christian Taliban would shoot those guys right now We're not the Christian Taliban We Just want to keep our churches we want our children to be safe in the church services that we're at That's why we're family integrated. You just can't trust people anymore So anyway, so this guy was Baptizing himself naked in the baptistry with his makeup on and I mean it was a horrific sight That's nothing that you ever want to see but Here's what I here's what I think I think have you ever heard the word accessory Never heard that word before exterior an accessory to murder. You're an accessory to whatever crime What accessory means is someone who gives assistance to the perpetrator of a crime without directly committing it? Sometimes without being present and so what I would say to you is this is that any Baptist preacher? That knows that there's five pedophiles in their church and refuses to tell the rest of the congregation That these people are in the church They are an accessory to anything that happens in that church to any of those little children But you know, you don't even see people getting charged for things like that's like well I don't have to legally tell anybody you should though you should who are you trying to protect? We should be protecting the children Right In mark 942 let's look back there again says whosoever shall fan one of these little ones that believe in me It is better for him that a millstone were hanged About his neck and he were cast into the sea and then it goes on to talk about how these people are going to be in hell The types of people that would offend a little child. It says look at verse 43 says At the end of the verse says in have two hands to go into hell into the fire that shall never be quenched Yet this pastor wants to bring these people into the church Knowing that that person is gonna split hell wide open and hey, I get it. The people don't realize Oh, I don't believe that or whatever. They say I don't believe in the reprobate doctrine How can you know if you read this book? How could you not believe the reprobate doctrine? The reprobate doctrine is important Why is it important well because Pastors are letting perverts and people that are hell-bound into our churches to molest our children So all these verses that talk about the fire not being quenched being cast into hell into the fire shall never be quenched I mean he says it over and over again. Why does he say it so much because he wants us to get it in our minds He wants us to understand that people that offend these little ones that believe in him. It'd be better for them like I mean just picture the picture in your mind a rope around your neck a Gigantic stone just I mean just picture him standing on a dock tied around millstone They throw it in and his head goes down into the water with a rope wrapped around his neck. I Mean, that's the picture that we're talking now when you go down to the water Have you ever swum it and like try to reach the bottom and your head is down towards the bottom of the pool What happens your prep the pressure and your head starts to build up right and it hurts you get that little you know the little Pressure headache. What do you think's gonna happen? If you drop somebody into the sea and with a big rock around their neck their heads gonna explode So that's I mean, that's what Jesus is basically saying It's better for that to happen to them then to you know is is better than having It was better that they had a millstone hanged around about their neck and they were cast in the sea if you offend one Of these little ones because your punishment is going to be severe That's what it's talking about So pastors that allow known perverts in their churches I believe are Accessories to whatever that person does and I don't care how much grace they think they have in their hearts That's not grace my friends. That's not grace so Turn to Matthew chapter 5 verse number 13 The Bible says, year the salt of the earth, but if the salt have lost his savour, wherewith shall it be salted, his thenceforth good for nothing, but to be cast out and to be trodden under foot of men. So we're supposed to be the salt of the earth. Are we supposed to be the salt of the earth? You ever heard that term, you know, they're salty Well, we're supposed to be salty, you know, salt irritates people sometimes, salt irritates your eye If you ever get salt in your eyes, you know, you're sweating it's here. It's an irritant But it's also a preservant and we need to be as Christians. We need to be as Christians Well, we're supposed to be salty. You know, salt irritates people sometimes. Salt irritates your eyes. If you ever get salt in your eyes, you know, you're sweating, it's an irritant. But it's also a preservant. And we need to be, as Christians, we need to be salty, but you know, when the salt's lost its savor, it's good for nothing. It's to be cast out. So you know, if you're not salty enough to kick some pervert out of your church, then maybe you're good for nothing too. Turn to Matthew chapter 18, verse number 7. Now this is a parallel passage concerning the same thing as Mark chapter 9 is teaching. Look at verse number 7, it says, woe unto the world, because of offenses, for it must needs be that offenses come, but woe to the man, that man, excuse me, by whom the offense cometh. Wherefore, if thy hand or foot offend thee, cut them off and cast them from thee. It's better for thee to enter into life halt or maimed, rather than having two hands or two feet to be cast into everlasting fire. And if I offend thee, pluck it out and cast it from thee, it's better for thee to enter into life with one eye, rather than to have two eyes to be cast into hellfire. Take heed that ye despise not one of these little ones. Now who's the little ones that he's talking about? He's talking about the little ones like in Mark chapter 9, the little children. Despise them not. For I say unto you that in heaven their angels do always behold the face of my Father, which is in heaven. For the Son of Man has come to save that which was lost. How think ye? If a man have an hundred sheep, and one of them has gone astray, doth he not leave the ninety and nine, and goeth into the mountains, and seek that which has gone astray? Now you might think that this doesn't really fit here, but it does fit. Because what we're supposed to do as pastors, as a pastor, we're supposed to go after the ones that are lost and need help. But what these types of pastors are doing, is they're going after the wolf, and trying to bring that wolf in instead. So they're doing the opposite of what they're supposed to be doing. Instead of being a good sheep dog, they're being a person that's bringing wolves into the church. Instead of going after the one that went astray, they're going after a wolf, and bringing that wolf into the church and letting them play around with the sheep. And look at verse 13, it says, and if so be that he find it, verily I say unto you, he rejoiceth more for that sheep than for the ninety and nine which went not astray, even so it is not the will of your father which is in heaven that one of these little ones should perish. So we're supposed to go after the ones that go astray, we're not supposed to bring these wolves into the church house. And that's what's happening in a lot of churches today, because you know what, the truth of the matter is they just don't believe the truth anymore. They don't believe the truth, just like these fools out here don't believe the truth. They don't believe the truth. Someone told me that they, I'm not even going to say what they said, but that they have pictures that they'll show them but they won't show anybody else because some of the things that they say are super obscene, I'm not even going to say it behind the pool because it's so bad, but let me tell you, these people are not good guys out here. They're trying to defile your children by letting them see those signs. You know, I hope soon that they're out of here. I heard they've been here for a while just coming in with their little stupid signs. You know what, they're on the side of evil. Those are the types of people right there that will let these queers into their churches, and let these sodomites, and let these child molesters into their churches. Today pastors have lost their saltiness. We're supposed to have a little bit of salt, right? Instead of being a light in a dark world, they let these devils into the world, allowing them to just roost and set up shop. I mean, what better way to get to children than to go to the most forgiving people that there is? And you know what they'll say? You know what the guy that tried to proposition Pastor Shiflett said to him right after he said, no. And he said, you're a sick sodomite is what he told them. You're just a sick, filthy sodomite. And then he said, well you have to forgive me brother. Forgive me. I mean, that's the type of people you're dealing with. They know what we believe. They know that people are forgiving, and if they're not being taught this type of stuff from the pulpit, then they're going to believe what their pastor's telling them. And that's the problem. We need to just expose things like this, and expose pastors that would just sit there and let these perverts stay in their churches. And you know what? If I find out about a pastor that's allowing perverts in their church, I'm going to expose them. I don't think, you know, that's what I like about Pastor Shiflett, is that no matter what the problem, this guy, the guy that he, that did this to him was like a very well respected pastor. He was like on some kind of a board of directors for, you know, he was a super popular guy, well respected. And who's Pastor Shiflett? He was just like an assistant pastor, wet behind the ears, real young, and he had to go and slay a giant basically. And people will side with these people that they respect so much instead of siding with the right side. So I want to tell you a story about when I came back from Phoenix, Arizona, the very first time I visited the church down there. It was a great time. Went down there with a couple of friends, and we just, you know, it was like our Mecca, you know, we were like, we were like, we found the spot, you know. But what we were doing is we were trying to go down there and try to pastor hunt. We were trying to get a pastor to be sent up to Portland. But that was, you know, we had a great time, met a lot of great people, and heard some great preaching. And when we came back, the church that we were going to, you know, we decided we were on this trip, you know, that we wanted to join the church so that we could be effective. Because a lot of these churches, like if you don't join the church, you know what I'm talking about, go up to the Old Fashioned Altar and join the church, then they won't let you do anything there. So we were like, well, we'll just join the church, and they did it through a business meeting or something. So when we went to the business meeting, you know, they voted us in, they said it was okay for us to be members of the church or whatever, we're all happy. And then afterward he said, well, we've got to keep you for a couple minutes extra. And I was like, oh, okay, this is weird. And so then he started to tell us about how a guy that we've been going to church there for this whole time, who was the song leader, who wore lavender and pink shirts every time he got up to song lead, he hid in the back and talked to young men all the time that were like 12 and 13 years old, and told us that this guy had been in trouble for looking at images of children. But he said, well, you know, he's rehabilitated, and you know what, I would have him over at my house for dinner because, you know, that's how much I trust and believe that he's turned it around. The guy was married, had children. But you know, afterward I was so disappointed because, you know, I came back home to realize that the church that I was going to was harboring a pervert. And so I went to the pastor after that very respectfully. I didn't like telling me he was an idiot or anything like that, that's not how I roll. But I just said, pastor, and I just tried to show him the verses that say, hey, these guys are not, they can't be fixed. I said, pastor, this is on your hands. This guy is going to do it again, and you know, it's going to be on you. Are you going to kick him out if he does it again, at least? And he said that he would. And so not too long, so this guy, he was a graduate of Golden State Baptist College. His name was Justin Gillen. And he was an assistant pastor in a big church in Oregon. And he got fired because the FBI found him searching for seven-year-old boys on the Internet. And he was like file sharing with all these pedophiles. And he was married at this time also. So people will always say this, well, they're married, it doesn't matter. That's how they hide, they can hide in plain sight, they're psychopaths, they don't have feelings like that, they just pretend in this world to get the things that they want. But anyway, so he got busted by the FBI for having 280 images of little boys in all kinds of various, you know, bad displays, I'm sure, you know, I don't want to defile your minds too much, but, you know, he was searching for seven-year-old boys. That's disgusting. And so I'm glad that that guy, it wasn't very long before he got caught doing it again, but this time he was looking up incest daughter, you know, pre-puberty pictures. So he had a daughter that was like 10 years old. I mean the guy is a pervert, the guy was wicked. And this is the problem is that, like I was talking to Brother Wittenberger yesterday, and he's like, every church I've been to, same thing, every church, because we were talking about it last night, and it's just really sad that only in churches like this can you feel safe with your children. And I'll tell you what, you know, what is the point of me preaching this sermon while, hey, I want you to know how good of a church you're going to, first of all. And the other thing is I want to warn people that are going to some of these old IFB type churches are just hiding, they're like, I really want to go to a new IFB church, but the problem is, is that, you know, I just, I don't want to move, or I don't want to do this, or I don't want to do that, look, the chances are the church you're going to is the same exact way. And I'm not saying all, Stacy Shifflett, Pastor Shifflett, he is not letting perverts in his church, so I would recommend his church, I don't care if he's pre-trib or not. But there's very few and far in between. There's 6,000 independent Baptist churches, I know that's true. But how many of them are actually worth going to? It's very few and far in between. And the problem is you've got a bunch of blind, you know, ignorant people that are preaching in these churches. I mean, sometimes, I just looked at a church that was in my area and it was led by a man and his wife, and they were an older couple, she had short hair. But anyway, I looked not too, I just looked last week to see, like, you know, what's going on at their church, and they have a new, they have a new pastor, and a new pastor's wife. That's great. No children. So I mean, to us, that's just like insane, isn't it? But look, that's what's going on these days. The qualifications have been thrown out the window. So, you know, it sucks that I had to come back from Phoenix, Arizona. I joined the church at the same business meeting where they revealed this pervert to us. And so can you imagine the emotions I was going through at that time? Top of the world, Phoenix, Arizona. It wasn't very long. And then saw Pastor Jimenez because I just, I had to like keep going and getting some kind of refreshment in my life because the preaching there was so bad. I mean, I was going for duty in all reality because I thought it was the best church in our area, and the best church in our area was harboring a pervert. And unfortunately, that's the way it is today. Turn to Isaiah, chapter 56, verse number 10, Isaiah 56, verse number 10. The Bible explains why these people are like this, why these pastors would be like this. And in Isaiah's day, he had the, God's always had the same problems, you know, pastors that just won't do their job, watchmen that won't do their job. And look at verse number 10, it says, his watchmen are blind. They're all ignorant. Now ignorant doesn't mean they're stupid necessarily, it just means that they don't know. And isn't that true? A lot of pastors just don't know the Bible. Isn't it true that a lot of pastors are just ignorant about this topic right now that I'm preaching about? It says they're all dumb dogs, they cannot bark, sleeping, lying down, loving to slumber. See they're not, you know, dogs should be like sheep dogs. They should be watching the sheep and knowing what's going on, instead they're sleeping. They're lying around, they can't even bark. They're dumb dogs. Verse number 11, yea they are greedy dogs which can never have enough, they are shepherds that cannot understand. They just can't understand. They all look to their own way, every one, for his gain from his quarter. That's the type of shepherds that I'm talking about tonight. Look you've got a good shepherd here. Pastor Shelly's a good shepherd, Pastor Jimenez, he's a good shepherd. Not the good shepherd, but a good shepherd, alright? So I want to be careful not to steal Jesus' title, amen. But we have a lot of problems with, you know the Bible says that people in the last days there will be perilous times. We're living in those perilous times, we're starting to see the beginnings of these perilous times and these churches that have fallen away from the faith. It used to be in Southern Baptist churches there would be a lot of saved pastors. You know and a lot of them, you know I'm sure that there still are some. But the Southern Baptist Convention, if you look at it, it's a mess. It's a total mess, they had some lesbian affirming person just become part of their leadership. Some woman, it's like they've gone off the rails, you know. But the name Baptist just doesn't mean what it used to back in the day, unfortunately. And I'm not even that old, but I've been saved for almost 20 years and the Baptist church that I've started in, it's totally changed. And so that's a state of affairs that we're in. If this is the first church you've ever come to and you've never had to deal with that, well then this sermon doesn't need to apply to you. Stay at this church, it's a good church, and your children will be protected here, alright. Turn to Matthew chapter 10. When Christ sent the disciples out in this chapter, He told them, He warned them there's going to be wolves out in the midst. It says in verse number 16, Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves. Be therefore wise as serpents and harmless as doves. So we're supposed to be harmless as doves, I get that. But we're also supposed to be wise as serpents, as pastors. We need to be wise in dealing with things and harmless as doves, I get that. But what do serpents do? They coil people up, they eat them, right? I mean sometimes snakes strike, right? And so on one hand we're supposed to be harmless as doves, we're not supposed to be doing harm. But hey to the person that needs to get thrown out of here, you know, we need to be wise as a serpent. Get those people out of here, get them out of this church building, and look there's people that have shown themselves traitors. Look, I'm just going to say this right now, don't trust people around your kids, okay? And I understand that there's a certain degree of it that goes on, but I mean kids can be molesters too, older kids. And you know, I've read terrible stories about older kids. Just because they're a kid doesn't mean you can trust them either. I'm not saying be weird, okay? But you should be cautious of who you're letting your children around, who you're letting watch your children and things like that. I mean even more today, and they don't do anything to the offenders of them. They don't do anything to them, they just let them go so they can go do it to somebody else. So the Lord sent us out as sheep in the midst of wolves. We got to realize, hey there's wolves out there too, not everybody's on our side. But out of all the people, shouldn't we be able to trust the pastor? Like out of all the people in the building, shouldn't we be able to trust what the pastor says? We should be able to. But unfortunately in churches there's pastors that you can't trust. You can't even trust them to tell you the truth on a super important topic like this. We need to be the sheep dogs. Have you ever seen those old cartoons where the sheep dog, he would put his hand above his eyes so he could see and he was watching the sheep and then the coyote's always trying to eat the sheep? I don't know. I'm old. So maybe you haven't seen those, but he'd always end up catching that coyote, right? And grabbing it by the neck and then he would just like pow, just hit that coyote in the face. Or you know, he'd hurt it, it always had black eyes and stuff. Because he was a good sheep dog. He was watching out for the flock and no matter how many sneaky things he tried to do, he was always there to stop him from destroying those sheep. Turn to Luke chapter 8, and as much as these pastors would try to hide these perverts from their churches, you know what? God's always going to let them be revealed. He's always going to let them be revealed. See it took me leaving the church I finally found out, but it did get revealed to me. And I could use it as an illustration for tonight. Luke chapter 8 verse 17 says, For nothing is secret that shall not be made manifest, neither anything hid that shall not be known and come abroad. There's nothing secret. God's going to make it manifest. What does that mean? He's going to show it to you. He's going to show us these wicked people. And God is going to make known these perverts in these churches. Now this is going to be some hard reading right here. I'm going to read to you just something from, it's the United States of America plaintiff Appley versus Edwin James, okay? It's a court case. And this guy basically, Edwin James, is fighting to be able to not have to have lifetime supervision for the things he's done, okay? So just listen. I'll try to get through it fast here. Edwin James appeals his sentence of lifetime supervised release and certain conditions of supervised release imposed by the district court after James pleaded guilty to failing to register as a sex offender. And then it says what the violation is and all that stuff. So I'm not going to read the whole thing because the court case is so long. But I'm going to just tell you the background of this guy, okay? Edwin James, background. In 1979, James pleaded guilty in Washington State, that's where I'm from, to one count of statutory rape in the first degree for having sexual intercourse with a four year old girl. Soon after his conviction, James was declared to be a sexual psychopath. If you don't know what a psychopath is, there's a film back there that you need to check out. It's called Psychopath Reperbase. Psychopath Reperbase, they'll explain to you what a psychopath is, but a psychopath is someone that doesn't feel any empathy for anybody and they can just, they're capable of doing anything. It's what we call a reprobate, right? Psychopath reprobate. All right, so it says the court sentenced him to a suspended sentence of 20 years at a psychiatric hospital. That's all he got. Contingent on his completion of a sexual psychopathy program during his treatment to the hospital, James admitted to hospital staff that he sexually abused three of his children and his nephews on several occasions. The treatment also elicited a confession from James that he sexually abused a six year old girl when he was 17 years old. He sexually abused a 12 or 13 year old girl when he was in his 20s. Hospital staff also believe that James' dependence on alcohol exasperated his deviance as an aggravate to his potential for acting out in a predatory fashion. So basically blaming the alcohol on it, right? His problems were far worse than alcohol. In 1985, James decided to leave the sexual psychopathy program short of completion because of a domestic dispute with his wife. Hospital staff strongly warned against James leaving the program because he did not believe James had overcome his sexual deviance. In a letter to the court, hospital staff called attention to his deviousness attempts to shift accountability and to manipulate others. Even after several years of treatment, after James left the program, the court revoked his suspended sentence and sentenced James to prison. James was paroled in 1988. Soon after his release, James began a sexual relationship with Linda Hans, a mentally handicapped woman. Does this sound like somebody that you'd want to go to church with? Does this sound like somebody you'd want to breathe the same air in the same room with for more than five seconds? It says James and Hans share a child together who was born in 1993. Additionally, James was convicted twice in California for failing to register as a sex offender in 1995. James and his family moved to DeQueen, Arkansas in early 2013. James last registered as a sex offender on May 17, 2012 in Sacramento, California where he was then living. Coordination between law enforcement in Sacramento and DeQueen led to James' location and arrest. In October 2013, James was indicted on one court for failing to register under SORNA to which he pled guilty. The district court sentenced James to 15 months imprisonment and a lifetime term of supervised release. Upon James' objection to lifetime supervised release, the court stated the following. So that's as far as I'm going to go with that, but here's this guy. He's been declared a sexual psychopath. He's an abuser of children, young children, little children, and he just gets to bounce around and go wherever he wants in the United States. And he gets in trouble and they just slap his hand again and keep doing the same thing. But when he moved to DeQueen, you know, what this is about is him trying to fight the fact that he has to be supervised for the rest of his life. So he's trying to stop himself from being accountable. Now this guy is an evil, wicked predator. He's a level four offender and he's also a member of Rose Hill Baptist Church in DeQueen, Arkansas. He's a member there. And you know what, I have some friends here, the Dunn family, and they just found out about this. And you know how they found out about it? They were going, they did a soul winning marathon, I don't know if anybody knows about the soul winning marathon they did at Texarkana, but they felt bad that they didn't have a good Baptist church to send them to, so they went to a Baptist church over there and he hated people like our, you know, Andersonite guts or whatever. And he also told brother Scott that he had a registered sex offender in his church. He goes, well, I'm not going to send anybody to your church, you know. And so, you know, they did it, they got like ten people saved in the marathon and when he went back to his pastor, he just, he didn't understand why his pastor, Pastor Timothy Smallwood, would, you know, not say anything like, how did it go, what were the results? And finally brother Scott had to ask him, he's like, you know, I was just curious, you didn't ask about the, how everything went, and he was like, yeah, I know, I just, I just, I was upset because, you know, there was no place to send those people once they got saved. You know, the old, I'd rather see them in hell than see them saved type of mentality that most pastors have today, but, you know, he said, well, I didn't want to send them to a church where the pastor has a known sex offender inside the church and he goes, well, I got to talk to you about that. We have one here. And so that is this guy that I just read you all the information about. Brother Scott has his daughter and his son-in-law in that church with their two little grandchildren and not anymore, I mean, they're gone now, but this is the type of thing that I'm talking about tonight that's so wicked. Now brother Scott, you know, we preach, all of us pastors here preach, go to the best church in your area that you can go to. That was the best church in the area to go to. Now what are you going to do? Because this pastor doesn't have the guts to kick some pervert out of their church and he, you know, he tried to downplay the whole thing and act like, oh, you know, I think he just did one thing one time, a long time ago, and then he, all you had to do is Google his name and this is what came up is this stuff right here. It's pages upon pages upon pages of him trying to get out of all this stuff and it's wicked. And so, these are the types of pastors that I'm preaching against and you know what, I am going to call his name out, I don't care if he's saved or not. He could be saved but I'll tell you what he's not doing, he's not winning souls, so he's not bringing forth fruit, so you know what, I'm not going to cut down one of God's fruit trees but he ain't bringing forth any fruit. Brother Scott was the one that was doing the soul winning program at his church, he wasn't going. But you know what, and it might not seem like, oh, it's, you know, it's just a small church with 20 people in it, yeah, it is, but I'll tell you what, if this sermon tonight stops everybody that ever hears it from ever going and setting foot into that church, then I'll feel good about it, because I don't think we should sweep things under the rug. I'm going to call out that pastor and you know what, I'm going to, I left him a one star Google review, if I could have left him less than a one star I would have. Rose Hill Baptist Church, if you guys want to put a bad start, hey, he's letting that pervert in the church, and you know what, Brother Scott brought all this information to him, it wasn't just like, you know, because look, he said he was in trouble for statutory rape, okay, so that could be like an 18 year old with a 17 year old, you don't know the ram of, you know, what exactly that means. Which is not right either, but I'm just saying there's a big difference between 4 year old children and like, you know, some 18 and 17 year old, you know what I'm saying? So when he told them all this stuff, you know, he went and handed the keys back to them of the church, which they invested 16 months of their life in that place, when he came back to hand them the keys to the church, you know what the pastor said to them, he said, you guys just don't have any grace, can you believe that, it would have been hard for me not to slap that guy, or at least flinch him or something, I don't know, it's so wicked, it just makes me so mad, you know, and I asked Brother Scott, do you think the guy saved, he said yeah, but you know, hey, if this sermon, if he actually watches this sermon and says, you know what, maybe I am wrong, maybe I should get this pervert out of my church, then I'll be happy with the results of this sermon, if that pastor just says, you know what, I'm wrong, I need to change, you know, his name is Timothy Smallwood, and he allows perverts to sit in his church and lies to his congregation about it, he lied, the only reason why he even brought it up is probably just a chance to get Brother Scott and the Lyle family out of his church or something, or maybe he just felt like being honest for once in his life, but he still wasn't honest, you know, I dug a little deeper on that guy when I went to my pastor and told him about that, you know, I didn't know the ramifications of what it was, I didn't know he was, I had to look up his name, and then it said, you know, the seven year old boy stuff and all that, I had to show the pastor how wicked that guy was, but he still didn't kick him out of the church, isn't it sad today that we live in a world where you can't even trust the pastor to kick some perverts out of your church, and look, this guy isn't just some pervert, this guy is the worst kind of pervert, he's the worst kind, they should never be allowed to breathe the air that we breathe, the moment that they commit that crime, they should be sentenced to death, that's what the Bible says, and it's unbelievable to me that a pastor would say to him, you guys just don't have any grace, hey maybe you got too much grace buddy, maybe you got more grace than God does, because God said you should put a millstone around their neck and hang them, and drop them to the depths of the sea, and that they're going to go into a place where the warm dieth not, and the fire's not quenched, and you're going to let him in your church, you must be crazy, what does a good shepherd do, well a good shepherd is a lot different than that guy, turn to John chapter number 10, John chapter number 10, look at verse number 11, John chapter number 10, John chapter number 10, John chapter 11, this is Jesus speaking, it says I'm the good shepherd, the good shepherd giveth his life for the sheep, but he that is in hireling, and not the shepherd, whose own the sheep are not, seeth the wolf coming, and leaveth the sheep, and fleeth, and the wolf catcheth them, and scattereth the sheep, you know what pastor Timothy Smallville is, his name is Smallwood, but Smallville, small time, small mind, you know what, he's a hireling, see people like to accuse pastors like, look I don't get paid for one thing, okay, so I'm not a hireling, I love it when people call me a hireling, well the Bible defines what a hireling is right here, it's someone that doesn't care for the sheep, you're not a good shepherd, you're a hireling because when you don't care for the sheep, you know, believe it or not there's pastors that go into the ministry as a job, as a career path, instead of a caring for people path, instead of being a pastor path, instead of just being a good Christian and filling the gap, there's lots of gaps out there, but what does a hireling do, they careth not for the sheep, look at verse 13 it says the hireling fleeth because he is a hireling, he careth not for the sheep, so in fact he cares more about the wolf than he does about the sheep in the case of pastor Smallville, right, he cares more about the wolf, there you have two tithing families, six souls in your church that want to go soul in, that want to inject some life into your church, and you're going to choose some pervert that smells like cigarettes when he walks through the door every time, and eyeballs your kids, would a good shepherd leave his sheep to a wolf, absolutely not, turn to Jeremiah chapter 23, I'm going to go to Jeremiah chapter 23, I'm going to go to Jeremiah chapter 23 you guys don't have any grace, so oh man, Jeremiah 23, see this is the type of pastors that God doesn't want in Jeremiah 23 verse number 1, it says woe be unto the pastors that destroy and scatter the sheep of my pasture, saith the Lord, therefore thus saith the Lord God of Israel, against the pastors that feed my people you have scattered my flock and driven them away, and have not visited them, the old I will visit upon you the evil of your doings, saith the Lord, see you know pastors are held to a higher standard whether people understand that or not, God is going to hold us accountable more for the things that we do, and hey he says just not visiting them, scattering them and not visiting them, the Bible says that I will visit you for the evil of your doings, saith the Lord, I don't want that kind of visit, do you want that kind of visit Pastor Shelley, Pastor Jimenez you want that kind of visit, I don't want that kind of visit, Pastor Fritz you want that kind of visit, I don't want that kind of visit, that's not a visit I want from the Lord okay, where he's saying I will visit upon you the evil of your doings, it says I will gather the remnant out of my flock out of all countries whether I have driven them and I will bring them again to their folds and they shall be fruitful and increase, and I will set up shepherds over them which shall feed them and they shall fear no more nor be dismayed, neither shall they be lacking, saith the Lord, hey tonight you're in a church that has a shepherd over you that is trying to feed you, and he doesn't want you to be dismayed, he doesn't want, you know what dismayed means, it means to break down the courage of somebody completely, so Pastor Shelley doesn't want your courage to be broken down, he wants to build your courage up, to be bold, to be good Christians, and as pastors we need to be watchmen, but as church members you need to be watchmen also, and I'll get to that in a second, let's look over to Ezekiel chapter 3 real quick though, Ezekiel chapter 3, see we as pastors are supposed to be watchmen also, we're supposed to be like the sheep dogs, we're supposed to be watching out for our sheep that we're entrusted with, look at Ezekiel 3 verse 17 it says, son of man I have made thee a watchman unto the house of Israel, therefore hear the word at my mouth and give them warning from me. See we are supposed to be watchmen of the house of Israel, hey and today, look all scripture is given for us is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for destruction and righteousness and all that, but we're supposed to get it at God's mouth, what's God's mouth right here for us? It's the King James Bible, and the pastor is supposed to be saying hey, they need to hear it from my mouth, not your mouth, you know I can get up here and tell stories, I can get up here and tell poems, I've told a couple stories, but you know I've also given you some scriptures to chew on, but we're supposed to at the word of God's mouth give warning unto the people, unto the house of Israel, and guess what, in the New Testament we are the children of Israel, it's not the Jews over there shaking their heads at the wall, okay, but again Jesus said it's better for these offenders to be cast into the sea, why are pastors letting them in their churches, I just don't, I can't understand that, I'll never be able to grasp that, I've never thought it was okay, I've always thought it was weird, I've always thought you know why are they letting them do that, so you know my main warnings that I wanted to give tonight from the Watchman point of view is I want to warn people about Pastor Timothy Smallwood and Rose Hill Baptist Church in DeQueen, Arkansas, it should be avoided, don't trust your children at that church for one second, because a man that would have some kind of a relationship with a handicapped woman and molest his own children, molest his nieces and nephews and total strangers and little children like that, you can't turn your back on that guy for one second. Number two, Edwin James or Ed as he is called at the church is a psychopath reprobate offender of children, he attends Rose Hill Baptist Church, don't trust his pervert for one second and he smells like cigarette smoke, anyway, number three, any pastor or church intentionally hiding perverts needs to be exposed, we can't just, we'll just go some place else now, they need to be exposed and again I know I brought up Pastor Shifflet before but you know what, he had a chance to just leave, pack his stuff, gather his things, he was living in some people at the church, he was living in their basement or whatever, he could have just went home, you know he intentionally did not call his dad because his dad would have said come home, he wanted to make sure that this pastor got exposed for the person that he was regardless of the cost to him personally and you know what and it did cost him something personally because the good old boy Baptist spin club, they made his name Mud everywhere else and he never got called to be a pastor at another job until he was actually put up by Gia Vannelli and Gia Vannelli turned out to be a Judas also, so but the only reason why he's a pastor today is because God put him in that position, I think that the things that happened to him, if you read the book it's a great book, I think the things that happened to him helped him to be able to deal with the situations that he had to deal with and to be the man of God that he is, I'm thankful for a man of God that will stand up and tell the truth no matter what it's going to cost him because Gia Vannelli was a powerful Bible college whatever, he was the head of the Bible college, it's a big Baptist church, it's a big college and he knew that it's going to cost him something and it probably has and it probably will but you know what, sometimes telling the truth is going to cost you something, so and I said I was going to talk about the church members being watchmen on the wall, turn to 2 Samuel 18 verse 24, so church members and I know in a church like this we have many watchmen in here and watch women, there's a lot of people watching people and rightly so, now don't get crazy with it okay, just because someone glances in the general direction of your kid doesn't mean that they're a pervert okay, so don't get too crazy like that person's a pervert I know because they looked at my kid just for like 2 seconds, but hey trust your instincts too, but you know who you don't go to, don't go to Joe church member, don't go to so and so, hey go to your pastor and let the man of God deal with it and I guarantee you that pastor Shelley is going to deal with it, if I've seen pastor Shelley take care of some things in the last few months I know he's going to deal with it, I just trust that he would okay, so but anyway look at 2 Samuel chapter 18 verse number 24 it says and David sat between the two gates and the watchman went up onto the roof over the gate unto the wall and lifted up his eyes and looked and behold a man running alone, so this is the watchman and David is the king okay, this is after the whole thing with his son Absalom, yeah good night I can't think of his name for a second, anyway look at verse 25 it says and the watchman cried and told the king and the king said if he be alone there's tidings in his mouth and he came apace and drew near and the watchman saw another man running and the watchman called him to the porter and said behold another man running alone and the king said he also bringeth tidings and the watchman said me thinketh the running of the foremost is like the running of Ahima has the son of Zadok and the king said he's a good man and cometh with good tidings. So notice the watchman knew the running of that person, he knew it, we know a lot of people in here and we know who they are and what they do, but as a watchman, as a church member watchman you know when something's not right, so they knew the running of Ahima has, but you also probably know the running of a little queer sissy too don't you, you know me thinketh he's runneth like a queer little sissy, me thinketh he's got a little sugar in the tank, you know me thinketh he looks at kids and stares at them for too long and then what did he do, he told David didn't he, so what I'm saying is to you as a watchman, as a layman watchman here at this church, hey go to your pastor and let them deal with it, don't go around to a bunch of people and hurt someone that really isn't what you think that they are, but again if you have a gut feeling about somebody then go to your pastor, so you know we can look, we can see, we need to watch and be vigilant in our churches because look people like to attack churches like this too and for some reason the psychopaths like to come and try to break our churches up and things like that, we got to be watchmen on the wall, but my fellow pastors in this room we can never ever get soft on this issue ever and I know that everybody in this room I know is never going to get soft on this issue, I know people have lost a lot of things in this room because of these types of issues and preaching it and thundering it forth in their pulpit, but I'll tell you what I'd rather close because there's a lot of legislation that's probably going to be put forth in the years to come and you have to if you're this let these queers come in and get married or whatever, I'll tell you what I will shut my church down before I ever allow some pervert to come in, it's not going to happen, we'll sit under a tree you know while it rains, I don't care, we'll sing Amazing Grace under the trees, I'll meet somewhere else, I'll dissolve everything and we'll just start and call ourselves Verity Baptist Vancouver, but you know I've had a child molester that I knew was a child molester, I knew it for a fact, it wasn't just I thought it, it wasn't they saw the queer runnings, the Watchmen saw the queer runnings, I knew for a fact he was a child molester and I got a call from one of my guys at the door and they said hey this guy's here and I said hey he's wanting to talk to you, I said you tell him he better be gone before I get there or some bad things are going to happen to him and you know I don't know if I would have been disqualified or not but I'll tell you what, I'm not going to let a wolf come in and mess around with my sheep, alright let's pray, Heavenly Father we thank you Lord so much and we just ask Lord that you'd help us to be vigilant in churches like this Lord, help these pastors Lord they have to deal with so much, Lord I pray that if someone sees something crazy Lord they'd tell their pastor and let them know and Lord I pray that you would just, I rebuke Pastor Smallwood Lord as far as he's allowing a wicked person to be in that church and Lord he really hurt a couple families and I just pray Lord that you would Lord help him to have a change of heart and realize that what he's done is wrong and he needs to kick that guy out and I pray Lord that that guy would stop breathing anytime in the near future, very soon Lord he's done so much damage, he's done such wicked things Lord I pray that you'd deal with him Lord, take him out and I pray that you would Lord bless the rest of this conference Lord we thank you so much for Pastor Shelley Putnadon, pray for Pastor Jimenez as he comes up to preach, in Jesus' name we pray, Amen.