(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) All right. It's great to be back here in steadfast. I think the last time I was here about two years ago. It's great to see all the all the new faces in the crowd as well as some of the old ones and it's a really really an honor to be here. So thank you Pastor Shelley where wherever you're at. You've really been extremely hospitable. Thank you sir. Very hospitable. Thank you for all your generosity and and and taking care of us and thank you all that are here tonight. I've got a chance to meet so many new people and it really is a lot of fun for me. I was excited when I heard that he was putting on this event and even if I wasn't invited to preach man I was gonna come anyways take off some time from work. This is these are the type of events I like to go to and spend my time doing if I can because you know there's so much fun. I've been repeating this. I've been trying to promote the conference as much as possible. You all are gonna get it or you do get if you've been coming to these events at all. They're way different being here in person experiencing the fellowship here in the preaching live singing the songs you got a great group of people you got a lot of people that love God all in one place and there's nothing like it in the world. So I'm just extremely happy to be here and I'm honored I get an opportunity to to speak tonight. Now when Pastor Shelley told me it's gonna be a fire-breathing Baptist fellowship you know a lot of thoughts go through your mind especially we're invited to preach you know there's a lot of things you can preach on and there's a lot of things that deserve some fire-breathing right there's there's perverts in the world that deserves some fire-breathing against there's a lot of there's a lot of things that you can touch on but hopefully you came here tonight with a heart to hear that's soft and ready to receive because one of the things that came in my mind when I'm thinking about a fire-breathing sermon it's one that stings a little bit it's one that might step on your toes it's one you know I didn't come just to step on your toes I came to step on your foot okay we're not gonna stop just at the little bit I want I'm hopefully the Word of God will be able to pierce through don't be one of those people that goes oh man is a perfect sermon for so-and-so right let's let's apply the Word of God to your life tonight I'm gonna be hitting on a multitude of topics there's a lot of different things that I'm gonna be covering and just just as I preach through God's Word just think about how can I apply this where does this impact me in my life so that way when you come to a fire-breathing baton in with all the sermons I haven't had a chance to hear all of them but you know think about how can God's Word change my life so I can be a better person I could be a better Christian and tonight what I'm focusing on is living above reproach how can I be a Christian that's above reproach now the word reproach means I just got this from the dictionary but this this lines up with the Bible definition the reproach we use a verb or as a noun in the verb form the the definition I've here it says to impute blame to a person for an action or fault or a rebuke and then it says the archaic version which typically is what the Bible's talking about anyways is to bring disgrace or shame upon so if you're living above reproach it means you're living above shame you're not you're not bringing a bad name or a smear on the name of Jesus Christ because you're living above reproach now the Bible tells us and we're gonna come right back here in verse Peter 4 I'm just gonna quote you from 2nd Peter excuse me 2nd Corinthians chapter 5 verse 20 bounces now then we are ambassadors for Christ as though God did beseech you by us we pray you in Christ said be reconciled to God God is has given us a job to be an ambassador for him and this is an important job that that all believers have this isn't just a job given to pastors isn't just a job given to evangelists this is a job for every single believer that we are ambassadors for Jesus Christ to reconcile people to God we are supposed to be going forward and preaching the gospel because guess what when Jesus Christ came to this earth the first time and he lived his life and he performed his earthly ministry and he died on the cross and rose again from the dead he ascended up into heaven and that's where he is right now he isn't still walking around on this earth preaching the gospel and getting people saved in the flesh he's left us here to do that and that is every believer's job since he's not here we are supposed to be ambassadors we are supposed to be bringing forth the gospel we're supposed to be preaching the Word of God since he's not here we are his ambassador we represent Jesus Christ every time you go out you know what every breath that you breathe you ought to be representative of Jesus Christ this is why it's so important to be able to live a life that is above reproach because since you are a representative you are an ambassador for Jesus Christ we don't want to bring shame on his name now look I know that none of us here are perfect we're sinful we're sinners but that doesn't give you an excuse to go out and sin and to bring shame on the name of Christ just because you know that you're not perfect doesn't mean you're not going to strive to be better and to just not bring shame how about how about we make a concerted effort to do everything we can in our power to be the best ambassador that we can possibly be our actions our character our spirit will reflect upon the person that we're representing which is Jesus Christ we are ambassadors for Christ and you know I've been on this challenge kick pretty much ever since I came here about two years ago is when I issued my first challenge as a soul-winning challenge and ever since then I started instituting more and more challenges in our church I like the challenge I don't like just being comfortable and just kind of going through my Christian life and go like well I'm going so winning an hour a week and I'm doing this by ramming and everything's just just easy and there's really no nothing kind of stirring you up a little bit or inconvenient right I like pushing people just enough not so much we're just like oh man forget this I can't do it you know to the point of just quitting you don't want the personal trainer they're just gonna be like yeah that's just wait you're gonna bend 600 pounds yeah I can't do that no but we need to be pushed to keep pushing and stronger and going more and more and I like doing that our church we got some church members here they'll testify okay I pass the versions always trying to get us to do more stuff but hopefully we could take some challenges to heart and tonight my challenge is just look inside yourself are you being a good ambassador for Jesus Christ are you living a life above reproach are you being the best ambassador that you could be we started off in first in first Peter chapter 4 look at verse number 14 the Bible says if you be reproached for the name of Christ happy are you so I just want to start off differentiating being reproached for Christ versus living a life that brings reproach on the name of Christ so if you are reproached if people cast out your name is evil as your name is wicked and they say all manner of evil against you falsely because of the stand you take on the Bible because you're representing Jesus Christ that's not what I'm talking about I'm not talking about that being a bad thing that's not the living above reproach that I'm referring to that's a good thing if people cast out your name is evil Bible says hey rejoice leap for joy be glad because great is your reward in heaven for so did they to the plot to the prophets that were before you that is what we can expect of being reproached by the world because of the belief that we have because of the Word of God because of the the stands that we take that are scriptural and biblical but there's a different type of reproach that you can receive that you that you could bring on the name of Christ when you are not following his word when you're being a hypocrite when you're bringing shame to the name of Christ because of the way that you live let's keep reading here in verse number 14 the Bible says if you be reproach for the name of Christ happy are you for the spirit of glory and of God rested upon you on their part he is evil spoken of but on your part he is glorified look at verse 15 but let none of you suffer as a murderer or as a thief or as an evil doer or as a busybody in other men's matters so he's saying you know when you're approached for the name of Christ hey be happy about that but don't be suffering because you're a murderer don't be suffering because you're a thief and you're stealing and you're stealing from people you're stealing from your boss on the job you're stealing and you know for whatever reason you're you're being an evil doer you're bringing your inflicting harm on people you're you're being a busybody in other men's matters right getting your nose and everyone else's business said you shouldn't be suffering for that that is reproachful that is not because of the name of Christ that is just a reproach because these are shameful things that you can do look at verse 16 yet if any man suffers a Christian let him not be ashamed but let him glorify God on this behalf for the time has come that judge obey not the gospel of God so judgment starts here this is where we need you know if you can't expect the nation or the world or anyone else out there to start getting more righteous and to and to live godly lives if it's not even happening in the house of God if it's not even happening in the church house it's definitely not gonna happen anywhere else out in the world we need to bring the judgment back into out into the house of God and that was a great sermons yesterday from pastor Fritz and pastor major that went over just in depth why the judgment is so important to bring justice and equity and and starting with the truth right those are those are very good points we need to have a the time has come that judgment must begin at the house of God look at verse number 18 if the righteous scarcely be saved where shall the ungodly and the sinner appear wherefore let them that suffer according to the will of God commit the keeping of their souls to him in well doing as unto a faithful creator turn if you would to first Peter chapter 2 just go back a couple of pages in your Bible see Jesus Christ gave us a good example we're talking about living above reproach we ought to have a good testimony just in this world not just in church but and not just before God but before God and man it is important to be living a life above reproach Jesus Christ himself was the example in Luke 252 the Bible says in Jesus increase in wisdom and stature and in favor with God and man Jesus grew as he was getting older before he began his ministry he's growing in favor yes with God but also with man he wasn't known as being a cheat or a crook or a thief or a liar right he didn't have some bad reputation as being someone that even the world can look down on right he was someone that grew and had favor with God three of course gives a lot of qualifications for the bishop and even though you may never be a bishop you may never fill this office we can all still look at those qualifications being you know these are these are minimum requirements for someone to get a job but these are things that every believer ought to have anyways I mean would to God that everybody would be able to fill any of these these be committing any of these wicked sins you at least have to have this standard of life before you could be considered for the office of a bishop and one of them in verse number seven about where it's moreover he must have a good report of them which are without lest he fall into reproach and the snare good testimony you need to be living away that people aren't gonna be able to bring up just oh yeah well this person that person's gonna pass our church well you know he did this and this and this and just in just this is how he lives his life and he lives this wicked life you need to have a good report of them which are without otherwise you will fall into reproach and you think about having a good report think about a report card how would you grade yourself having a report card in just of them that are without this is in them there without referring to not just people within the church but how about when you leave the church because in the church you may be like yes sir no sir you know praise the Lord hey brother you know and put on all the spiritual talk but when you leave and go out into the world how are you behaving yourself are you ashamed to run into one of the fellow church members or how about when past you know you're out in at at lunch on lunch break with one of your work buddies and pastor Shelley walks in are you gonna be like hey god bless you yo right after he's in the news and he's got all these protesters are you gonna be ashamed of pastor Shelley when he walks in and shake his hand and be happy and excited to see him or you're gonna be like oh man I hope he doesn't come this way right you ought to be not be ashamed of the man of God I'm getting a little bit off point here but when we think about having a good report of them which are without you know this is your public life this is how you act out in public and out in the world think about you know what what would people in general say about you you say he's a good person he's someone they could rely on somebody could depend on or it's gonna be like yeah that guy's no good he never gets anything done right and he's always getting in trouble he's always got the cops at his house because they're always having arguments at home and everything else or is he gonna be someone that's you know just in general a good person think about your home life are you living above reproach at home how would your family score you husbands how would your family score you are you are you living a life that would be above reproach in the eyes of God and in the eyes of man I husbands are you are you the head of your household are you teaching your children are you are you the spiritual head of your house are you teaching your wife and children the Bible are you teaching them the Word of God are you the one in charge are you the one making the decisions how about wives are you are you being the obedient wife that you're supposed to be it's getting real quiet in here how about it though are you living above reproach you know if you if you want to claim the Bible and claim the Word of God you really want to stand up and make a difference let's not be hypocrites let's not pick and choose the parts that we believe in let's live above reproach let's live in a godly way so that people can look to you and say wow there's a good example there's a good example of what it means to be a Christian there's someone who's not saying oh yeah they sound all spiritual but then yeah look at their house they're not they don't obey the Bible they're not living the way that God would have them to live how about children are you an example of godliness are you obeying your parents when you ought to are you doing what they tell you to do are you just saying you're gonna do it and go and just hide and do something else because you know they've got you you could mix in especially the bigger families you could mix in with some of the other kids and just pretend like that they're not gonna see what you're doing no God's gonna see everything that you do we need to be growing in favor with God and man and we need to be able live a life that's above reproach how about on the job are you known as someone that's just being real lazy are you known as someone that's always taking breaks and just chatting and and doing anything but work are you the guy that comes in and it's just like oh man we got to do this again just complaining and being a murmurer or are you the person that comes in and goes hey I've got work to do let's get the job done I'm not gonna sit around and waste the boss's time he's paying me money he's giving me in my paycheck and I'm getting paid here to work so I'm gonna work I either be the one that's gonna be dependable and reliable no matter what the job is your boss could say hey I know that brother so-and-so could do the job or your brother mr. so-and-so could do this job and I'm gonna give him that job to do because he's gonna get it done because he's gonna get it done ahead of time he's gonna get it done right he's not gonna be sloppy and just cut a bunch of corners he's gonna do the right job hey if you're representing Jesus Christ the Bible says that servants we ought to work as if we are working for the Lord Jesus Christ and we're gonna see that in a minute in 1st Peter chapter 2 how we ought to work do you work with eye service as a man pleaser are you only getting busy and doing your job right when someone's watching you when your boss is watching you or can you just be entrusted for the boss to leave and go out of town and know that you are still going to get your work done that's how you live above reproach because you know what people ought to know that you're a Christian people ought to know you believe the Bible and especially when we're already getting a bunch of flack from the world people saying oh you're in that cult or you're in that hate group you know what why don't you show them a little bit more than what the the news station is going to show them you know we're not one of the things that even though on one hand it doesn't really bother me at all when people try to label us they all you're part of a hate group yeah yeah whatever you know it doesn't really bother me that much except it really is a miss categorization of what we're all about and the reason why it doesn't bother me that much is because anyone that that means anything to me the people in my life they know that I'm not just sitting around and I got man how who can I hate today because that's what it's when people call you a hate group that's that's the impression that's giving off like you're just I'm just sitting around I'm a hateful person I'm just trying to hate and then man I just need to find more people to hate but that's not what it is at all but see that's the way that the media will try to make it sound they're gonna make you sound like a bunch of crazies and and you have no sympathy and you don't love people at all it's a complete opposite it's totally wrong so one of the ways that you're gonna show that they're wrong is by just doing right living faithfully day in day out being consistent and just showing that consistent pattern and they can say you know what I know David you know I saw this story on the news but but I know him that's not how he how he is yeah I know he's got his beliefs I know he's a Christian I know he believes the Bible but they're trying to make him out to be a monster I know who he is right are you gonna be or are they're gonna say oh I know David yeah that guy is that guy's never doing his job that guy is going on gambling sites instead of doing work that guy's going off and you know hi I find him hiding in a closet instead of instead of doing his job our actions are gonna are gonna really speak a lot louder than our words are especially for those that know you and we cannot be bringing a reproach on the name of Christ and then how about in church how do people view you in church are you faithful are you showing up to all the services are you someone that could be relied on and be dependable and and and just be a servant be a servant of the Lord be a servant for the church be a minister be here excuse me to to help other people out instead of just oh well what what activities you got for me right how can this church well what come on what can you do for me church do you got something for my kids a dude you guys how about you come in and come in and serve the church we ought to live a life above reproach so that no one has anything any evil report to say of you that's going to bring down the name of Christ you're in 1st Peter chapter 2 or sorry in verse number 11 Bible reads dearly beloved I beseech you as strangers and pilgrims abstain from fleshly lusts which war against the soul having your conversation honest among the Gentiles there's again the same point that I'm making honest among the Gentiles when it's talking about the Gentiles is just talking about the heat then it's all about people who are without you know the world out there you ought to have your your conversation isn't just the words that come out your mouth it's the way that you live it's an older word but it's just it's basically the way that you live your life you ought to have your conversation honest among the Gentiles that whereas they speak against you as evildoers right the world is going to speak against you as an evil do all man that guy yeah because they hate God or they hate Christianity they're gonna try to come up with all manner of lies against you he's saying you have your conversation honest you just be on the up-and-up you live above reproach because they're gonna say the bad things about you so you better not let those things be true because that whereas they speak against you as evildoers they made by your good works which they shall behold glorify God in the day of visitation it's gonna make an impact on the day of visitation when you go to them and bring the gospel hey oh yeah well yeah I do know that person that's a Christian I do know that person that you know they try to say all evil against them but nothing's sticking your good works which they're gonna see it's gonna give more evidence to the to the truth and the verity of the faith look at verse number 13 submit yourselves to every ordinance of man for the Lord's sake whether it be to the king is supreme or unto governors as unto them that are sent by him for the punishment of evildoers and for the praise of them that do well and without getting really deep into this in general we ought to just not just cause a bunch of problems because you want to be contrary to just everything that the you know look I'm not for big government don't get me wrong there's a lot of things where they overstepped their bounds and and they just act outside of the authority that God's given them but in general here you know we ought to just be able to get along and just and just go like Jesus said you know pay the trip you know are we supposed to pay the tribute money no the children are free but you know what just go ahead and do it anyways like whatever they could have their stinking money render unto Caesar Caesar that which is Caesars right that's the way we just we ought to be able to live so that they don't just have this extra sticking point oh yeah well he's a tax evader right we don't need to give them any ammo if there's if nothing that's that's you know contradicting God's Word and there's nothing that's just you know a real problem there let's just let's just go ahead and live above reproach look at verse number 15 the Bible says for so is the will of God that with well-doing you may put to silence the ignorance of foolish men you want to know what the will of God is well here's one example of the will of God what's the will of God that you can just do good and that with your well-doing you're gonna put the science of ignorance of foolish men we heard some foolish men referenced yesterday you know the people who want to bring up the shellfish and and oh you know is that mixed fabric you know and all the typical atheist talking points so they're foolish men but you know what your well-doing can just put to silence their ignorance that's why you don't you don't have to answer verbally all these foolish men that are bringing these foolish arguments you just ignore them and let your works do the talking for you with your good works with your well-doing you're gonna put to silence their ignorance because they don't know anything they're gonna rail on you they're gonna bring false accusations you know what you just keep doing good and right Bible says in verse 16 as free and not using your liberty for a cloak of maliciousness but as the servants of God look hey praise God we're free in Christ that we're saved and there's nothing that's gonna damn you once you've accepted the free gift of eternal life praise the Lord for that but now let's not use that liberty as a cloak as a covering just to be malicious we need to have we need to be as the servants of God let's use that liberty being a servant of God look at verse number 17 honor all men love the Brotherhood fear God honor the king servants be subject to your masters with all fear and and this is where the rubber meets the road not only to the good and gentle but also to the froward he makes a point of saying look I'm telling you servants be subject to your masters with all fear now you say servant master what are you talking about you talking about slaves here no how about if you are working for somebody he's the boss you're the employee that's your master and you're the servant was a servant you're serving what is it when you go out to eat and someone comes to the table they're called a server right why because they're serving you no it doesn't then you don't have to be serving someone food to be a servant and he says here look be subject to those they have authority over you they're your boss be subject unto them he says and not only to the ones that are good not only the ones that are nice and treat you with respect and and talk nice to you he says but also to the froward that's how you act godly that's how you live above approach it's not a tit for test oh well he doesn't respect me so I'm not going to respect him that's not the attitude that God has given us as Christians that's not the attitude that Jesus Christ had if Jesus Christ had that attitude we'd all go to hell because he suffered the contradiction of sinners against himself he came with humility and out of love to give us a free gift to purchase our salvation that we don't deserve at all and every single time we break any of God's commandments we're showing God disrespect we don't deserve his grace and mercy but he gives it to us anyways we ought to have a Christ like attitude in every aspect that's the only way we're gonna be able to live above reproach let's keep reading here verse number 19 for this is thank worthy if a man for conscience toward God and do a grief suffering wrongfully for what glory is it if when you be buffeted for your faults you shall take it patiently but if when you do well and suffer for it you take it patiently this is acceptable with God and we're saying here is that you know what glory is it you can't really glory if you're being punished if you're buffeted for your fault I mean you do wrong and then you have to pay for it and then you take it what of course you better take it because you did wrong that there's there's no glory in that you don't get any reward for it oh well I took my reward patiently well you did wrong of course you deserve that that's what you should get he's saying but when you do well when you're doing what's right and you're not an evildoer but you're still being punished as an evildoer but you still take it patiently he says that's thank worthy that's a godly attribute that's a way that your actions can speak very loud and speak volumes and that's a way you can live above reproach that people say what man that guy even when he's wrongfully accused even when he's just suffering as an evildoer he still has integrity he's still able to live a godly life and show an example of how Jesus would have you to live Bible says in verse number 21 for even here unto were you called because Christ also suffered for us leaving us an example that you should follow his steps he's the perfect example look at how much Christ suffered for us and and didn't look at what says in verse number 23 or excuse me verse 22 who did no sin neither was guile found in his mouth verse 23 who when he was reviled reviled not again when he suffered he threatened not but committed himself to him that judgeth righteously now this is not always easy to put into practice as is most of the Bible right the Bible is I think very by and large easy to understand God did not give us a list of complicated commandments that it's just man what is he trying to tell us here I don't know this is so difficult no one could even look it's very easy God's list of do's and don'ts he didn't make it complicated you don't have to be you know even a theologian could figure it out they ought to be able to I think most of the time they get it wrong because they reject the Word of God by and large but it's so easy I mean children can understand these commandments they're not hard the only hard thing is putting them into practice Jesus Christ when he was revived what does it mean to be reviled I got another dictionary definition for you it's to use abusive or scornful language against someone or something so someone's just just really railing on you someone's just bringing just just really bad language about against you scorning you the Bible says that when he was revived when Jesus was reviled he didn't revile back he didn't just go ahead and say oh yeah well you know you're this you're that and when people were just just railing on him as the Son of God he just let it be and it's your pride that's gonna cause you to feel like you just have to defend yourself and then cut the other you cut me down well I'm gonna cut you down even worse oh you're trying to hurt me with your words well let me hurt you even worse that is a fleshly attitude and that is that is not a good example of living above reproach look you want to be above reproach because people are gonna hear those words it'd be like well guys I heard you saying this what makes you any better than them you're not but when you can be reviled and revile not again when you can suffer and threaten not I mean Jesus didn't threaten when as he was being punished wrongfully he could have at any moment I mean who else could threaten any more than Christ if he didn't he suffered it he allowed it he didn't revile again how about you now this goes to even our words right and our words is what I'm going to spend the rest of the time kind of focusing on there's a lot of actions that we can do that that are very important the way that we live but I think when it comes to our mouth and controlling our tongue and controlling our words this is where the vast majority of people I think have a problem with it I'm not saying there's not a problem in other areas of your life and other actions but this is a problem with everybody this is a problem that the Bible says a problem they want it's such a problem you know James 3 2 says for in many things we offend all if any man offend not in word the same as a perfect man and able also to bridle the whole body you're saying if you're if you're able to not offend in your word you're perfect I don't know anybody that's perfect Jesus Christ this is this is a big deal in many things we offend all and controlling your tongue is extremely important look at verse or you could turn to James 3 if you'd like but when we live above reproach and you think about your words first of all before we even get into the damage that your words can cause just think about this do people take you seriously when you speak are you always just joking around and no one can really take you seriously or are you the type of person that's able to to make promises or say things and then you're not true to your word are you faithful are you dependable this is an important point and I didn't have this as such a big point in my notes but what is it that we get saved by which by faith cometh by hearing and hearing by what the Word of God how does God treat his word God's Word is holy God's Word is that does God ever lie we're gonna find anything that is not true it does not come to pass in God's Word no God made the world through his word God made everything through his word Jesus Christ is the word so you want to took a but take a talk about the status of the elevation of God's Word it's everything and in the end when it comes down to it in this life what are we left with but our word who we are it doesn't consist of the things that we have that doesn't matter you could have physical things here today gone tomorrow so you need to make sure that when you say something it's gonna stand and then if people are gonna know you and if nothing else if they're gonna know you by one thing how about well I know that when Pastor Burson says something it's gonna it's gonna come to pass and not in a sense that look I'm not saying I'm God but just if I'm gonna open up my mouth to something if I'm gonna say something then hopefully I can live my life in a way that I am treating my word with reverence trying to be godly because God's Word is revered God's Word I mean there is nothing that can be said against God's Word it comes to pass every time we ought to be living our life above approach so that way you can own all the words that come out of your mouth and stand by it and and not have anything set amiss or like I said it in error right when God's holding you responsible for your bowels that you made say oh you would say it's not before angel I said it in error well I didn't mean to say that look think before you speak think before you speak that'll solve a lot of problems and these days it's it's it's how easy it is to get this big megaphone and just broadcast every thought that comes into your mind to the world in in in a few seconds you can just something pops in your head hey I'm sorry I'm out look this look at James 3 hopefully you turn to James chapter 3 and this is way before social media and the internet and the ability to just reach so many people look at verse number 5 in James 3 the Bible says even so the tongue is a little member and boasteth great things behold how great a matter a little fire kindle and and what the Bible is doing is likening your small tongue right our tongue and in relation to our body is very small there's wildfires all over the country oh you think about in California have wired flat wildfires in Arizona we have wildfires and oftentimes these huge fires that are really devastating and destroy homes and destroy just thousands of acres of land are started by something really small like a cigarette butt or you know lightning strike or just just someone building a campfire and and it just a spark goes you'll fly in off the fire whatever just a little bit can can cause huge amounts of damage and just devastating destruction just with that little bit of fire that little spark just to set off this huge disaster and the Bible is likening our tongues just to a small fire look at verse number six about says in the tongue is a fire a world of iniquity what's iniquity a sin your tongue is like a world of sin so is the tongue among our members that it defile it the whole body and set it on fire the course of nature and it is set on fire of hell for every kind of beasts and of birds and of serpents and of things in the sea is tamed and have been tamed of mankind say man's able to tame every type of animal but the tongue can no man tame it is an unruly evil full of deadly poison therewith blessed we God even the father and therewith cursed we men which are made after the similitude of God out of the same mouth proceedeth blessing and cursing my brethren these things ought not so to be we are receiving very very dire warning about our tongues let's take it to heart tonight and let's learn to try to temper our tongue and I think about this verse think about these verses about your your tongue being a fire or a world of iniquity and and take it seriously this is a serious warning this is strong language you know the Bible uses strong language on things that God is trying to stress and make a really important point about I mean I don't know I couldn't think of a better way of trying to explain the amount of destruction that can be caused by just saying a few words then likening it to a fire that causes tons of destruction when that becomes real to you and you think about that I mean marriages are destroyed over just maybe a few words that people can say it happens people say things that they shouldn't have said that real damage can be done just using your words and you know your words are powerful the devil knows this which is why he's always trying to shut out and stamp out the Word of God the Word of God is quick and powerful sharper than a two-edged sword it's able to divide asunder between the soul and spirit God's Word is able to save God's Word is important so and it's powerful our words also are powerful but are you gonna use it for good or for evil and if you don't have control over your tongue you can cause a lot of damage there's a lot of sins that are associated with your tongue you think of back-biting you think of gossiping or railing or tail bearing these things become rampant these are these are all serious sins these aren't just little things they cause a lot of damage in people's lives men's character is ruined met people's characters could be completely ruined over gossiping and tail bearing and you know you can't get that back all it takes is some false accusation to just smear somebody's name smear some good man's name and their character gives me ruined and shot over over someone telling stories they've got to be real careful about the things that you speak and about the things that you say and the things that you repeat and the slanders are railing that might be going on especially against men of God that might be doing a good work over something that you heard second or third hand somebody say and you don't really know for yourself don't go spreading that stuff don't go spreading that garbage keep control over your tongue yeah it might sound real juicy and you just want to just tell everybody get some control over yourself have some integrity and how about the words that you say you can back up because you're only gonna speak truth because you're gonna speak what's right and you're not gonna just say everything that you've heard and just repeat it all people need to learn to show some discernment when speaking and especially making those public statements now one thing I'm really happy to see was you know along with the sermons we heard yesterday is the resurgence of men that are bringing judgment back into churches right it's good we need it I'm sick of these churches that just there's no judgment at all I'll judge not and and and everything's tolerated and everything's acceptable and and you can't no one can judge anything you get sick of it it's nauseating praise God for people who are willing to stand up and breathe fire and say hey there is judgment God tells us that there ought to be judgment and judgment starts in the house of God and the Bible says and this was quoted yesterday but he that is spiritual judges all things that he himself is judge of no man when you're spiritual when you walk in the spirit when you have the Spirit of God when you have the law of God you can judge all things and but then when it follows up with yet he himself is judge of no man how can man judge you if you're walking in the spirit if you're walking in the will of God if you're living and walking according to God's Word there is no other judgment against that but in order to be judged of no man you can't be hypocrites in your judgment you have to be in the spirit you're you're you're doing what you're what you're saying it's the same judgment that's gonna apply to you so when you see or witness people how about this people railing do you then become a railer do you just start railing on the person that that you find out to be a railer think about it when you hear about these things you just just open up your mouth now and decide to get involved and be like a you know someone that wants to get involved in metal and in strife not belonging unto you be careful with your words now you know there may be a lot of things that you think about and you you keep inside but you don't want to just go and and you see one thing happen and just blow up and blow off your mouth and start spouting off on things that you really have no business doing to we need to be careful with what you say and do and you got to remember this there's a magnifying glass on you from the world because that they can't stand on the judgments of God that makes them really infuriated and what they want to do they want to point out all of your problems on where you don't believe the Word of God to show you as a hypocrite because if they could demonstrate that you're just some big hypocrite then they could blow you off because your words have no meaning and it's true it's gonna devalue anything that you say why should anyone believe you if you're just gonna say one thing and do another I'm not gonna listen to a person like that for so many for so many times I've been into churches and Baptist churches you hear one thing preaching and you see the guy doing something completely opposite that that doesn't help the cause at all we need to be able to live above reproach but we also need to be very careful because of this magnifying glass and because they're going to be focusing on you because of your beliefs and we don't want to be so overcome with our own zeal and our own you know just just being fired up about the the the righteous judgment that we end up earning in judgment we end up getting a wrong spirit as well and and what I mean by that is you know the Bible says in J turn if you would to Psalm 15 Psalm 15 in James chapter 1 the Bible says in verse number 19 wherefore my beloved brethren let every man be swift to hear slow to speak slow to wrath for the wrath of man worketh not the righteousness of God we ought to be ready to hear at all times you're swift to hear you know people are talking I'm gonna be listening but you're slow to speak because you need to be able to process what you hear we ought not to just be reactive and get all emotional when you hear something you don't like you know take a minute to process it before you respond if it even requires a response not everything requires a response and not everyone that says something that's gonna make you angry deserves a response you need to be able to show discretion and some discernment on when it's appropriate and when it's not and you're not you ought not to be someone who's real quick to wrath we ought to be slow to read I mean thank God God is slow to wrath God is long suffering God's not just flipping on a hairpin trigger as soon as someone does something wrong and he's just pouring out wrath on people know he's long suffering and we ought to be too don't let yourself your own righteousness as you try to get sin out of your life lift you up so much now you think that you're so much holier than now that now oh man I can't be you can't say anything like that in front of me I'm just gonna gonna flip on people and flip out and go in a rage because people do something wrong or someone said something amiss be swift to hear slow to speak slow to wrath Psalm 15 we're gonna see also just having and using proper judgment proper judgment because again while I'm happy and excited thrilled and excited about great doctrine being preached and a lot of the doctrine that comes out some people are very unfamiliar with and it's not being taught as widely as it used to be maybe and it's newer to some people but then you have you end up having some confusion and people in their zeal because man you hear something true you hear something good and you get fired up about it oftentimes people can end up using that and applying it inappropriately and what I'm referring to specifically has to do with the reprobate doctrine okay where people can become rejected by God and they've crossed the line and they are no longer have any you're sealed you're secure amen a child of God everlasting life well there's some people that they become children of the devil and look we can't be unborn from being children of God and these reprobates can't be unborn from being children of the devil it's something that happens that's permanent okay but we need to be able to show proper discernment and discretion and understanding when it comes to people like that and not miss applying people that are in that category it does impact the way that you deal with people if you're dealing with someone that you think is a reprobate versus someone who's just unsaved there is a whole world of difference in how you treat that person so we cannot be just real quick on a hair trigger to just old reprobate reprobate reprobate reprobate look show some discernment I know you haven't heard this maybe your entire life going to church is about this doctrine for whatever reason but let's not miss a miss apply good doctrine and let's look at Psalm 15 I'm going to show you a little bit what I'm talking about here the Bible says in verse number one Lord who shall abide in thy tabernacle who shall dwell in thy holy hill he that walketh uprightly and worketh righteousness and speak at the truth in his heart this is what I'm talking about just living above reproach right you're walking uprightly working righteousness speaking the truth in his heart verse number three he that back biteth not with his tongue nor doeth evil to his neighbor nor taketh up a reproach against his neighbor now it brings up things that you can do with your tongue right back biting doing evil and then taking a reproach against your neighbor right just just bringing these these shameful things and and and just applying them to this other guy to your neighbor to some other person and he's saying you shouldn't be doing those things and don't be stirring up this trouble and just bringing out these accusations or whatever against these brand of people but then look at verse number four it says in whose eye a vile per in whose eyes a vile person is contempt that means hated so on the one hand you can't be backbiting and taking up a reproach against certain people but then he's saying a vile person is hated a vile person is contempt but he honoureth them that fear the Lord he that sweareth to his own hurt and changeth not he that putteth not out his money to usury nor taketh reward against the innocent he that do with these things shall never be moved and we need to have the proper balance of hating like the Bible says here a vile person a vile person like a reprobate like a pedophile okay someone who's just really wicked like that they're hated they're contempt we need to balance that though with the rest of Scripture it says that we're not supposed to be have hatred in our heart and be hateful people and just hating all the time because that is not of God there is a small amount of time there is a time to hate the Bible says but that shouldn't characterize who you are and you also shouldn't just misapply the the the godly righteous condemning and hatred and just start applying that in many other areas that's just just completely unfounded and just start hating a bunch of unsaved people but they're not reprobate it's not they're not the vile person okay we're supposed to love the loss and preach the gospel them now the vile person they can go to hell they're hated the reprobate is going to go to hell and nothing I do or you do is going to change that but we need to remember and take heed to what spirit that we have turn if you were to Luke chapter 9 Luke chapter 9 and you hear preaching on reprobates man that gets fiery right you you you read and preach the Word of God and and how the wrath of God is gonna come out it's real fiery and and it stirs people up some people get stirred and real angry about it you know just it brings a lot of emotion but let's make sure that we don't allow that to just get into other areas of our life that it doesn't belong look at what happens here in Luke chapter 9 with Jesus and his disciples we're start reading in verse number 49 the Bible reads in John answer and said master we saw one casting out devils in thy name and we forbade him because he followeth not with us and Jesus said unto him forbid him not for he that is not against us is for us and we need to be careful especially in in this new movement that were a lot of people are excited about and this new independent fundamental Baptist movement that it doesn't just get super click ish because even Jesus cry mean if you think about anyone who had a right to say no you have to be just with my group or else you're out Jesus Christ could have said that right I mean who else can say that like no if you're not in with my group then you're out okay Jesus could say that but you know he didn't say that he didn't say that he's John's like hey we saw this guy cast out devils but he's not following with us here so we forbid say we forbade him Jesus said forbid him not for he that is not against us is for us he said he's still on our team he may be somewhere else he may be off in another church but he's not against us he's still on the same team and we don't need to be starting making these extra divisions that don't need to be there for any reason of people who are on our team people who are serving God I mean this guy's serving God he's casting out Devils I don't think Jesus will be talking about someone who's for us that's not saved that's not doing something for God right and and he's saying don't forbid him so let's let's be careful yes we want to call out bad doctrine yes we want people to to be inspired and do so winning and get into God's Word and and you know have good doctrine but let's be careful not to get too cliquish with it look at verse number 51 we're gonna keep reading here if I was gonna came to pass when the time was come that he should be received up he steadfastly set his face to go to Jerusalem and sent messengers before his face and they went and entered into a village of the Samaritans to make ready for him and they did not receive him because his face was as though he would go to Jerusalem and when his disciples James and John saw this they said Lord wilt thou that we command fire to come down from heaven and consume them even as Elias did so Jesus is looking for a place to stay and he's gonna go into this village of Samaria of the Samaritans right he's but he's on his way to Jerusalem so when they find out that he's on his way to Jerusalem because there's this conflict between the Jews and the Samaritans they're just like well no we're not gonna put you up yeah just just go to Jerusalem then right they didn't want to have them so James and John they're like well they're not receiving you Jesus should we just call fire down on these people because they're not letting you stay with them for the night because they're being inhospitable to you they're not they're not receiving you and what does Jesus say to him it always says in verse 55 says but he turned and rebuked them so were they were that was this a righteous zeal that they had of like man just let's just call a fire of God down on he's got his wicked Samaritans and let God judge him Jesus rebuked them say no look we need to be careful not to have this hellfire damnation attitude just get overwhelming of just apply oh just just forget everyone could just go to hell they'll just call fire down anyone who disagrees with us anyone who's not showing us kindness God just smite them and you know look be careful with that while there are specific times and places where you know hating it be okay or in pregatory prayer is okay it's not just like well you know dating dated they didn't receive me so let's just kill them right I mean let's let's not get overboard with with these areas and it's important and if people would just be careful with what they say and not just real quick to spouting off then a lot of these problems can be solved and not going overboard and this stuff if you're newer to the doctrines learn them a little better before you start teaching them okay you could you could listen and learn but before you go publicly and just try to teach the world on all these things that you just learned yesterday make sure you know them before you start to teach them now you can point them to other teachers great people who have studied and learned and are able to explain it very well and can answer these things and no more the ins and outs of the doctrines great that's why God has given teachers in the church because it's not just a free-for-all we're not just having every person come up here and all let's just see what you have to say what are you going to teach us tonight because not everybody is a teacher yeah right okay and for in for very good reason because not everyone knows the scripture well enough to be a teacher of the scripture right I mean Paul rebuke people hate for the time you ought to be teachers you even you might been saved for a long time and for how long time it's been you ought to be teachers but your babes and you need milk not strong meat and it's a shame and it's sorry but that's the truth in many cases so if you're a babe and you need milk and you can't handle the strong meat don't go around trying to be you know wear the big boy pants and tell everyone else and serve up a meal for them just take the milk and look there's nothing wrong with a baby being a baby but a baby shouldn't be a baby for 20 years baby needs to grow and that's one of the key differences between physical and spiritual physical the baby is going to grow or it's gonna die right if you don't if it's not fed the baby will just die otherwise it's gonna grow spiritually though you could be you could be going day after day after day and you're still a baby you need to get fed you need to learn you need to grow but but don't go trying to teach you like hold hold that thought just just keep it inside until the time is appropriate when it comes to teaching on stuff turn if you would to Ephesians chapter 4 I'll finish off the story for you in Luke chapter 9 I don't think I read the rest of the verses when they wanted to call fire and brimstone down from heaven verse 55 says but he turned to rebuke them and said you know not what manner of spirit you are of for the Son of Man has not come to destroy men's life but to save them and they went to another village just remember the purpose remember the goal what we're here to don't don't get don't get wrapped up in any one doctor and especially if it's one that's contrary to you know some people just kind of glory I think in the attention and just revel in oh man just like making people upset you got those trolls out there right that like to go on YouTube channels and just throw out these comments they're just gonna make people just real mad and upset don't be that guy you preach a sermon don't be that guy right did you bring that up or no I don't remember that what one of your points of not being a guy that's just going in there to stir up trouble look we ought not to be that guy don't be someone that's coming to these churches you're coming out man going up because I just want to get people riled up and upset that's not the goal look the Word of God is gonna offend the Word of God is gonna get people mad and upset but let the Word of God do that you don't need to go and add anything to it or or only be focused on making people upset if it happens it happens Ephesians chapter 4 verse number 29 the Bible reads let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth but that which is good to the use of edifying that may minister grace unto the hearers and grieve not the Holy Spirit of God whereby you are sealed on the day of redemption let all bitterness and wrath and anger and clamor and evil speaking be put away from you with all malice and be kind one to another tender-hearted forgiving one another even as God for Christ's sake hath forgiven you this is the spirit that ought to just dictate your life and and and and the the attitude that we ought to have just 99% of the time or 100% of time and this is the attitude we ought to have but obviously there's time when false prophets need to be called out there's times when reprobates need to be identified there's times even when church discipline needs to be enforced on people and things need to come to light right and that's why a man of God will call those things out and do so appropriately and and not hold anything back and and and it is what it is right and there's some you know false prophets reprobates they need to be railed against is just being extremely wicked evil people to get the warning out there of how bad they really are that needs to happen that's appropriate but you know what's not appropriate is a brother or sister in Christ who may be an error and maybe in in grievous error of committing a sin maybe a sin found in 1st Corinthians chapter 5 that talks about putting away that wicked person from among you right and executing Church discipline but we need to be careful that we're not applying hatred to the person that is guilty of a sin even if it's a bad sin if they're if they're a brother in Christ the Bible says in in 2nd Thessalonians chapter 3 there's an example of people that you're supposed to withdraw yourselves from people who won't work people are acting disorderly and second that's only chapter 3 verse number 12 I'll read this for you Bible says now them that are such we command and exhort by our Lord Jesus Christ that with quietness they work and eat their own bread but ye brethren be not weary and well-doing and if any man obey not our word by this epistle note that man and have no company with him that he may be ashamed there's some people because of their sin because of the lack of work because of their drunkenness because of whatever they need to be ashamed yeah you need to be withdrawn from them not eat with them okay they need to endure and suffer for their wrongdoing and take it patiently but the Bible says yet count him not as an enemy but admonish him as a brother he's not your enemy now the the false these deceivers that creep in unawares that try to pretend like they're one of you that try to pretend like they're sheep but turns out they're a false prophet they're a wicked person those aren't the people I'm talking about I'm talking about someone that they're a brother they're a sister and you know what hopefully they'll be restored so what we don't want to do what we don't want to do is when these things happen is just unleash everything that you've ever thought about that person and just throw it out on the internet because oh now they're not part of our church so I'm just gonna start throwing everything out there that I've ever heard about this person look if it's not some wicked reprobate what's the purpose of doing that what what is the goal does it make you feel better to just to just throw out then a whole bunch of smear on somebody that's already look they're already getting kicked out we ought to not hate that person but pray that you know they will be restored yeah God is ready to forgive don't forget that because don't forget you may find yourself in a situation that you commit some sin how would you want to be dealt with now look if I commit some grievous and I need to be put away from the church or I need to step down faster I accept that because I want to have a righteous judgment I don't want to be a hypocrite and say oh well applies to them but not to me but at the same point if I end up being repentant I don't want to just have like oh man but everybody hates me and I've had all kind of slander and evil just spoken against me for other things that I didn't even do after I've already been punished for what for what I need to be punished for and I don't think anyone's even gonna want to take me back now because apparently everybody hated me anyways right I mean who's gonna want to become back to a place of his well man yeah that look apply things appropriately right apply it appropriately it's it's it's really not that difficult but if you don't know look someone gets hit if you don't know you don't need to add to the conversation just keep it to yourself my clothes with this 3rd John chapter 1 going back to idea we're supposed to be good ambassadors for Christ let's live above reproach 3rd John verse number 3 the Bible says for I've rejoiced greatly when the brethren came and testified of the truth that is in thee even as thou walkest in the truth I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in truth living above reproach that's walking in truth walking in righteousness walking in honesty any parent here physically that has children can tell you that when you see your child walking in truth walking in righteousness having their own relationship with God nothing brings more joy than that amen as awesome to have a child doing that and not just your physical child how about someone you lead to Christ how about somebody that you invest your time in and you're you're training them and teaching them and discipling them and then you go away for a while and you come back and you're like oh man hey it's great to see you you're walking in truth praise the Lord that's great that brings a lot of joy and how much joy do you think the Heavenly Father has when he sees his children and this applies to everybody individually when he sees you walking in truth there's no greater joy let's make our Heavenly Father happy with us individually let's live lives above reproach let's take God's Word and apply it as appropriate in our life let's heed our tongues let's let's take heed to our actions and and live in such a way that we could put to silence the ignorance of foolish men because they have nothing evil to say about us because we're living according to God's Word as far as have a word of prayer dear Heavenly Father Lord we thank you so much for your your clear instructions and the simple instructions or to help us as sinful humans to be able to put them into action in our life God I pray to please bless this church bless everyone here tonight dear God help us we have a heart to serve you Lord and help us to to get right we want to be pleasing in your eyes help us to do that in Jesus name we pray amen